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Greece: general strike on 23 February (photo / video)

In Greece, on February 23 held a general strike. In protests and demonstrations attended by several hundred thousand people. All life in the country, institutions and transport were paralyzed as a result of the strike. Protest rallies were held in more than 50 cities across the country. The largest trade unions of civil servants and the private sector (ADEDY and GSEE) held the first in this year's strike against the government, which pursues a policy of "belt-tightening" in exchange for loans to EU and the IMF. Strike institutions and state-owned banks, schools and universities, with a minimum staff of a hospital, to strike out teachers and doctors, the media did not broadcast news.

In the center of Athens clash occurred near the parliament building, where over 30 thousand protesters. Police used tear gas against demonstrators after the police departed stones and plastic bottles. According to preliminary data, injuring two people, at least three of them - were arrested.

This is the first in this year's 24-hour general strike against the government announced austerity programs in an attempt to reduce the budget deficit. The country has been closed schools, universities and banks.Hospitals were working in "extreme" conditions, since the protest and joined the doctors. In addition, journalists were on strike: the Greek TV channels all day show documentary films, and on the radio sounds just music.

It was completely halted rail and ferry services. Air traffic controllers went on strike from 12 to 16 hourslocal time, at the time of the strike airports in Greece and did not take the flight. Athenian transport, which strike in an almost daily basis for three months, this time went much of the day to help get the protesters at the demonstration.

Across the country, has passed more than 50 demonstrations and rallies in Athens, have participated in hundreds of thousands of people.

Also sobschaetsya that local government officials held a symbolic seizure of February 22 municipalities across Greece to protestagainst the austerity measures the government.

Their union said that "seeks the cancellation policy, which takes place in agreement with the EU and the IMF, and is expressed in the abolition of the rights and gains of workers in order to satisfy the interests of lenders, speculators, bankers and employers."

Federation "condemns undermining workers' rights with reductions in wages and benefits, the introduction of the new insurance system, higher prices for consumer goods."

Conducted a strike and the Athens News Agency, which does not broadcast a message over nine hours.Journalists seeking payment of back wages to workers, require not to produce a new planned reduction of earnings by 10%.

Four hours to suspend production line workers light rail station, connecting Athens with the port of Piraeus for three hours - trolleybus drivers, disgruntled plans to reform the transport companies. 48-hour strike was carried out by secondary school teachers who are protesting against cuts in their earnings and plans to merge schools.

Greece: Chronicle of a general strike on February 23

12:00 (GMT +2): Thousands of people gathered in central Athens, Patras, Thessaloniki, etc.The marches have not yet begun, because more and more people to the streets. Thousands of cops are also gathering around the collection points, trying to intimidate protesters. As reported by the authorities, police forces have been moved to Athens from other cities to join the plan to suppress the statements.

12:30 (GMT +2) Athens: "preventive" detention workers grassroots trade unions.Thousands of people are still going. A set of secret police around Exarcheia and adjacent streets.

Thessaloniki: Demonstrators marched secret police. At the beginning of the march was broken a few security cameras.

Patras: More than 4 thousand people marching down the main streets of the city. Migrants have also joined the demonstration.

12:50 (GMT +2) Athens: Demonstrating enormous. Several reports that she is more demonstrations of general strikes last year. The protesters provoked a corrupt president of the General Confederation of Greek Workers, Panagopulosa.PAME (syndicalist union "Communist" Party), as always, organized a separate demonstration, which also thousands of people. Head demonstration has already reached Syntagma Square opposite the Parliament, while thousands of people not yet started to move. The secret police continued to detain people with backpacks.

12:53 (GMT +2) Athens: Demonstration - one of the biggest in Athens in recent years. Excellent weather and good mood.People are slowly moving towards Syntagma.

13:40 (GMT +2) Athens: Thousands of people in Syntagma Square. Trying to dispel the crowd, the police waters all around the tear gas. Moments before the parliament threw molotyvymi.

13:57 (GMT +2) Athens: Demonstration of a fully flooded with tear gas and broken into many pieces. For all Athens skirmishes reported burned Cop motorcycles. Several arrests at random. People are trying to storm the building ministrerstva Finance at Syntagma Square.

14:10 (GMT +2) Athens resemble the gas chamber.Everywhere the tough fights, many protesters were injured, including the elderly and disabled. The set of elements in civilian clothes and hoods. People are still on the streets, they are protected.

14:28 (GMT +2) Thessaloniki: Police tried to cut the demonstration, attacking a large number of tear gas and stun grenades. The set of ATM broken, clashes continued on Aristotle's Square and surrounding streets.

15:05 (GMT +2) Athens: Groups of people gather in front of the parliament and call upon all to join.People from Exarcheia try to arrange a meeting. Many report that the number of the crowd - as a demonstration May 5, 2010 (about 250 thousand people!). Thousands of protesters are still on the streets around Exarcheia and propylene, they're trying to get to Syntagma Square. Riot police forces blocked the street. In vmogih places in Athens, protesters threw stones at police uses tear gas and stun grenades. There have been arrests, their number is unknown. Central station were closed for a short time. A crowd of people still occupies Syntagma Square.

15:32 (GMT +2) The demonstrations in many cities throughout Greece, including Thessaloniki, Patras, Volos, Larissa, Heraklion, Arta, Yannine, Kozani, Agrinion, Naxos, Rethymnon, Serres, Kefallonii, Mytilene, etc.In the town of Drama municipality was briefly captured by the protesters.

15:38 (GMT +2) Athens: Thousands of people gather at Syntagma Square, where police cordon to protect the Houses of Parliament. All calls back to Syntagma. At least 30 people were arrested in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Rector's counsel to prepare a violation of academic refuge. People are going to Omonia Square, preparing to march to Syntagma. Central subway station intentionally closed by the police.

16:10 (GMT +2) Athens: Police cleared in time, at least most of the Syntagma Square, attacking people with tear gas and using motorcycles. People are starting to come back. Over loudspeakers calling people to an evening meeting of the parliament. Central subway station reopened.

Thessaloniki: The secret police arresting people at random.The clashes around the Aristotelian Square a few minutes ago. Protesters attacked a police station in the Ano Polis, using Molotov cocktails.

16:30 (GMT +2) Athens: One of the protesters received severe burns from a tear gas canister and taken to the hospital. He received a severe knee injury. To date, confirmed the detention of at least 20 people and 4-5 arrests. Motorcycle cop trying to fight off the protester near Syntagma Square, but the 2 police officers are attacked with Molotov cocktails, and their bike lights ( photo ).People are trying to organize an evening concert in Syntagma Square. Most people stay on it as much as could hold.

Thessaloniki: 100-200 protesters are marching on Aristotle police station in solidarity with those arrested included therein.

16:50 (GMT +2) Athens: Covered call to gather at Syntagma Square at 19.00.By this time confirmed injured six demonstrators. Set of police motorcycles and police commandos are going along the avenue Aleksandras.

Hair: 3 animated demonstrations with the total number of participants at about 3-4 thousand people.

17:37 (GMT +2) Athens: After a break has occurred on at least one collision on Syntagma Square. The police attempted to disperse the crowd, and at least one person was beaten a dozen police officers, then arrested. The situation is increasingly heating up; Syntagma metro station is closed again.

18:35 (GMT +2) Athens: the crowd of several hundred people were pulled out of the ground benches on Syntagma Square to support the fire lit by them before Parliament.The police tried to disperse the crowd, but people stayed put. After a while the police dispersed the crowd, forming a cordon around it, and then aggressively chased her away, attacked with tear gas and beatings.

20:07 (GMT +2) Athens: At the moment everything is calm, the crowd dispersed, although several hundred people holding a meeting in the cut. 23 confirmed the detention, 9 of which are reclassified to the arrests. Photos and videos will be a little later.

22:00 (GMT +2) Athens: About 20-25 people are trapped near the entrance to the hotel "Great Britain" at Syntagma Square. They are surrounded by police, and most likely will be delayed. An hour ago, 70 people captured the Hellenic Association of foreign press. This seizure has ended.


Photo report:

General strike in Greece. Workers protest march in Athens "src =" "alt =" "/>

General strike. Marsh labor unions "src =" "alt =" "/>

s "src =" "alt =" "/>

Adequate response from the participants in the strike on a police lawlessness, the sea of tear gas and beatings "src =" "alt =" "/>

Athens. The area of the country's Parliament. "Src =" "alt =" "/>

Evening February 23. General strike. Tens of thousands came to protest against cuts in wages, pensions and raising the retirement age. "Src =" "alt =" "/>

Links on the subject material:

Greece: War of the state of migrants on hunger strike (photo / video)7 / 210 /> Greece: General strike on December 15 (photo, video report) Greece: a demonstration dedicated to the thirty-seventh anniversary of the uprising of students at the Warsaw University (photo, video) & nbsp; Greece: the sentence the murderers in uniform shot and killed an anarchist Alexandros Grigoropolosaa / "> A general strike in Greece: the people's struggle and police terror GREECE CALLS: "The peoples of Europe, Rise!"

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