The united actions days in support of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists on June 24-26.

At the present moment by The Anti-Extremist Center of GUVD (General Directorate of Internal Affairs - SM) in Nizhniy Novgorod Region detectives a criminal case is fabricating against Artem Bystrov, who was arrested on April 26,2011. He is incriminated the article № 213 part 2 (hooliganism committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement by hatred or hostility toward a particular social group). Two of suspects yet couldn't be arrested. It is worth noting that victim itself — a nationalist D.Redkin, doesn't have any claims to people arrested on April 26 and refuses to take part in confrontments. The case was filed seven months after the accident. It was filed by pressure at the victim and the witness. The investigation is proceeded with gross violations and falsification of evidence. For example during the rummages the membership cards of non-existing organisation “RASH-Antifa” with photos and serial numbers, evidently made by Center “E”(The Anti-Extremist Center - SM) detectives, were planted in to the suspects' homes. <

br /> Disseminate this information as wide as possible. Organise the solidarity actions!
Nizhny Novgorod criminal case

On October 2010 there was a fight in the center of Nizhniy Novgorod, in the result of it a nationalist Redkin D. was knifed in his arm. The wound was not serious and he didn't apply to police. But this accident became known to the Anti-extremist Center at General Directorate of Internal Affairs in Nizhniy Novgorod region detectives who earlier had used Redkin to inititate extremist proceedings.
On March 2011 he was taken to center “E” where he was “pressed” (i.e. he was tortured and threatened – SM ) and made to sign a statement with offenders' surnames written in it.
“I was made to sign a statement. When I told that I don't know who was it, the center “E” detectives told me who to blame. Though I knew those people who were offered to me as the offenders and I knew that it weren't they, I was forced by “E” detectives to declare exactly those people who weren't fault in the fact”, tells D. Redkin – the victim-nationalist.

On April 26th at 6 o'clock am 6 young people including a girl were arrested in Nizhniy Novgorod by Center ”E” . It was planned totally to arrest 8 people but two of them failed to arrest because of policemen's unprofessionalism. Five people in Nizhniy Novgorod were rummaged at their homes, one of the flats was stormed by OMON (special police squad – SM ), the windows were broken because nobody was at home; by mistake police rummaged the flat another arrested had rented some months ago and didn't live there long ago. The arrested were taken to the Anti-extremist Center (Center “E”) and their lawyer couldn't see them up to the evening because he was given wrong information about their real location. 
Artem B. who was arrested on April 26 on a trumped-up criminal case by Center “E” detectives, told his lawyer: “About 8.30 am Center “E” detectives arrived to me at my job and took me to their office at Grigorieva street, 4 near Chkalovskaya subway station. I was taken by Anton and Rudik.


There (at the Center “E” office) I was threatened with being sent to prison, they demanded from me to tell them who attacked Redkin. I told them I didn't know and they answered that they would tell me against whom to evidence. Trifonov (the Anti-Extremist Center in Nizhniy Novgorod region chief – SM ) said to me: “ Now you have a chance not to go to PTDC, we'll give you a probation and let you go home, you only have to sign all we ask you to”. “They offered me a paper with already made evidence that I and other arrested people have an antifascit views and are the members of “RASH – Antifa” gang. I refused to sign it and then Trifonov told me : “The PFOers (The Anti-Extremist Center in Privolzhskiy Federal District detectives) will come in the moment and will f*ck you up”.

“Mary The Obligation” (Natalia Nikolaevna, the center ''E” in Nizhegorodskiy region detective – SM) told me: “We prepare another criminal case on you, if you cooperate with us then we won't proceed it.

You could become a witness but became an accused.” Then the PFO detective came, he didn't introduce and began to threaten me with a “press-cell” (a special prison cell where a person under investigation is put to give the required evidence under the physical pressure – SM) . At this time my home was rummaged. My mother says that there were SOBR militants as a coroner's jury. From Center “E” I was taken to GUVD (General Directorate of Internal Affairs – SM) in Nizhniy Novgorod region where the investigator Blinova, who conducts the case, also pressurized me and demanded to sign ready evidence. I refused to do it and then I was sent to ITT. The duty on ITT turned up a nazi and all the way was telling me something about Jews. Next day I was again taken to the investigator but there already was my lawyer and sure because in his presence everybody were acting totally different. Then I passed the trial and was put under house arrest. They had boldly fabricated the case on me only because I refuced to give false evidence which Center “E” detectives had prepared beforehand, the witness was made to point at me. Even supposing I really had made this crime, the witness wouldn't be able to remember me after six months. If I really had beat him then the witness would immediately point at me (Redkin didn't point at anyone at the recognition – SM) because we had already knew each other by the time of the accident. I saw how the witness shivered; when he pointed at me, he was hiding his eyes and blushed because he knew that I was innocent.

The lawyer met with the arrested ones only about 17-18 o'clock. By that moment the policemen had committed many illegal actions. The victim was tortured and beat too. “Redkin was too cruelly beat, he was in the room next to me and i heard his screamings”, tells one of the arrested.

When the arrested were taken to Center “E”, ant-extremists began to engage self-willing: some of the arrested were offered to cooperate, someone for some reason was made to write a statement about leaving the newly gang “RASH-Antifa”. The same evening was held a recognition of the “offenders” where were present Redkin personally and the “Stopka” bar security guard who was a witness of the fight. Redkin didn't recognise anyone but the security guard “recognised” in Artem the participant of the fight which had been about 7 months ago. In the morning there already was an apply to the the “Committee agains tortures” on this fact. They were informed that people are being tortured at Center “E” office and answered on it: “When tortures are finished you'll come to us and sign an agreement and only after this we'll intervene”.

Thaks to the lawyer's possibilities all of the arrested were released in the evening and only Artem B. was sent to ITT. And from April 27 the trial decided to put him under house arrest on the time of preliminary investigation which may last for two months. During this time he is prohibited from leaving his home and to communicate somehow with an outward.
From October the “E” detectives had enough time to prepare all required for proceeding a new extremist criminal case. By their logic if Redkin is a nationalist so the designated as “offenders” are “antifa”. Thus during the rammages which were proceeded the same day, in the flats suddenly appeared the membership cards of “RASH-Antifa” gang with a number and a photo in each of them. In the membership card there is a curve punk “anarchy” in the circle image which at policemen's poin of view simbolyses both antifacism and anarchy. One of the arrested tells: “On the second day I signed some crap which on half was downloaded from Wikipedia, it contented an information about Antifa and RASH and it was said there that A. (one of the people who were failed to arrest – SM) is the gang leader.” The moment of membership card's dectection was recorded on the video and during this were present the witnesses – soldiers from a nearby military unit taken by detectives.

And all it could be right but the man whom policemen made a leader of the fictional orgnisation and who allegedly had signed the membership cards is absolutely apolitical, there's a trojan helmet tatooed on his elbow, such tatoo is typical for traditional skinheads. As the witnesses say, they were standing at the entrance to the flat and at that time the OMON militants penetrated in the flat through the window, all this took them about 20 minutes and the witnesses didn't see what was happening in the flat at that time, the OMON militants opened the door themselves afterwards.
Therefore likely at that time the “RASH-Antifa” membership cards were throwen in his flat.

The next day on April 27 some people were arrested again and it wasn't done without beating. But at this time the illegal actions occurred not only at Center ”E” but also at GUVD office. “A lot of people saw it and all of them were acting like nothing's wrong”,tells one of the arrested.

At the present moment the criminal case is fabricating by Center “E” detectives against Artem B. who was arrested on April 26, 2011. He is incriminated the article № 213 part 2 (hooliganism committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement by hatred or hostility toward a particular social group).

It is worth noting that Redkin himself doesn't have any claims to people arrested on April 26. And in spite of police close attention he agreed to come to the trial on April 27 to announce it on public. But as soon as he called and said he' s coming out, all connection with him was lost... Evidently someone doesn't want to break the beatifull story about the strange named organisation “RASH-Antifa” and to spoil the statistics by another unsolved case. The case is proceeding by the investigators Blinova E. and Volovenko G.A. from the Central investigation department. Alexander A. tells: “ I was beaten mainly by PFOers. The “E” detectives can't settle down. Mary The Obligation called me and offered to visit them, she said if I connect to A. , I'd have to report her, I'd supposedly be given some bonus for it.”

At the USB (The Self security Management-SM) Alexander was told he wouldn't be able to prove the bodily blows and there's no worth in doing a forensic expertise, he would only spend his money. On April 28 there must had been proceeded the confrontment between Artem B. and the victim Redkin D. which Redkin refused to come at. In spite of this the Center “E” detectives likely will soon take him to their office where they'll give him another portion of “prophylactics” and he'll still have to come at the confrontment where he'll have to tell the story composed by the Ant-Extremist Center detectives.

At the present moment money for the lawyer are required. The number of Yandex purse is: 41001681003730



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