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Do not wait for the revolution - do it!

We will always wait until the masses are ready for the revolution. Do not wait for the mass availability, and destroy the act itself that prevents you live. It only requires your desire.
Insurgency has high efficiency, but this is how to effectively fight the revolutionaries feared.
Rebel can be identified or because of their stupidity or because of the hostility of the surrounding society. If the former can be compensated by turning to the practice of military commandos and safety culture revolutionaries, the second is complicated by the fact that you will pass your people from the same military camp.So do not trust anyone, even himself. Keep your mouth shut and not talk too much, even among very close friends. Work better alone or with like-minded, bred to be with you one thing. If the sink, so together.

Beginning of 2000's marked for the anarchist movement in Russia, a matter of the NRA. We had a little, we were naked among clothed it in the first place. And secondly, it is impossible to call for sabotage, he should just do silently. Arrested than those who accurately bomb throwing, and those who yells louder.It is not necessary to yell that we should blow up our enemies, we should not cry that it is necessary to sabotage the enemy targets, causing damage to both man and nature, it is not necessary to call for direct action. It is worth shouting about what excites you and what's stopping you. Stands yelling that the bastards in uniform and spoil people's lives. Screaming that a hell to live near a malicious objects and so on.

What have we got? When Not a very radical action, like smashing edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda, signs, caused by the disgrace is not the enemy, and those who had to hold and express solidarity.Even the Nazis in this area look better, even though they gnaw inside his camp, but never publicly condemn his associates who are killing people. Rather than focus on the problem of xenophobia in the media have begun to hound those who drew attention to this issue.
You fans pose in front of video cameras, write articles and so on, could not share this method of struggle, but sign of xenophobia, not only in the newspaper CP, but generally in the public media. But you do not want to stoke the flames from the sparks, which gave the rebels.
Likewise, instead use the Reichstag fire in Germany, you have taken for criticism, and announced a provocation, but the Nazis did not hesitate to take advantage of this situation.They fanned the flames of totalitarianism, not revolution, because that's a criticism that has occurred around the editorial KP and broken signs.
So next time before otmazyvatsya of comrades, think about what you are playing into the hands of the enemy.

What we are seeing more: mayhem and set fire to the bank on the eve of May 1 - it turns out, a dubious action, which does not recruit the masses and, moreover: "And who did it?".Did you really matter who did it? For you, it should be a signal to begin, finally, to act rather than talk: "Revolution is not the time, this is a provocation!".
Does it matter who blew the reception of the FSB in 1999, our comrades, or the FSB for the fabrication of criminal cases against anarchists? Even if it did not our comrades, is not it great that employees blowing themselves?
And it is important that people understand how evil are the banks or to banks ceased to exist.

What next? Statements that would suit ignited mentovok sooner or later expose and sent to prison, and no mass influx will not.That's it and start "throwing stones in the garden" comrades. Who said that it makes the same person? Are not you their statements that it makes a handful of outsiders, a breakaway from a big fringe of the crowd, narrows the suspects to investigators?
And how would you advise me to deal with the cops? Exit to the street crowd and cushioned on all sides Cop land, slapped on the head with the head? Is it effective? It's easier to be the cops you overclock or even shot as the robbers, which undermine the order in the country.The police station has always been a symbol of order. And then after an unfair crackdown you start screaming about the rule of law. And unless the law does not guarantee the legitimacy of the existence ment?
When the Nazis is not in danger on the streets, they do what they wanted. Now some of them killed.A kill because they are safe. If you do not have much luck and attacked the Nazis, cut them just as they cut you. Take to the light as much as possible of these bastards and the only way, you will protect his companions, and would nullify the Nazi killings.
And what with the cops and judges? They trump up charges against us, they put our friends, they do not care about its own law. Why would we respect this law? And they are doing what they want because they are for it will be nothing. Moreover, for this they will receive prizes, awards and promotions, for heroic service to the Government and the preservation of public order against the terrorists and extremists.
Why chase after all the cops and judges? They all do not kill, and the state in their place new rivet.If you want to burn the mansion Bourgeois, it is not worth chasing around for all the dogs who guarded him, is to remove those that interfere carry out his plan. And then the dogs and guard will be nothing.
Not so spectacularly and efficiently watch fly brains. Let the cop, who beat, tortured and mocked by people in a room, squirming in his doorway, poured blood and screams in pain.Let looks at his legs were broken, and broken, and remembers all those who are tormented. Suppose he now suffers. And it can serve as a great example for his colleagues.
A judge scam connected and plugged into the basement and let him choose from there myself, let Feel all the doom to which he sent the people by imposing a sentence.
A bourgeois deprive him of his sense of existence, with all its luxury and acquired. What use to kill the bourgeoisie, when his palace vedet new? Let it be a bridge among the people at whose expense zhirel and richer.Let be with them on one side, and maybe realize that not everyone lives their own kind of oppression and constant competition, soaking up and sharing the warmth of the barrel near the fire.

You still think that the insurgency is not effective and easy to expose?
You are mistaken.
How long stretches struggle with sealing buildings? What result of your meetings, self-organization, self and collective direct action? And what of that bourgeois and power?
Yes, they do not care about your self and your heroic sacrifice.Much less time is required to burn the building. Bourgeois fear most hardened point at which all their capital is regularly lit, everything else they do not care.
You think so easy to determine who does it, when there are a lot of construction sites angry and disgruntled people? How many of them lights the night last-minute construction materials, cabins builders, cutting off electricity cables?
Such a person can calculate only the tenants, and only they can pass it.Rebels not dangerous increase in the elements, setting the all-seeing eye everywhere, agents in civilian clothes, they are dangerous to themselves protesters.
Even in this case, you can not attack directly, and companies supporting the construction, burning cars, which carry on building the concrete. Burning banks that subsidize this construction.
And who is supposed to do? Anyone who is building Jam, one to whom it hinders, rather than well-read revolutionary.
The main thing because one thing: do not yell louder, and cause the greatest possible harm to capitalism.

If you see a crowd of people, the more fighting with the riot police, then go around by her side, nor in any way involved in it.This is risky and not justified. Unless of course you are a masochist, you can participate, get a club on the head, breathing tear gas, feel the force of impact rubber bullets after being caught and sent to the department, where you can continue to beat and torture, and then recorded in the blacklist, and now you hooked on power.
If you so desire to close the road, do not make barricades out of their bodies. Capitalism gives a much more materials for this purpose.Toss tires roadway, set fire to them, add a barricade near the means to puncture the wheels or you will cover a billboard on the road, set fire to it, in extreme cases, bring down elektrostolby. Be the engineers of the barricades, and not an instrument boom.
It is useless to sit on the rails, if desired, then dismantle the railroad set fire way to avoid unnecessary casualties. While this will restore part of the way, you can do the same thing in another place.
Of course, this does not show on TV, will not produce a beautiful and impressive photo of revolutionaries fighting in the whole outfit.But it will be effective in the fight against the state and capital.
Action comrade, destroy everything that hinders and spoils life.

Insurgency does not bring a revolution, but she does.
If you keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone about what you are doing, then you can sleep peacefully. Do not tell anyone what you're doing! And never let anyone ask what he does!

We are not saying that you should do, we ne encourage you to do it, we'll talk about what has already been done.

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