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Action memory of Elijah "Agler" Borodaenko in Sevastopol: banners at a football match and anti-fascist concert

July 24 held a match of football club "Arsenal" (Kyiv) with PFC Sevastopol. During the match Arsenal fans paid tribute to Elijah "Agler" Borodaenko, who was killed during an attack by neo-Nazis on the ecological camp in Angarsk (Irkutsk Region).. Ilya loved football and was an active fan of FC Okean (Nakhodka), he did much to football stands cleared of neo-Nazi nonsense.

Antifa-Huls Arsenal hung a banner "Agler - murdered System hands bastards.""With this action we have demonstrated that football fans remember standing on the solid anti-racist positions and sacrificed their lives in the struggle of power and racism."

After the rally a banner was posted on the antifascist concert of "210" (Moscow).



In Moscow there was a picket memory Ilya Borodaenko

The action of memory Ilya Borodaenko in Irkutsk

The action of memory Ilya Borodaenko in Kharkov

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