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Things continued on extremist leaflets

Here in our country is such an interesting stereotype - the police just do not start, once you have taken a turn, then won something. " Recently, however, this stereotype has passed the position, but still strong. Reminding about the fact that the guilt we have determined not result, and the court is usually futile. But I will try to recall. So, I ended familiarization with the case. Yes, thus a matter of Article 280 Part 1 (Public appeals for extremist activity). anti-Soviet, shorter.

In any case, summarizes the previous series, if anyone forgot.Regional Directorate of the FSB Directorate in Tyumen region accuses me, Andrey Kutuzov, that at a rally on Oct. 30, 2009, I handed out leaflets very extremist. In particular, the leaflet featured phrases like "elements to the wall" and "paint the walls of the Tyumen Centre against extremism."
As events unfolded? Thus, on 30 October last year in Tyumen really rally behind the dismantling centers "E" (within the nationwide campaign), and I was one of the organizers.The action went well, police attended in large numbers, but did not intervene, all finished peacefully without any incidents, that even the report ( ) is. All-Russian campaign " was wide, but the stated goals are not reached - the Department for Combating Extremism nobody disbanded, criminal cases on the" extremist "articles no one has closed. Well - involved the movement and individual activists have moved on to other things, not forgetting, of course, on occasion to express their views on political persecution (for whom, and create centers of "E").So did the anarchists and Tyumen, but the rally on October 30 only remember sometimes in the case - here, there was a nice, dark, fire-show, the music ... " It turned out nothing was forgotten.
But interrupt the story, briefly returning to the present (and, simultaneously, in the past). In the process of familiarization with the case I've got the video filmed at a rally on Oct. 30, 2009 police officers from the department of public safety, the ATCTumen. Spread it here in full, without any cuts. Convince yourself that in the video there is no one point where I generally am holding at least some leaflets, and even more so - that the seeding. And even more so - the very same with cops to the wall. " Look, admire. Copyright OPER ATC Tyumen:
Back to historical events. Six months after the meeting, in April 2010, I suddenly was searched, after which I spent 48 hours in jail. It turned out that, since November 2009 FSB with the center of Tyumen "E" lead a criminal investigation into the spread of October 30 of the most extremist leaflets.Leaflets these (judging by the case) took to the police station the next day after the rally, a man whom they gave at the rally. Police to send them to "E", well, and fold. FSB've been searching for, who could distribute the leaflets. How to look - I know. But miraculously found a few more people with the leaflets (they are all new to me). Here it should be noted that I and other organizers of the rally definitely remember that this leaflet was not there and could not be for many reasons.There were other flyers, they have many left, so they are in electronic form - 1 ( ), 2 ( delo/extremizmanet2_small.png ) and 3 ( ). Then (again, judging by the case), the FSB had some "operational-search measures and found that distributing extremist leaflets could just me.Well, so have decided to investigators. Sootvetstvennno, as I said, conducted a search - as usual, a large crowd and in the morning. My lawyer came just at the end of the search. "Found" some of those same leaflets, about which I immediately said that it was not mine. Seized computers, a printer and a lot of literature. Taken to the FSB and conducted a "recognition" by the very mysterious "witness." "Witnesses" confident of the hand pointed at me, as someone who gave them six months ago on a dark area of extremist leaflet. Then me and upekli in isolation for two days and I began to suspect, and more recently - the accused.
Then place a lot of interesting things.For example, the investigator sent for my subscription to disclose data investigation, and the court found these actions of the investigator illegal. Then we demanded that I give computers because the FSB two months is nothing to them did not. The investigator said, "look professional" and the court to arrange this. FSS its expertise of other materials seized from me and found, in particular in the extremism of the article slain lawyer Markelov, published in the journal Autonom.FSC also had the technical expertise, which found that "traces of Paper Feed Mechanism" in the pages of some of the extremist leaflets coincide with control samples, printed on my printer. Apparently, the rest of leaflets printed my obscure accomplices.
We have a lawyer from the outset the investigation drew attention to the fact that "extremist" leaflet is a compilation of texts published by me on the rally, with several additions specifically covered by article 280 of the Criminal Code.That is, there is a deliberate falsification in order to discredit them. Therefore, we request a avtorovedcheskoy examination. She spent time expert from Ekaterinburg FSB Mrs. Mochalova (known for its expertise on "extremist" cases), an expert linguist from Tyumen and a team of linguists from the Nizhny Novgorod State University. Mochalova (well, of course!) Came to the conclusion Nemudrenye that time some fragments of leaflets and texts on the Internet the same, and the author of them, of course, one.However, other scientists have disagreed with her. Tyumen linguist says that the leaflet is a foreign fragments that differ from the source of communicative and stylistically. Does not coincide with mine, and vocabulary. In general, there is a conclusion that my authorship of leaflets can be questioned (the full text of expertise - ).
Same thing Nizhny Novgorod: foreign parts, they write, can be interpreted as belonging to a person with a different level of education and literacy (there really is misspelled in the leaflet).They also noted that the fragments are quite different communicative orientation. In addition, this team of experts concludes that the qualifications identified in the leaflet Appeals as extremist general "is not within the purview of psychological and linguistic research." That is, the previous FSBshnye "expert" just to fit what was needed to the investigation. And so it really does not matter linguist to determine that extremism, and what does not.This makes the court, on the idea. (Full text of the Nizhny Novgorod expertise - )
Well, actually, here. All this expertise is now attached to the case, I do not know how the court will have to investigate. Attorney on Monday filed three requests to the investigator: 1) Stop the criminal case, because it contains irremovable doubts (conflicting linguistic expertise) 2) If it does not stop, remove the material evidence of my computer (the laptop was returned earlier), as in the figures only, that it found (wow!) photos from the rally.These photos are a great number of hang and hung on the Internet and do not prove any manufacturing or distribution elokoznennoy leaflets. Therefore, the real proof he is not, and should be returned to its rightful owner, that is, to me. 3) to summon all the experts involved in the case.
When the investigator to answer all these requests (see how), it must send the case to prosecutors. Well there if she does not find violations, then the court will go. Circus with horses continues.Hunting mysleprestupleniya in full swing.


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