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Secondary education reform: paid education and degradation of children

A totalitarian state control again occur. Russian authorities plan to hold another reform school, where the previously mentioned only about its full commercialization, but now officials propose to reduce the number of subjects and the introduction of a mandatory course on "patriotism" that they propose to combat the spread of opposition views in society, largely due to anti-social course of government . Since 2011, the country begins a major reform of high school, in which will reduce the number of educational items in favor of the moral upbringing of children.

Told the head of the Duma Committee on Culture Gregory Ivliev, ITAR-TASS. He said that before February 15 will be a public discussion, and introduction of new devices will be phased in throughout the year. In the long term school day of high school students will be divided into two parts: the education and upbringing.

From the study of some items is expected to abandon in favor of patriotism. " "As a result, innovation is no increased load on the students will not - will only happen redistribution", - assured Ivliev.

Object program will be divided into five groups, from selected schools of three or four subjects can be studied as a baseline, three or four - as a specialized, ad hoc.

According to the most Ivlieva, changes in the curriculum are based on the needs of those that develop in school. ""Spiritual and moral education, patriotism, socialization of the child - this is not a separate subject.Teaching any subject, we must give these values. Attention should be paid to ensuring that children brought up in school, and besides the "sum of knowledge, given to those universal values that exist in life" - the head of the committee.

Recall that the authorities are going to fight, particularly with street conflicts. According to United Russia, thanks to the lessons of patriotism in schools, young people will cease to hold unauthorized actions with the riots, like the shares of Moscow downtown on December 11.

"In recent years, in school we were given only knowledge, but not raised.The result was the Battle of Moscow downtown, "- said the project author, CEO of publishing house" Enlightenment "Alexander Kondakov. Now we decided to make a sharp turn. The main purpose of the senior classes will be raising moral and responsible patriot.

In addition, under the new bill "On Education" is proposed to introduce a standard of behavior and assessment of spiritual and moral education.According to Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), Victor Bolotov, the introduction of such an evaluation can lead to irreversible processes, as yet not established a specific tool that allows you to measure patriotism is a student.

"If the exam in mathematics you can check the level of knowledge on the subject, then how to check the student's level of morality?" - The expert believes."I am not against a patriot, but we need to come up with a tool that can assess the degree of patriotism. That's terrible, "- said the expert, adding that there" the Soviet Union just "resting."

The final decision on this matter will take the Ministry of Education. If the project is accepted, then, according to United Russia, in five to seven years, the production of patriots will be delivered on potok.Vmeste with the Russian authorities decided to make changes not only in the program of intellectual education of young people but also physical.In November last year, the head Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakimenko proposed to replace the physical education lessons in schools for some "lessons of healthy living" and reported that the testing program has already begun.

As explained by the head of Rosmolodezh, according to a new initiative, students "will continue to pursue those sports programs that will trigger their interest to be fashionable among young people and which give a clear qualitative indicators."Like 30 years ago I was jumping through the" horse ", and now through him jumping children" - stated Yakemenko, adding that the problem is certainly not a "horse", but the fact that "neither in terms of improving health either in terms of involvement of children in the interesting lessons of sports activities today do not solve problems. "By September 2011, he said, planned to reach the level of teaching in schools, even in the experiment. However, while the press wrote that does not really started yet, even approbation.

Our comment:

Russian authorities plan to not only switch completely to pay school and higher education, but from the earliest school age to expose children mental debilitation and advocacy process.While authorities through the police and the army will put down the riots of the impoverished population, children will teach "patriotism, love of oligarchs and bureaucrats.

Officials have actually put the country on a permanent pipeline of looting, not interested in that it or well-educated, critically-minded citizens to remain at the helm of the country they need easily controlled mass without any knowledge of and attitudes needed dull performers, slaves.


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