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Valentine's Day "in extremist"

"February 14, 2011 from the start having a bad day" - with a smile says Vitaliy Leonov, now the third podozrevaemy on the case of "extremist" graffiti campaign, held in Barnaul on the night of Feb. 1 . "I just felt so - that something bad will happen today. Came to work not as usual, but reluctantly. Before lunch almost really did nothing - just drank coffee mugs and nervous. As it turned out, my intuition did not fail. "

Around 13-00, at the exit from the dining room I caught two in plainclothes - says Vitaly - "one of them waved a crust (as it turned out, it was a 27-year-old captain of Barnaul" Center E "Bulatov Denis), he shouted to I climbed into the car.The first reaction, of course, was the resistance, but the two officers held me tightly for a jacket. Because I was not expecting that I was caught! Yes, and "alert passers-by" was the drum. Just as in broad daylight in downtown kidnapped person (that is "detention" I learned later - when considered on a normal license Denis), and all around go on as if nothing had happened, and though someone something anything said or taken ... This here is our people.

I was bundled into a car (seephoto. Incidentally, the same one in which the abducted Daniel Poltoratskog oh yeah, and Daniel Malyshkina drove " on interrogation "in the center of E it is - apparently this is their regular car, especially for such cases), and even inside began to explain who they are and for what purpose I had been detained.Of course, immediately seized and cut off mobile phone - so I could not call anyone. Conduct of any kind was a "conversation" or any sign that "protocols" without the presence of my lawyer I, of course, immediately refused. After all, I know my rights and I will carefully monitor their observance - both directly and told the staff (in particular, Denis), the very first minutes of dialogue.

By the way, is just to point out that appealed to me, in general, very friendly, no special pressure (except the most banal police spreading room, which were visible to the naked eye) did not have - apparently played a role of increased public interest in this "cause."The only violation that allowed staff is the fact that kept me in the office for more than 3 hours (contrary to the law), or to be precise, I spent "vzastenkah" about 6 hours, well, have not yielded the right to call my lawyer.

After the preparation of a psychological portrait, I was taken to the Kalinin 8, the investigative procedures.There, I finally contacted his lawyer. Following the procedure of identification (two policemen and of course I was hard to guess who among us "extremists"), I gave on his own recognizance until the end of the case under Art. 213 Part 2 of the Criminal Code.

At about 20-00, my lawyer told me that from that moment on, I formally free, but something tells me that this is not the end of the story. No wonder that all this time, Denis committed sat outside the door of the cabinet, where I was, eating Snickers with his silent partner.

I asked the lawyer to go with me on the street.We went out and got into her car. And, lo! Employees of the Center of E "stood at the front and rear of the vehicle so as to prevent him from leaving. We talked a little with a lawyer, said goodbye and I went from a warm car to meet fate. The fate firmly took my hand and proposed to proceed to the damned silver "nine". The three of us headed to the investigator Bodrov ES, drove me home to conduct a search.

Probably in my apartment there was not one jar of sugar or a cellophane bag, which looked not be vigilant fighters against extremism.Fortunately, there was no "extremist" to find they could not - only the officially published historical books, magazines, steel handcuffs and a mask. None of the above has absolutely no relation to the case of graffiti, which I suspect, and certainly does not point to my direct relationship or organization of this night of art-attacks.

After the search (which lasted about 3 hours), employees of the Center of E ", hence the notion of finally left my humble abode, taking with him is all the books containing the word" anarchy "," fascism "," anti-fascism, "" Revolution "and others.

From all the above mentioned, we can conclude:

  1. Consequence of trying to make a "good face on a bad game."Evidence base, certainly not enough. During the search I have not found absolutely nothing that would indicate my membership for the shares. Yes, and the slogan "You need such companions?" Nazyvatb "extremist" - then frankly make people laugh their blatant stupidity.
  2. Under the pretext of "institution of a case" staff "Center E" had the opportunity to thoroughly rummaged in their homes a long time interest of social activists (as indicated by the protocol of the search - were seized anything, but not something that is relevant to the case).

This story was written correspondent, with the words of Vitaly Leonova, style preserved.

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