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Shooting near NSU: eyewitness

First of all, I'm like one of the organizers of the cinema, I want to apologize on behalf of all the organizers of the guy who suffered from the attacks of neo-Nazis. Please forgive us!

But events unfolded as follows:

November 3 a group of people (including students of NSU), concern about the neo-announced movie screening of the film "Love me please", dedicated to the deceased at the hands of neo-Nazis Anastasia Baburova. Were printed leaflets, invitations, set up a meeting in a social network Vkontakte. The purpose of cinema was quite trivial: to attract the attention of students and teachers to an increase of neo-fascism.After all across the country each November 4 are the "Russian March", where they played the ultra of all stripes from moderate to radical.

And then it began: in a meeting in a social network dedicated to films, people began to write right-wing, ideological, so to speak, the wing is, of course, obvious threats are not followed.

Nov. 9 about 15-20 people came to watch a movie. But, unfortunately, the administration of the Novosibirsk State University has canceled the show, arguing that the political movie that, in the University of leaflets.An official applicant to the film club, was even prodemonstrirovanna some paper with the ban the film club. (After the attack, a guard from the NSU said that the cinema was canceled because it had foreseen and feared this.) Like it or not, we do not know. People did not want to disagree and went into the next audience where they wanted to discuss the reasons for banning cinema and the problem of fascism. But within five minutes in the audience appeared representative of the guard. "All those who are not students of NSU, leave the university and the students I will have another conversation," - said the guard.After a dispute with a guard, which lasted about 15 minutes, it was decided to leave everything.

Further discussed on the porch of the laboratory building, what to do. Decided to go in a warm place, and most people moved toward the sports complex at NSU. Group of spectators stretched out a little, I stayed on the porch and explained the foreign students that the session is canceled, and where everyone goes. But then by the central body NSU ran a group of about 30ti people shouting "Who's against fascism," and "Who here likes to watch movies?".Neo-Nazis apparently waiting for the men will return home after the show to attack small groups (usually at practice today), but seeing that people are leaving, they decided to attack before. I do not know why, but Nazi skinheads ran past the core group, may be trying to catch up with people who are far ahead (in general, do not know the logic of the Nazis for me has always remained a mystery). At this time we managed to regroup and started running back to the NSU, as the Nazis fled after us.After a five-second hitch (to hit or not hit, it seemed to me), neo-Nazis were running too on the porch. Once on our side sprayed with pepper gas balonchikom (of course, in the future, it will be seen as weapons of mass destruction). From the neo-Nazis came the cry: "took out implementation!" Honestly, I did not hear shots, or did not pay attention to them, but those who were with me during the assault claim, which was six shots. Once all still went into the case of NSU, and it became evident that neo-Nazis will not follow us, we saw that one guy, a random student who at the time of the attack came out of the university, was shot in the cheek.

Immediately someone found iodine, a guy laid a temporary bandage and waited for ambulance and police.Ambulance for a long time did not come. Police also arrived even later (can be searched in hot pursuit attackers, but, again, we unfortunately do not know), student squad arrived and then sooner. Have been rewritten key witnesses, then the police left. There was even a bad episode: two guys in similar attire with the attackers were arrested, some of us cried they, but then the light one failed to identify them.Guys were students, and during the attack were in a lecture, which was confirmed by their teacher. Slowly everyone started to disperse, and I ran into trouble in another person drove up major and curator of NSU from the FSB or the center of the "E" (in the near future, he promised to call me, and I hope I'll know exactly). I had to give explanations about the attack, and even attend as a witness in the seizure of a bullet (the bullet, by the way, seized the only one), I note that the police officer was set up to me not very friendly (although they are friendly to us are set).Struck the question: "What do you understand what they want to attack you, they told you about it?" Yes, of course, because the neo-fascists are always initially come up and say: "Excuse me, but I'll beat you now." As a result, in my explanatory flaunts "and I have decided that they want to attack us." It is also very unfortunate that members of all viewers is automatically recorded in a series of anti-fascists, and this is due to the recent cases Solopova and Gaskarova very alarming.Apparently, if you came to watch a movie, directed against fascism, then you are automatically enrolled in the anti-fascist underground.

In the end the film to show us and failed, but the Nazis themselves have demonstrated that they are ready to attack and shoot at people with whom they disagree. Very annoying that if a year ago on the film "The opinion of anti-fascist", which was shown in cinema club "Babkino" ultra-right is not able to gather a large compound for a serious attack, but today they have enough strength to "jump on the movie, and if they dare to break into the NSU, then we would have had very tight.

The worst thing that has suffered quite a random person, and nobody knows what will now be an official applicant cinema club, who just helped us by providing a platform.Positive here is that this case has received much publicity, there is to say a special thank Artem Loskutov, for what he said in a tweet described the events.

And we are waiting for the reaction of NSU and the Interior Ministry and budekeep you informed.


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