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"Bloody Friday". In Ukraine, authorities have begun srelyat in working

Four people were injured in the shooting, which officials of the tax police opened by the workers. They went to his business, and tax at this time do a search in the neighboring company. Nothing was explaining, they blocked the passage of workers. Save video events, which can be clearly seen that the weapon was in the hands of stupid and hysterical people, fully confident of their impunity and omnipotence.

On Friday in Berdyansk employees tax police opened fire on employees of one of the enterprises. The shots were made on land belonging to "Berdyansk rayagropromsnabu" which arrived with a search warrant tax police, says the Reporter of Zaporozhye.

"The tax police came to the company with a search warrant.There was a departmental security company, which tax would not let ", - said the source publication. Head of Regional Department of Health Motovitsa Natalya, told reporters that the injured taken to the 1-th city hospital Berdyansk.

"In the 1-th city hospital with injuries Berdyansk delivered two civilians and one officer of the tax police.Moderately injured, - said Motovitsa.

According to the sources of publication, first opened fire employees of the company, as a result of the collision were injured, two guards and a tax service.

At the same time, workers' Berdyansk rayagropromsnaba "who were present at the scene claim that the only gunmen were" tax ". This confirms and video. Were affected only workers, and employees of tax militia have not received any injuries.

"On Friday, September 24, around 7.00 am on the territory where is located a group of companies, broke men in masks and with guns (Guns are seen on video - ed.), And with them several men in civilian clothes.The documents did not show. Blocked the passageway of the enterprise and office building. About 500 people could not get time to their jobs, "- said the company lawyer Yelena Bodasyuk.

"So far, masked gunmen blocked the entrance, men in civilian clothes have sealed all the offices of office building and began to conduct excavation documentation" - she added.

According to the lawyer, as it turned out later, "tax" came to search the company "Emiks plus", which in this room rents in the area of 15 sq.m.

The lawyer also denied that that was a skirmish with the protection of the enterprise.In its statement, the victims are ordinary workers.

At the same time, the press service of Zaporozhye region prosecutor's office reported that the investigative department of the tax police is Hugoovnoe suit against the director of one of the companies Berdyansk, who evaded taxes in especially large sizes.

"During the investigation of the case today, September 24, employees of the tax police conducted a search in the premises leased by the business," - said in the message.

According to prosecutors, this investigative operation conducted in the presence of the grounds, in the prescribed manner.

"During the search, employees of the company was triggered by the incident, which according to preliminary data of 4 people were injured, including two members of the tax police.Given the evidence, Berdyansk district prosecutor's office shall be tested in compliance with the requirements st.97 CPC of Ukraine ", - said in the message.

At the same time at the disposal of a video of the incident, which shows that the representatives of the tax police opened fire on unarmed people.

This is a dangerous trend. Ukrainian police are always perceived as a legalized gang, the level of confidence to the people in the form of a society and as a record-low.But in recent years are disappearing and the simplest deterrent mechanisms, which were previously somehow restrict lawlessness security officials. In the air, hovering confident that "democracy is over." If before the torture and murder that took place in the police, clumsily hidden, and police chiefs were trying to imitate at least some civility, but now you can hardly pretend to be: in the random shooting of people on the street just like that, do not hesitate, even cameras.

The senseless violence has become routine.The lower ranks feel the intercession and support of superiors.

We construct a vertical power, and absolute loyalty of junior ranks guarantees intercession and covering all crimes by his superiors. When this structure will be completed - any militiaman received an informal license to kill. Police state for their survival had to create power structures of the people who have nothing to lose. Are of widespread hatred of sadists and ubimurderer will defend to the last system to give them the right to power and violence.


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