Brochure "The Psychology of Interrogation"
Submitted by Анонимный on 5 February, 2011 - 19:23 "At that moment, when you transgressed in thought, you've already signed his own sentence. Mysleprestuplenie can not hide forever. Shift for a while you can, and not even one year, but sooner or later before you get. "George Orwell
About activist safety and communication with authorities told millions of words written hundreds of brochures, practical tips, rules and checklists for effective communication with law enforcement "authorities conducted dozens of seminars and trainings on this topic. But experience shows that this practice is not enough. There are several reasons:
1.Most participants in the movement did not take all these things seriously, believing that they do not do anything that may entail serious consequences, perceive activism as a form of harmless youthful protest, hoping that this is their something like this will not be affected (by the principle " Death - that's what happens with the other ").
2. Theory is always at odds with the practice. How to read legal advice on questioning everything is either itself off from the head, and the legal knowledge give way to fear.
Regarding the first reason we can say that such people generally better to avoid, and especially not to involve them in any activities because there are cases where from people who like nothing illegal done, pull information about other road users, small the facts that gave a hint corollary to what side of the search.People who want to do something collectively, and it did not care for the collective security, not worthy to be a member of this team.
The second reason seems to be much more complex and multifaceted.There are cases when the most "pravosoznatelnye" failed at the first interrogation, and when not knowing their rights with dignity out of the cabinet by the KGB. Naturally, our experience - is our weapon in the subsequent fighting. Nevertheless, we must be able to learn from others' mistakes, not just on its own.
However, the experience of Belarusian fall of 2010 prompted the idea that there is another, perhaps the biggest cause of failures in interrogations: psychological. It was found that the questioning - not fight two "lawyers", not an exam on the theme "Rights and duties of the suspect, a struggle between two characters, the actions of an experienced psychologist for trampling the fine mental activists.In other words, it is a peculiar form of torture.
Torture means any act by which a person is intentionally inflicted severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, to obtain from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by a public official or other person acting in an official capacity, or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence consent.
So there was this edition, in an attempt to describe another, opposite Law, which determines the direction of judicial proceedings.Since it is impossible to resist the enemy, not knowing his tactics, we decided to study literature, designed for investigators, and select the most important, in our opinion, the moments that explain what methods the investigators draw from us the information they need, forcing admit coerced evidence against our mates.You will be a little strange to read the tips to investigators to provide psychological pressure, but then you quickly learn the methods and techniques that were used on you or your friends.
In the book there is no ready-made recipes, how to resist these methods, but their knowledge will help you to clearly define the purpose of the question, quickly find and make the right choices in their favor.It helps as well as knowledge of additional questions on the exam helps to relieve stress before answering.
At the same time, we do not claim that the psychological aspect of communication with the authorities is more important than legal, so we can assume this booklet consistent continuation of the "Reminders activist in communication with the police, fired a team-ACHK Belarus on the basis of the Russian edition of the same name.
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