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Poland: aktivistka movement of residents found dead in Warsaw

Anarcho-syndicalists of Poland reported the tragic death of member of the housing movement in Warsaw, Jolanta Brzesko. March 7, it became known that one of the most active members of the movement of tenants, Jolanta Brzesko, was found dead in the woods. Her body was burned beyond recognition, and it is unclear whether she was still alive or dead when it had been caused by these burns. But at the request of the judge, whose duties include elucidation of the causes of death occurring under unusual or suspicious obstoyatelstvah, Jolanta Brzesko was burned alive.

Yoli was 64 years old. She was a founding member of the Warsaw Association of Tenants, a good orator and staunch activist hodivshey all the demonstrations, which tried to stop the eviction, and also consulted other smschikov housing. She personally took part in the fight against scandalous "lord slums of Warsaw Marek Mossokovskim and by the time of death was the last occupant of the house, representing a tidbit of real estate.

Yola lived in the building, which belonged to the state housing fund, but then it was privatized.The area where she lived, attracted developers, who are next to her home built luxury housing with the cost of apartments at 5000 Euro per sqm Yoli ordeal began April 27, 2006, when in front of her apartment there was a group of 10 people who took pounding on the door. It turned out, as she later learned that her apartment, which was in the public housing stock, fell into private hands.

The same shocking news got thousands of people in Warsaw, for such is the policy of the city - not to inform the tenants that someone said about their claims to their homes or even just do not tell them that their homes have been privatized.Many if not most of the tenants know about it retroactively (1).

Among these was privatizer Marek Mossakovskii, a homeowner who uses so notorious that his condemnation of even the neoliberal architects of privatization. Mossakovskii hobby is buying up the rights in real estate. Several years ago, pre-war owners or their heirs have been difficult to recover property that was transferred to the city after the war.For ordinary people who have no ties, and today it is quite difficult.

That's why some people have the rights to property, but did not have the legal savvy, and sold them. Mossakovskii, as is known, bought the rights to real estate for 50 zlotys (12.5 euros) per property, which he then tried to sell for 1.25 million euros (2). A specialist in antiques, he can also get hold of any old papers and documents. He acquired a claim to the many objects of property under unclear circumstances (3).

This slumlord gained popularity due to their unscrupulous tactics of squeezing people out of their apartments.When he could not scare them first, often illegal attempts to impose their huge rents and charges, "began the other methods. In the case of home Yoli, a few days after the first visit Mossakovskii, residents received a letter from him. In it he stated that since the property was transferred to its ownership, they are all "illegal" residents of the building. (This is a direct violation of the law, because even if he wants to remove them, he should have been for 3 years before to send them a notice or provide them with new housing).

But as he considered them "illegal", he demanded that they pay him extra for the "loss" of almost 500 euros a month.

Yola knew it was illegal and refused to pay. Like many other people caught up in her situation, her rent is now far exceeded its revenues. (Just recently she began to receive about 350 euros per month). And then began the persecution of another kind.Mossakovskii even tried to break into her house and register the apartment as his residence.

In contrast, Yoli, who could not get an apartment instead of the city, Mossakovskii millionaire owner of real estate throughout the city, is a tenant of social housing. (No one knows whether he really lives there, but he has an apartment).

When the city government privatized housing, they seldom provide the same tenants in return. Over the past year has been granted only 90 apartments.When people find themselves in this situation, city officials are studying their income and, since the criteria strongly underestimated, many people (even seniors) do not receive the right to social housing in return.

Bureaucrats who are engaged in the destruction of social housing, seeking at all costs refuse to provide even going to the violation of all norms. In the case of Yoloy, she was denied the right to housing under the pretext that her daughter had a flat. Although this should not matter, we know that the authorities sometimes say to people who lost their apartments and asking for a replacement, that they may live with parents or children - even in other cities.

Yolu, this situation has angered and she decided to fight back.In the movement of residents, she fought for the change in housing policy so that other people do not have to experience what she experienced.

Despite the fact that her case was still before the court Mossakovskii said that it is in his debt and that debt is more than 20.000 euros. At the time of her death she was the last tenant left in the house.

Yoli's daughter reported that her mother had disappeared under very mysterious circumstances.A few days later she was informed that on the same day that Yola was lost in the woods was found charred body. It was burned beyond recognition, but some items that were with her, failed to destroy, including her house keys, eyeglasses and hearing aids.

No one is sure that the police were interested in investigating the case. Although all indications are that Yola was killed by an extremely brutal way, police are trying to offer "alternate versions" such as suicide or that Yola was probably "a member of the sect."It is unclear whether the motives for the creation of such "alternative versions".

One thing is certain: the people involved in the movement of tenants, are blamed for what happened at the wrong housing policy that puts tenants in public housing in dependence on unscrupulous speculators and owners of slum dwellers.

We swear that we will not forget the ordeal Yoli and her contribution to the struggle that we will continue with greater determination.

Do not forget, not forgive!


1. Therefore, we got hold of and published official documents
municipal authority, installed and warn those who may be affected.

2. See:, 34,889.7958665, Mial_tylko_50_zl__teraz_ma_kamienice.html # ixzz1G1OpNKlu

3.We have succeeded in Warsaw for the first time to block one of the illegal attempts of privatization. In this scam also figured Mossakovskii.


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