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Interview with ecologist Alexander Nikitin of the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima Daishev Japan, the reasons for the situation and possible consequences for Russia

Publish the interview on the causes and possible consequences of the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan Daishev with a known environmentalist Alexander Nikitin. Recall Nikitin - Chairman of the international environmental organization Bellona, ​​a prominent Russian expert on nuclear and radiation safety.

Alexander Konstantinovich, all now discussing what is happening in Japan. An already serious environmental consequences, and what can be done?

Environmental impacts will depend heavily on the development of the situation.At each NPPs Fukushima Daishev there are four barrier (foreign) security first - Shell fuel elements (cartridges), the second - the reactor vessel, the third - the inner containment (steel-concrete container) and the fourth - the outer containment building (most power). At 20.00 Moscow time on March 14 in an explosion on the first and third power partially destroyed the building units, ie destroyed four security barrier.

Worst-case scenario of further development of the accident: as a result of termination of the cooling cores of the reactor at a temperature of about 2200 degrees Celsius, will their melting and destruction of cladding, ie, the destruction of the first barrier of security.The temperature and pressure inside the reactor will grow uncontrollably, which can lead to loss of containment of the reactor vessel.

In case of depressurization (fusion of) the reactor vessel, which is the second and the main security barrier, highly radioactive fission products will come from the reactor into the inner konteyment.To prevent an explosion or internal depressurization konteymenta will need to remove the pressure, releasing the limits of the last safety barrier, ie domestic containment, steam and other products, including high-level.

The situation may be exacerbated by the fact that in one of the reactors used uranium-plutonivoe fuel (MOX), fission products which are much more dangerous than uranium.

Is it possible contamination as a result of what happened?

As a result of worst-case scenario, of course, that the bulk of radioactive particles fall to the territory of Japan and the surrounding waters.Much will depend on the direction and strength of wind. However, as the experience of Chernobyl, when the radioactive cloud was covered almost all the northern hemisphere, with a large release of a Japanese nuclear power plant, the radioactive cloud could reach the continent.

As far as what is happening in Japan can affect Russia? Is it time to stock up on iodine and dosimeters?

As already stated, when a large release and the corresponding wind cloud can cover the part of Russian territory.Levels of radioactivity and the exact location of the covering the currently difficult to predict, but this risk can not be ruled out.

Do you think it possible at all nuclear power in areas such seismically dangerous?

On mind, so if the use of nuclear energy, then, of course, you should choose the most secure areas. Although it is very fast changes occur in nature, and "guess" or figure out what area is safe, but some - a dangerous, almost impossible.But the fact that nuclear power can not be built and used in earthquake-prone areas - it is an axiom.

Is a repeat of accidents similar to the NPP "Fukushima-1", the Russian nuclear power plants? In particular, in pine forest and the Baltic NPP?

It is difficult to draw an analogy. Everyone was talking about what can not be similar to what happened in Chernobyl. But today we see similar. Of course, and other causes, and extent of the other, but what is happening in Japan, called a nuclear accident - as in Chernobyl.Therefore, the accident in Pine Forest, too, can happen. The only question is when and for what reason. It's like a car break down: not guaranteed to avoid it.

How dangerous in connection with what is happening in Japan, Russia plans to build floating nuclear power stations?

We hope that the first thing that would make Russia after the Japanese tragedy - because it refuses to build floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) as a very dangerous project.Continue to persist in this direction is impossible. It's suicide.

As far as the Far East is being protected from the effects of tsunamis and earthquakes? Happened - the authorities will be ready?

Happened - the Russian authorities will not be ready! I had the opportunity to check the readiness of the military. And we have numerous examples: Chernobyl accident at the power plant, forest fires in the summer of 2010. For once the authorities were ready to man-made or natural disasters? But the Far East - such as earthquake-prone areas, like Japan.And there might repeat the same natural disaster.

Why Chernobyl accident at school and GES did not teach us anything? Quarter of a century has passed since the Chernobyl accident - is it really safe nuclear power remains at the same level? What are the causes? In negligence? In unprofessional? In the belief that the thunder did not break out?

I think today the reason for the complex. Everything that is listed, it is necessary to avit more greed (the desire to obtain money by any means, even when the methods of making threatening someone's life or health) and the absolute indifference of those who decides to those of the solutions can be strongly affected.


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