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Kiev: Fall Student offensive (photos)

November 11 in Kiev, about one hundred students held a rally outside the Ministry of Education. At the urging of the Student Union Direct Dіya " and organization "Foundation of Regional Initiatives" young people marched through the prospectus of the Victory of the circus to the Ministry of Education. That is to say, from the clown-clowns-professionals to amateurs. The last time representatives of the department went to amuse the audience and the press stories about the beautiful decree № 796.

That, however, did not stop them then cancel some of the most egregious points of this plan a robbery of students.At this time, the Ministry took over the defensive. None of minstrel-poteshnik the rank of head of any government or deputy minister as to meet the protesters and did not come out. But the students did not change their traditions. The crowd sounded familiar to action on Oct. 12 slogans: "Freedom! Rіvnіst! Studentska solіdarnіst "," Knowledge is good! Unіver not bazaar! "" Get out mіnіstrіv! Get out kapіtalіstіv.

Feature of the action "Student offensive" was that its members were with her positive requirements .Increase scholarships to the subsistence minimum. Cheaper service canteens through transparent pricing and a lack of margins.   Clear statements of universities and institutions of the ministry. Free choice of subjects and the formation of the curriculum with teachers. Salary increase and decrease the load for teachers, allowing them to do more science.Clock access to the dorms for students who live there. The increase in public procurement and transparency of prices for accommodation and training for contractors.

It seems that this is the list of officials and forced to hide in the building of the Ministry of Education and Science. Along the fence were policemen in flak jackets, and pretty reshetchastaya gate was closed at the castle. Even chunovniki were forced to enter the building through the back door. Protesters hang gates slogans requirements. Bureaucrats do not want to listen to the demands - to read.

Trade union struggle in Ukraine is generally "reactive" in nature.That is, people are opposed to half-mad labor initiatives "top" or demand to give something blatantly the same "surface" is assigned. For example, to return the money. Sometimes people are driven affront to human dignity. But in Ukraine people are very rarely required. They are protected, and must attack, attack, threaten. Today's action shows that the ruling class and the state simply does not know what to do in this situation.Typically, such wordy and eloquent officials swallowed tongue.

However, it is revealing that the representatives of junior regionals tried to oppose the protesters. People's Deputy and Chairman of the "Young Regions Andrey Pinchuk erupted statement which accuses the students' performance prepared in advance of the political order. " Mr Pinchuk does not specify the "customers", but it is obvious that he really wants them (customers) are.Then the government it would be possible to do a cheap conspiracy.

For example, see the actions of the protesters a "conspiracy" dark forces. This works, but does not always lead to the desired result. In the early twentieth century right-wing conservative party of big capital, such as the Party of Regions, is usually blamed for all the Jews and the Bolsheviks. It ended political repression, genocide and industry concentration camps. A statement afterwards did not respectable merchants of the Policy, as liars and butchers.Mr Pinchuk is obviously not familiar with the work of their ideological forerunners. Careful with the subconscious.

Sometimes delirium bourgeois materialize in a most unusual and unpredictable way. So, Mr. Pinchuk has either called "customers" or to refrain from speculation.

We asked to comment on the position of the Regions and the government activist Direct Dіya "Andrew M." You can assume that the blue and white decided to no longer play in democracy. Elections were held on the 31st.But enough rambling answer Pinchuk MP at a deathly silence of the Ministry may be caused by other reasons. Our demands are absolutely populist. Primarily they relate to transparency, universities and the Ministry of Finance. We all know that access to the accounts will provide an opportunity to find those who profit at the expense of students and budget. And the authorities have nothing to answer. This is easily achievable demands. They do not beat the state budget, but to give the students weakness: power is simply not in hand. "

However, perhaps more radical explanation.Union demands "Direct Dіya" - call them corrupt the education system. Regionals do not know what to pick up words, to save all the thieves in the education system. Are afraid to offend the family and social parasites. By the way, hardly the behavior of, for example, BYT, if they were in power would be very different. The ruling class in our country has grown from a large theft of the 90's. Pull the plug for the systemic corruption to them anyway, that pick up the mother's breast for the baby. This class solidarity.

Channel VIDEO Photos: Links on the subject material:

Birth of the extra-parliamentary opposition (photo report + video) "> Ukraine: the student protests. Birth of the extra-parliamentary opposition (photo report + video)

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