From 1 to July 10, 2016, a call to action in solidarity with anarchists and antifascists imprisoned-e-s in Russia was made by the Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow. Indeed, the political and repressive situation in Russia is very hard for our comrades fighting for anarchism and fascism (and more generally for all those fighting for human rights), and many of them found themselves es imprisoned in high security prisons or labor camps because of their activism, often condemned es for terrorism or violence. Some were convicted on the basis of confessions obtained under torture, others on facts which they were not even present .
In Lyon, banners were deployed in support of our friends anarchists and Russian anti-fascists to show that we believe in them and that we want freedom for our friends. To alert up to the world about what is happening in Russia, the banners were deployed on the route leading to the stadium OL Land before the game on 6 July the semifinals of the Cup of soccer europe. Some graffiti also appeared in the city.
We would like to reaffirm our solidarity with our friends imprisoned in Russia, as well as all others in the world who are now locked-e-s to be involved-e-s in the construction of social and anarchist revolution.
Faced with bars and repression, solidarity will be the strongest!
Long live anarchy!
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