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Japan: from the reactor has already thrown 5 million curies of radionuclides (10% release from the Chernobyl accident)

Release of radiation from a Japanese nuclear power plant emergency Fukushima-1 continues. According to the experts for the week of the accident in the atmosphere could get up to 5 million curies of radionuclides -10% of the Chernobyl release. Roshydromet confirms that the radioactive cloud would not affect Russian territory, but could reach U.S. territory. So far, all emphasize the lack of information on emissions continue to occur at a Japanese nuclear power plant emergency Fukushima-1, Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) in France made the first estimates of the amount of radionuclides that may have gotten into the environment.According to experts, the release was about a tenth as compared to releases from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

According to conservative official estimates, the release from Chernobyl in 1986 amounted to 50 million curies.

That is, the approximate amount of radiation, ejected from all nuclear power units Fukushima-1, on March 17, about 5 million curies or terabekkerel 185 000 (18,5 * 1016 Bq). For comparison - BMU Russian nuclear-2006 moschnosityu 1200 MW per year of operation will emit about 50 terabekkerel.Vybros radiation from a Japanese nuclear power plant emergency Fukushima-1 continues.According to the experts for the week of the accident in the atmosphere could get up to 5 million curies of radionuclides -10% of the Chernobyl release.

Roshydromet confirms that the radioactive cloud would not affect Russian territory, but could reach U.S. territory. "Keep in mind that the French estimates may be understated rather than exaggerated because of the extremely favorable attitude of the French authorities to nuclear power.However, in any case, it is already so large release of radiation, there is no fundamental difference in what part of the Chernobyl level he is, "- commented the anti-atom of the press .

In ypadeniya radionuclides are in the Pacific

From the outset it became clear that a large part consist of radionuclides from nuclear power falls into the Pacific Ocean, contaminating fish and seafood. If the Chernobyl fallout occurred on the soil, plants, buildings, and was at least theoretically possible to localize contaminants buried in the graves, in the case of deposition in the ocean is no such possibility.Radionuclides get into the water, will be involved in the food chain and, ultimately, will be on the table for people ...

Radiation reaches of Alaska

Roshydromet has forecast the spread of emissions occurring today, 18 marta.Proanalizirovav distribution pattern of air masses from the area of the accident were calculated possible trajectory of the air masses from the area of nuclear power plants in the period 18-21 March 2011at altitudes of 500, 1500 and 3000 meters.


The trajectories of moving air masses. 1 - 500 m 2 - 1500 m, 3 - 3000 am Start release - March 18, 2011, 6:00 GMT

According to forecasts, the majority of radionuclides does not rise above 500 meters, and will move toward the Aleutian Islands and Alaska (the red line on the map).

Roshydromet calculated the relative concentration of cesium-137 in the atmosphere of the hypothetical release of 18 March 1 Bq of the radionuclide from the emergency units of NPP "Fukushima-1.As mentioned above, evaluation of weekly release - 18,5 * 1016 Bq, it is possible to assume that the daily release of 1 ... 4 * 1016 Bq


The relative concentration of cesium-137 in an atmosphere of 18-21 March, subject to release 1 Bq of the radionuclide from the emergency units of NPP "Fukushima-1.Click to enlarge and scroll through the animation.

Maps -,

But here is important, not so much quantitative as qualitative assessment of the behavior of air masses.Conclusions Roshydromet coincided with the previously published estimate of Australian experts, from which, however, are quickly abandoned, as wrote earlier .

So, discarded in the morning on March 18 radionuclides in the Russian territory will not get. Cloud will run along the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka. March 19-20, the radiation will reach the Aleutian Islands, and March 20-21, a cloud of cesium reaches of Alaska.

Nuclear officials are afraid of radiation

Amazing situation occurs with many functionaries of the nuclear industry, who went to Japan to convince everyone in a small accident and the viability of nuclear power.

Arrived yesterday in Japan, the IAEA head Yukiya Amano, said the district does not intend to attend the accident. Yet After reaching Japan Deputy General Director of JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom Asmolov also the NPP is not coming.

c804628591abb67bb06967d8838 "target =" _blank "> According to the Department of Information and Public Relations Directorate Rosenergoatom Concern," is currently Asmolov works at the Russian Embassy in Tokyo and expects the visit to Japan by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to include in their work. "

Recall that earlier Asmolov said that nuclear power plants are reliable and yield of activity even if the earthquake reaches a maximum current level is impossible. "And then criticized the Japanese people, arguing that "not a serious threat to health and evacuation was not mandatory.

Even if Mr. Asmolov cope with personal radiophobia and visit the emergency plant, its action will not prove anything, it is clear that the nuclear danger that Japan would be much easier Perju terrible consequences of the earthquake and tsunami, if its territory was not at all radiation dangerous objects ...

Nuclear energy drives us to the caves

"The nuclear industry has always said that environmentalists want to close the plant, want to restore humanity back into the cave.But now more akin to what most "high tech" nuclear energy will drive us into caves where we can not reach the surface because of high levels of radiation ", - said Vladimir Slivyak, co-chairman of the group Ecodefense!".


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