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On Freedom and its enemies

Sigmund Freud believed that resistance against the analysis in the analytical procedure itself can and should be analyzed. From how the person resists openness, it becomes visible to the entire clinical picture.

From this point is worth considering the behavior of those (and there are many) who are horrified at the beginning of the revolution in Asia. Revolution that was not going to stop in Tunis, and had spread already in Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, and possibly Iran. Maybe she will go beyond Asia, who knows.Because she had already picked up from the bottom of the shower all the old fears, all the murk, all the dirt.

Let's start with the Russian conspiracy. Of course, they explain these great historical changes, comparable with the European People's Spring "of 1848-1849. machinations of the CIA and the Zionists or the same Islamists. Probably the first type of conspiracy - antiamerikanisty and anti-Semites, and the second - the Zionists and / or pro-Western liberals, hence the choice. However, not much. Conspiracy theories are diverse, but they have one thing in common - they are always sad. In the end, what difference does one substitute in place of conspirators - the Zionists, the Islamists, the CIA, the Masons or the Martians.The principle is the same: the revolution is the result of a conspiracy of evil guys who lived to harm the good guys. This paranoid style of thinking and special services.

At this answered all members of the popular uprising in Iran in 2009-2010: "We - 1,5 million of the CIA and Mossad agents 250 000. The vast crowds do not go out into the street and, moreover, do not come under fire police and the army due to the fact that they are bribed. All you do not pay, and payment and does not compensate for the death and torture.Revolution taking place, not because of their one payment, but because the masses, especially, social rank and file that make up the majority of participants in the uprising, desperate poverty and hopeless life, its own lawlessness and violence of the state. Neither economically nor morally mode they are no longer satisfied to live as before, they can not. As one friend put it: "The moment of truth comes when the lie becomes a terrifying truth."

Returning to our conspiracy: Many sincerely believe that over the pimple and not jump.If something happens, it means someone paid for. Such a bore. They really can not imagine any other relationship between humans, except for commercial. What can a woman be utterly loving and beloved (and not sold for money), scientist (ND) - disinterested seeker of truth (and not the greedy careerist), folk iconoclast - a sincere fighter for her and general happiness (and not a foreign spy proplachennym) them conspiracy, simply does not occur.

However, not all opponents of the revolution - proponents of conspiracy theories.For example, some Russian "left" on their own, obscure people around grounds, admired by millions of crowds in Cairo, demanding freedom and bread, but horrified by the exact same crowd in Tehran. Perhaps this is why it is so that they do not like pro-American dictators and the capitalists, but the love of anti-American dictators and capitalists? Anything, as long as U.S. was bad? Maybe they think that the people of Belarus and Iran have to endure their ghouls just because these vampires, unlike Mubarak, do not like America? ..However, these ideas (in contrast, alas, from the very popular conspiracy versions) is too bizarre to find a mass base.

There are others. Such well-written Strugatsky brothers. "There are others. With empty eyes. Authentically know which side of butter sandwich. In its own way even very intelligent. In his own considerable connoisseurs of human nature. Prudent and unprincipled who know the power of human weaknesses, able to pay himself any evil into good and in this tireless. They carefully shave your ears and often invent amazing tool for the destruction of the hair. "

These supporters of the far-right or let out their fascism. They know perfectly well that the revolution in Egypt and Tunisia - are not the result of a conspiracy. But they tell us about the unbridled crowd of mob and bring some real examples of how these or other groups of protesters, and in fact someone was killed or raped, or shouting anti-Semitic (Islamist) slogans. They will explain that the only civilized Europeans (Israelis, Americans) are worthy of bread and freedom, and when a crowd of filthy barbarians, Arabs, rises with the requirement of bread and freedom, this can result in a pogrom and the Caliphate.Let's better dictators control the Muslim world to guarantee our security. "Our" After all the Arabs - not the people! " - But out loud so they will not say. But these intelligent fascists tell us about tolerance and respect for individual rights, which (alas) do not know anything in the East ...

Fortunately, this type of low distribution in Russia.But in Europe, USA, Israel referred to the subjects successfully warmed up the extreme right mood and need to evict migrants or prohibit them from entering their countries ... Here are just, they do not remember how, in what agony matured in the West, the few, but the real rights and opportunities of rights - civil and social, that this most people use year after year. How many riots have made the peoples of Europe to defend even the most basic rights to freedom rallies and marches? How much blood has been shed labor, to drive at least minimal social rights in the business? How many terrible mistakes committed fighters against oppression? Think about it and the hair stand on end.But on the other hand, where people who wanted bread and freedom, could be different? After all, they - flesh and blood of the very society which is to educate them in poverty and injustice. The miracle is that they still started to fight for their rights against kings, aristocrats, and later against the bourgeoisie, as the fighting today against their own dictators and Arab bourgeoisie.And is this blood was shed in vain?

Researcher in European history, the Russian philosopher Soloviev Erich writes: "assertion kommertsionnogo agriculture, based on bonded relationships - that is the most impressive effect of the development of market relations in the XV-XVI centuries. In some countries (Denmark, Germany, Hungary), it comes to the revival of the serfs orders, seemingly forever disappeared somewhere in the VIII-IX centuries. In one of his works Engels called this phenomenon "the second edition of serfdom." He talked about it with progressistskoy bewilderment, how about some curiosity Western European economy, already aspiring to the advanced capitalist future.In fact, "the second edition of serfdom" was a not a curiosity, a significant direction of the late-commercialism ... The evolution of the feudal Western Europe is likely to be completed for approval of a unified regime for all its countries of the income of serfdom. After another half-century, this practice would lead to full economic and socio-cultural decline.Preimages of the income of serfdom emerged in Catholic Spain at the end of XVI-th, in Catholic France during the second half XVII. - Under Louis XIV. Studies show that prominent French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault, the board of the "Sun King" (the notorious "age of chivalry") is a procedure not yet known in Western Europe, "limiting charges There" and "limit of disciplinary violence." History of Western European Middle Ages could finish like that of antiquity.Recent economic dried up in the income slavery practiced in the Roman latifundia.

Freedom - a dangerous thing and unpredictable! Yes, the danger of coming to power of Islamists in Egypt and Tunisia have, though so far the Islamists look rather pale against the backdrop of popular protest and self-organization of new youth groups. Yes, the revolution can degenerate into bloody chaos and lead to new dictators, but so far that Egyptian workers have been very conscious and clearly did not wish to be limited to political revolution: across the country - a strike with economic demands, people no longer want to live on two dollars a day , possibly by the second anti-bourgeois class working revolutionary wave.

We repeat: freedom - something dangerous and unpredictable.Recall of Robespierre and the Jacobin terror. That's just the French Revolution, with all its errors and injustices, stopped feudal attack on people's rights. If not it - the French today, probably would have lived in the same way as Roman slaves, and their wives and sisters would be fucked gentlemen sprinkled with powdered wigs.Think about this when it comes to modern revolution in Egypt, Tunisia and Iran. Think about it when you hear the arguments of right-wing xenophobes polished and sang along - the educated bourgeois philistines.


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