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Russia occupies 127th place in the world of public health

Russia ranked 127th in the world in terms of public health. Gosrahody on health in Russia is even less than in third world countries, such as Costa Rica, Cuba, Lithuania, Turkey and Chile. In this case, according to the World Health Organization, up to 90% of the funds allocated from the state budget are wasted in the RF wasted. Judging by the mortality, the most effective medicine in the North Caucasus, and the highest mortality rate - in Central Russia. Russia occupies 127 th place in terms of health, 130 th on the integral performance health system.

However, the reason for such dramatic statistics not only in underfunding, but also a lack of effective management and organization of medical care.

Officially recorded cases in Russia aid of inadequate quality for almost 10%, 13% - hospitalization without medical indications, 11% - were diagnosed incorrectly. According to the Academy of Medical Sciences, at least one third of diagnoses in Russia is placed incorrectly.

In Russia die from cardiovascular disease are seven times more frequently than in France (the country is the best rated in terms of health, WHO), in four and a half times higher than in the U.S..

Health Ministry chief cardiologist Eugene Chazov on speech in the Duma in late February, lamented the fact that the number of heart attacks among young and working age is increasing every year, and prevention efforts, including with patients who have already suffered a heart attack, at a very low level .People who have suffered a heart attack, continue to be treated with medicines, which are obsolete, and such an advanced method such as angioplasty (restoration of narrowed arteries and veins), applied in our country, one-time fee.

One of the main reasons for the low quality of health care, which is repeatedly told doctors and officials - under-funded sector.Russia spends on health care 3,7% of GDP, while in European countries, these costs account for 7-8% of GDP or higher.

Public spending on health care in Russia is even lower than in countries with significantly lower or similar to Russia, GDP per capita, for example in Costa Rica, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Chile.

WHO experts meanwhile been proved directly proportional relationship of public health from investing in health.So, if the state spends on average $ 10 per citizen per year, the biological capacity of a citizen are not implemented by more than 50%, and if a thousand dollars, the citizens of this country can expect a 75 percent implementation. According to the Health Ministry in Russia today, a third of hospitals and clinics are in poor condition, while more than half of the equipment is operated for more than ten years.

In the world, WHO has estimated that between 20% to 40% of funds for health care is wasted idling.In Russia, these estimates reach 90%. Among the obvious shortcomings of the Russian health care - lack of adequate outpatient (ambulatory care inefficiency leads to hospitalization in 17% of cases), unreasonably long periods of stay in hospital, lack of preventive work, lack of specialists, etc.

For example, the cardiovascular centers do not have enough skilled personnel who could work on a modern cardio equipment.In Khakassia still inactive only in the whole republic Cardiovascular Center. However, it is not only low-skilled doctors, but also in their lack of motivation and responsibility.

That is, it's not just underfunding, but also a lack of effective management of health, experts are unanimous.There nizkoobespechennye regions and countries where the quality of medical services nonetheless is a decent level.

An example of this statement can serve as mortality statistics for individual regions of Russia. Areas with the lowest mortality rates were "problematic", but strongly subsidized Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia. In these republics to 100 thousand inhabitants of 309.8 (Ingushetia) to 585 (Dagestan), deaths (according to the Federal State Statistics Service). Half of them - from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

But in a kind of "quiet" areas of Central Russia - Tver, Tula, Smolensk, Ivanovo and Vladimir regions and so forth., Detailed statistics of cases reaches 2,067 persons per 100 thousand population. Antirecord belongs to the border with the Baltic states of Pskov Oblast - 2,165 deaths per year at 100t. inhabitants, of which 1,332.7 rights - because of circulatory diseases.


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