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How to behave, once behind bars

Getting into the prison incident is usually completely unexpected. Further your fate may depend on how you lead the self in the first hours of detention.
First and foremost: do not be afraid of threats sledaka (investigator), most of them - nonsense. It is better not to give any testimony before the lawyer, whom you hire relatives or friends. Because everything that you say, even in your opinion completely innocuous things that have no direct value to the case can be interpreted and presented to trash against you. One boy faces up to two years sentence for reckless homicide (plus seven years for robbery), but when he changed his testimony and said that he had known the victim, he was given 16 years of strict regime, interpreting it, so he allegedly killed a man intentionally that he did not recognize him.
Often the cops seem to offer to a good agreement, they say you confessed everything, and take over some or all the articles, but we'll make sure they give you very little time.This is certainly an obvious divorce, nothing superfluous in itself is worth taking. Rely on their conscience and humanity is stupid and naive.Their profits and promote directly depend on how long you will be given. I say this not simply out of hatred for him, but because of the specific years of proven experience. Nothing should speak and sign without a lawyer pay. Free, too, can not be trusted because him you do not care, he was more advantageous to negotiate with the garbage.
Musorskoy welcome with good and evil by the investigator, I think everybody knows.
Especially careful you should be, if the case does not go alone. At your responsibility and the fate of accomplices. If you get together with someone, how much more normal without a lawyer nor that we should not accept.
This is the truth, which I repeated many times in the wild, but at the crucial moment, I forgot about it.No need to panic and get lost, it is better to remain calm and sensible reasoning.
For the same offense if the person has made the one he will get much less time than it with someone. And longer will each of accomplices. Therefore, rational if it is possible to some one to take the blame, that's just to agree who will do it easily.And this moment must decide, after consulting with an attorney.
For example, if three people beat someone, and the victim died, each of the three can provide years of 10, hanged more aggravating circumstances, such prior agreement, a group of persons, etc. And if someone says that he beat one, but two others were standing, then they would give him 7.6 years period, while two will go, as witnesses.
A huge role in sentencing can play good characteristics of the accused, so someone on the outside should suetnutsya and bypass your work place, school and other institutions where you praise, and make photocopies of diplomas for the Olympics, sporting events, and other rewards if any.Because shoots at least some of humanity can be the judges, then it makes a difference: plant some gouging, or "law-abiding" man who "stumbled". If your criminal case is not explicitly political, it is better not to publicize their ideas; neformalstvo to marry a simple fascination with rock music, environmental attitudes for wanting to plant trees, clean water and all that, shorter is better in the eyes of the judges to be a simple man "committed a mistake" .This, of course, if you will is more important than ambition.
Another mitigating factor may be a good medical and other assistance to the victim immediately after the crime was committed or voluntary compensation for material damages and moral damages (Article 61 paragraph of the Criminal Code). Ie if you vyzovesh ambulance victim (unless he needs it), somehow still help, and someone will confirm this in court, or if your relatives / friends will be the victim some money as compensation for moral harm, this go you good.In my case it took into account the mitigating circumstance, despite the fact that the victim refused the money, sent her a money order. The main show court ticket.
It is also important mitigating factor - the illegality or immorality of the behavior of the victim, who appeared the reason for the crime (st.61 item is the Criminal Code). Ie if possible should substantiate that suffers himself provoked you to commit a crime words, insults, deed, etc.In my case it was a debt that I did not give the victim, forcing him to take power.
But all this only makes sense if you are baked with a will to relatives, uncles, aunts, friends, former classmates, or at least someone. From the man who nobody wants, the court does not stand on ceremony. And most certainly, do not wait for a special invitation when a friend is in trouble, do not ask "how are you?", And to take and something concrete to help, because help for any need, but not everyone will dare ask about it.
Only through coordinated and timely support from relatives, friends and counsel I received 3,5 years of paper on which the designated period of 7 to 12 years imprisonment.
Equally important issue - it's relationships with other zekami.We must discard the TV-bred prejudices that Zeki - a slow-witted bespredelschik, and to understand one thing: the prison are the same people, as everywhere else, just put them before you. All of them former workers or farmers, can businessmen be programmers, they are all somebody's fathers, husbands, sons (or mothers, wives, daughters), all of them once, too, were at liberty, and were loved by someone.It is clear that bespredelschik found everywhere, but in prison, contrary to quickly put in place. At least, the likelihood that you will beat for no reason or prirezhut minimal. If nakosyachish, then yes, you will get, but if you're sitting just recently, we will treat with understanding. Fighting between zekami - a very rare case.
Through psychological pressure, the subring probably have to go, but it's not only funny, or show-off, but check how you're behaving, you're a man, how strong and confident.
On how you yourself immediately placed all depends to remain in jail.If zalezesh into some mud, even accidentally, then the road back will not. So do not jump to conclusions and climb anywhere is not necessary. The first time, we must look at what this world is what it relations laws. It is especially important to refrain from transactions with debris, which at first seem innocuous and disposable, but then tightened, and then you can not help but notice how find yourself a bitch or a goat. At first it may seem that run in any muzykalke, vocal and instrumental studio shirpotrebke or barber shop - a harmless and necessary work, but when you understand what's going on bestiality, that rent and substituted it without batting an eye, that by any means cashing in on all that many are ready in order to take the place of pouyutney, then he is going in the affected.If you go to work in shirpotrebku, dining room, bath or other institution hoz.obslugi, it will remain forever a goat. This means you will most likely devoid of support from the decent prisoners, and in places such as prisons and the area is known must be posplochenney.Otherwise, garbage crush.
If they give you a general regime, not strict, then the debris can offer to stay and work in the prison itself (and not go to the area) and the prison will be free at half time. Very attractive prospect for many reasons, but if you want to save the human dignity of this proposal should be refused, or from kozlyachey skins are not vylezesh, but with parole can still throw.
You can choose a path where to go, when will sit at least a year or two and make some conclusions.If somewhere polezesh before you can crap a lot of fatal mistakes.
This is - as regards relations with the trash - on the proposal is better not to disagree and not believe them. With zekami much more complicated, but when you understand their world, then you realize that all these concepts that seem freaks actually have common sense and are objective reasons. Once in the chamber should stay confident, not afraid of pressure and their own shadows, speak firmly. Going into the camera, must say hello, introduce yourself (you just ask who, where) learn (in the normal huts people immediately presented themselves) to ask whether there is free shkonki and put things.If before that you were given garbage bowl, they should first wash and then put on a hostel (a table in the chamber). We must ask whether all in all exactly for life. If someone was previously a horse, goat, Shnyrov etc., I must say right away about it. In small huts (cells) are usually rubbish themselves all put on suits - the men with the men and lads, coat with fur, with roosters roosters. But in larger cottages can be all.Then you must know who is who, and where whose seats. The huts are divided into human (honest), siege (wool) and obizhenki (rooster). If you have everything in life exactly, but you threw garbage in the servants' hut not (this is rare), then the behavior depends on your fate. If you stay, then he'll be the same if you ask, what would you have translated, it means broken, then there is still hair will become. Lomov - those who ask trashes protection, with cops trying to solve problems with zekami. Wool - it and the goats, and horses, a dray, and fuflyzhniki and huckster - all together.So the only way out - the rest ache. First, in an amicable way, but steadily and firmly tell them that the cops were called and asked to translate them, because They are afraid of you. Or yourself say rubbish, if not obscured from the house coat, then taken her. If this requirement is ignored, you should jump at the goats with his fists, beat kipishevat to trash themselves rushed and scattered the hut. Then they will do it immediately. As it may seem absurd, cruel and negumannoo, it's better to do, so you do not feel sorry.Because how can you sit with informers, goats, traitors? There's nothing to be afraid or ashamed, because among those who called most of the hair - really rotten, which hang down, people have lost their conscience. Plus, you can refuse to put him on purpose to break you. This is called a "press-Hata, because there really can be pressed. Found among the fur good guys, but they do absolutely nothing to lose by what you have to be broken. But generally this development is unlikely.
In human hut you just tell the basic rules: after dalnyaka (toilet) to wash your hands, do not walk on dalnyak when someone eats (becausestench instantly at odds throughout the cottage), etc. As the saying goes: the first three days you - the visitor. You are correct and advise, if something goes wrong. Anything that does not clear you can ask without embarrassment, sensible people explain. But then the jamb will talk tough. We must talk less, listen more and watch. You will not be forced to do something, but by your conduct and actions will emerge relevant to you. And it means a lot.Should not be interested in someone that sits behind - it can be seen as operational activities. You can only ask what article of man. About your article also did not have to tell, especially something that is not talked trash, if only because now so many cameras are tapped.
Usually, if the hut is not full, then everyone has their own shkonka (bed), and if more people than shkonok, then sleep in the queue for free. Previously, it happened that the people packed into the camera, packed like sardines - 15 people shkonok 80. Now seems to be poprostorney costs.
In small huts usually cigarettes and food products overall, but possible options, such as cigarettes, each individual, and the products overall, and in large cottages are almost always all it's a private, or with one or more people you can semeynichat (hlebnichat), then y you have everything in common with each other, all these aspects should immediately explain any interest in himself.
In the cleaning and other work in the camera, you are doing for yourself there's nothing dumb (shameful, shameful) if you do it on an equal basis with others.If it becomes someone's permanent duty, he turns into Shnyrov.One who prepares someone cleans up after them, washing dishes, washes called horse - the post is not respectable and shameful.
An important feature of prisons - the road. They still are called veins in prison, because they dealt with many important issues, made the case, gang agree how to behave on court, etc. Through the windows (triple bars) run empty bags on a string, they fly to the windows of neighboring cells, where they are caught, instead of thread pull cord and it pulls notes to each other, tea, candy and cigarettes.With Khatami at the bottom and the top is easier to catch - just throw cord with a load, or catch something you take off the top. Thus connected to virtually all of the cameras. This activity is called roads. Each hut runs, who drove them, who went on stage or freed people to find their associates and friends. This activity takes a lot of time and effort, but very useful. Garbage is constantly terminated the road and take away the ropes, so they must weave again, dismissing sweaters, blankets and other things.
In addition to some huts road being established through the toilet.One end of a rope with thorns washed off in a toilet in the pipes is intertwined with a rope to another hut, and just as lace oneself to tight note. In neighboring huts can talk through the cracks and holes in walls (Kabura - emphasis on "a"), for sewage and ventilation pipes. Building roads is usually involved in all decent prisoners and wriggle out of this is not necessary - it is very responsible. For these cases debris is often threatened, the press, written report, can be put in solitary confinement, but it's not so bad.
The most difficult in a relationship with zekami may be just talk.During the bazaar should follow, not to tell a fact that can not understand. Initially used to a new lexicon hard. We have to avoid certain words such as "offense" (as offended - it's rooster), no one tries to send (for it may break) and be careful when asking questions. Some may be provocative, calculated purely on a Clip Available.
As soon as the bully in the house you take an interest "who are you?" Or "someone in life?".Suffice it to say "man" or "boy". Same thing if you ask "Are all well in life?". "Yes" responsible men, brothers, tramps and thieves - a decent suit. Dishonorable - goats, snitches, horses, fuflyzhniki (who lost, but was unable to repay a debt), huckster, and the lowest suit - Cocks (offended, fag, holed punched ...). Offended forced to do the dirty work (to wash toilets, take out the garbage ...) and not just dirty. They contemptuously refer to different things they can not touch, any contact with them, except in the case, is excluded.Some of them (with their consent), separate Zeki poryat ass, disagreeing with the fact that active homosexuality - homosexuality, too.
Provocative questions can be like "you have had intercourse with my girlfriend?". Understanding by the proximity of the usual sex, some guys say "yes" and sometimes leave because of this in petushatnyu because Zeki under the proximity understand Muffdiving. May ask "Are you drunk ass in a fight?" And the key word here "in the ass fight," ie, flogged. If you hurry with the answer, the result may be the same.But again this is rare, and mostly people understand that finding fault with words - it gadskoe. Reptiles - is also a separate suit. So we call those who broke someone's fate, or from whom suffered in common, situation in the area and so on. peStarye Zeki often plaguing questions about your sex life. They better stop immediately and firmly say that it is not their business. But the most important thing when such matters do not hesitate, do not slow down, otherwise they will push harder and make fun of them. The problem for many kids that are afraid to say superfluous word, rumple, mumbles.Some questions better to know precise wording such as "decent prisoner - one who is not alien to human and thieves and who pays attention to the general," the general is going to need to cross (the hospital), under the roof (in prison). " On the question of "what in the area going to do?" It is better not to argue, but to say "serve his sentence." Ie better to be brief to avoid any incidental matters.
Fun can still be very different, for example, can tell you that you have the right to visit a swimming pool, cinema, market, or that you were given an iron, you write about this statement by the chief of the prison and looks silly, giving his duty.A Zeki at this time really laugh. May be guessing different logic puzzles. With them I had no problems since from school they trained. Problem with matches also to be addressed. To the question "in which three-letter word" I "and three" r ", I answered correctly after 20 minutes of deliberation, although I have argued that no one can think of. But it's all fairly harmless game. But if the offer to play for money or cigarettes in backgammon, cards or dominoes, better, do not hesitate to refuse.I've been here so many cases had seen enough, when the boys begin to play a pack of cigarettes, then the excitement takes over, losing tens of thousands of rubles, impoverish families, and if money can not be found, then into slavery for the entire term or run to the trash. Therefore, as it experienced Zeki not mollify, the interest is not worth playing.
Even when you're playing for fun, we can not say "Play for Fun", considering it means "on the ass."
On a strict regime is easier in some respects, becausemore adults are sitting here who understand a lot of people had seen that to the little things to find fault will not, and where everything must be explained. Relations between zekami there is much sensible and more humane than the common mode, where they can dig up any words, any situation to beat so that you will not know what to do, punish not understanding. On general conditions, if any product has been dropped - it is not there, the same thing with cigarettes, if a bath sponge or soap, fell, then the same can not raise. And the mass of various illogical taboos hinder normal relations.But it is quite hard with it all on the kid. There, children try to imitate some concepts, but the result is an idiocy. There's a misunderstanding can send obizhenku; conflicts do not really understand, and decide to unceremoniously. There's a lot of any zamorochek in which it is impossible to understand, for example, red is the color of garbage and all that red is dumb. There were times when my mother came to the Tiny on a date in a red dress and the children refused to svidanok. The kids often do not eat chicken, because"Hen cock trample ...
If you get into a conflict over this situation, we must approach the matter in an adult, to explain that among the prisoners so-and-so is not dumb, well, that on a strict regime everybody does. In an extreme case, you can connect with on the road looking in prison or Fellowship ask for advice. They should all razrulit to normal.
Often, inmates are asked to address what some girls to get acquainted with them, in these cases, we must remember that few of these plans a long and happy life together, and often guided by the needs of more low-lying
When the cops come to the chamber, the prisoners are usually built.Garbage require that someone reported "in the camera so many people on duty-so." Do not want too, because duty - it's something like kozlyachey post.
And finally the most important thing: hitting behind bars do not think that life is over, do not despair and depressed. Life goes on and there have only to endure a period to gain experience, to extract the maximum benefit andthis time and will go on full force and plans for the future.

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