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Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Fee Marie Meyer

Publish a letter anarchist Fee Marie Meyer, 27-year-old citizen of Germany, was detained in the intelligence services in Greece in early January. After the arrest the police and pro-government e country's media to spread lies about what allegedly Fee Marie's daughter, Barbara Meyer, a participant, "RAF." Once these relatives Fee Marie came up with a refutation of police disinformation anarchist released from custody in mid-January. A few weeks later Meyer was again arrested and detained.

Recall that on January 14 anti-terrorist branch of the Greek Police had arrested 27-year-old citizen of Germany, Mary Fee Meyer (Marie Fee Meyer).Her detention is connected with the anti-terrorist operations against the revolutionary organization "Conspiracy of Cells of fire."

German woman was arrested by the police identify as Maria Fee Meyer (Marie Fee Meyer), daughter Barbara Meyer (Barbara Meyer). The police and corporate media immediately spread the lie that if it is a participant RAF, sought has the German police in 1993 in connection with membership in the Red Army Faction. "Relatives of Mary were denied the police false information.

January 17 Meyer was released after an investigator on her case offered to release her despite the protests of the prosecutor. The court left the custody of four Greeks aged 21 to 23 years, who were arrested in the same case.

The investigation believes that the detainees were preparing bombings, timed to the opening on Monday the trial of an anarchist group called "Conspiracy of Cells of fire."

In early February, Maria Fee Meyer was re-arrested by a police raid .

Behind bars ...

Sometimes even the worst scenarios become real.And here I am in pre-trial detention in a women's prison Koridallos (Athens), since I have found leaflets and because I am anarchist.

The initial list of charges has increased: to add to it another serious crime, namely: my connection with the prisoners anarchist political prisoners.

It is against this decision was based Committee for minor offenses (which also took the decision to pre-trial detention Fee - TRANSFER.) For my incarceration.I'm not surprised, but I want to know: if that happens, not political persecution, then what is it?

Perhaps the cause of all the persecution of our comrades are their relationships, rather than political views. Perhaps the content of people awaiting trial in a maximum-security prisons or underground prisons - an accidental phenomenon, unrelated to their political activities. We should not forget the political transformation in the courts by military tribunals, working under special conditions, such as trial without the accused or where the people who came to the meeting, select id.

You laugh?

Authorities freed from the feeling of impunity and guilt from the reception, which she used for many years, sharing the protesters in the good and bad, legal and illegal.Today, all jumbled up, dividing line is not clear, and anyone who resists, gets to the list of suspects. Everyone can be a cozy chambers Greek prisons.

The principle of "divide and rule" is no longer appropriate, the junta has lost all shame, people are again divided into two parts: the exploiters and exploited.

In this situation it is important not only acts but also ideas. Books and all possible printed materials considered dangerous, and will soon be the new «index librorum prohibitorum» (a list of books banned by the Inquisition).

Anarchist and anti-authoritarian publications outlawed as containing information on subversive activities.This is an attempt to get rid not only of people who are fighting, but the ideals and ideas, those ideas that brings our literature.

All this is now a hazard.

Dangerous, since We live in an era of a new liberal totalitarianism, always advanced and socialist junta.

Dangerous, since the number of protesters is growing, they create new networks and recognize the importance of the struggle.

From the brave people Keratea and nearby areas, 300 workers involved in the hunger strike and demanding a decent life in full awareness of belonging to their class to striking workers of public transportation and other areas that do not wish to accept blackmail his bosses, the movement "I will not pay" whose members face imprisonment.They and many others ...

The current junta is no different from the previous one. She took over from her system fasternogofunktsionalnoy, always ready to "Security" and the self-proclaimed state, armed, stealthy, which has no name, which specializes in harassment, torture and intimidation of people.

Terrorists are the new and old methods of kidnapping in the middle of the street, as it only happens in movies, publishing photos to the charges, group devised without names who have not committed any actions on the list of charges against the companions fascist laws with specific amendments; more laws - more jail time.

Add fuel to the fire and the media, who assumed the role, which is not able to handle the state.Lie, TV shows about celebrities, aimed at the gray mass and insulting those who look, they're trying to intimidate and subjugate the people.

Given the above, currently the only force of solidarity that unites all repressed. Solidarity means support, not coherence: the recognition of the state primary objective of our struggle. This is the main political force in the social structure, combined with the possibility of personal realization.

Friendly greetings, my thoughts will always be those who are behind bars or free - do not be discouraged! Because as long as there is no destruction of the last prison, no one will be free.Because the darkest hour - before dawn!

Fee Meyer
Camera 35, Wing B
Women's Prison Koridallos


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