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Moldovan workers seized the company and its products

Closed once the largest sugar refinery in Moldavia (about 500 employees) - Glodeni in connection with the bankruptcy of the company owning SA Glodeni-Zahar. As written by the site of the International Union pischevik ( ), "in November 2009 in respect of Glodeni-Zahar was initiated bankruptcy proceedings. At the same time a struggle for the company stored 2500 tonnes of sugar worth about 35 million lei (2.8 million), which factory workers are rightly considered their last hope to get money owed to them - to pay, compensation for occupational injuries and seniority ( Many have worked here for 30-35 years, several people have become disabled).

In March 2010, despite unfinished bankruptcy, the external manager of the company signed a contract for the sale of the sugar company Viktomax Sistem.This transaction was illegal because under the laws of Moldova, within 45 days after the commencement of the bankruptcy administrator and the judge were to convene a board of creditors - including workers, to whom there is wage arrears.This meeting was not held until now, and without it making the manager has no right to dispose of the assets of the company. "

Leaving aside the legal and judicial red tape for business is absolutely hopeless and concentrate on concrete actions for workers to defend their rights. So, on the entrance to the factory was organized by the four-hour duty staff in order to prevent the export of sugar was sold. The standoff lasted for several months. In October 2010, five union activists were charged with "arbitrariness" in which they could face 3-8 years in prison.Now they are free, but at any moment can be thrown in jail for their resistance.

Confrontation is especially aggravated in early February this year. Word of the site IUF: «Day 7 February 2011 at the plant have filed 12 cars for the export of sugar in favor of Viktomax Sistem. A lawsuit over this operation was in that moment at the final stage of consideration by the Appeals Chamber, which has already decided on February 8 is not in favor Viktomax Sistem, but the cars at the plant continued to load.To prevent the illegal export of sugar factory workers were divided into two groups, holding positions both in transportation and entrance gate of railway track. People were ready for the most reckless actions. Many of them worked at the factory to open it, and now find themselves thrown into the street without a salary and compensation, among them there are workers with disabilities, victims in their time at the company. "We have worked here for thirty years, and now we are left with nothing, so even criminalized" - bitterly repeating the people in an interview. "

"On the night of 16 to 17 February for about 2 hours ten unknown, to hide his face, opened the gates of the railway company, and brought with him in 12 wagons loaded with sugar.Workers who carried out the blockade, were in the minority and could not stop them. After that the same unknown tried to open the gates of the transport passage for the three Fur loaded with sugar, but working in desperation ran under the wheels of trucks and were able to stop them.It later emerged that the people who carried out the export of sugar, were hired by Viktomax Sistem, claiming to be part of it as compensation for the frustrated a deal. Currently working Glodeni-Zahar block cars with sugar, are at the railway station Glodeni. They need to immediately start an investigation going on at the highest level - by the Attorney General or by a special parliamentary commission - and to seize the sugar until it is completed. They seek an end to lawlessness, repayment of debts to the workforce and to drop charges against the leaders of their union, are robbing the working entrepreneurs are trying to expose the criminals. "

The workers are an example of Moldova decisive struggle for their rights for all workers' post-Soviet space. "Of course, we can not overlook the negative aspects: it is, firstly, the trade union organization, which is often arranged hierarchically and drew the fight in a more moderate course. Second, workers' participation in the judicial red tape, which, though undoubtedly bring some fruit (Moldovan courts, in contrast to Russian is sometimes ruled in favor of workers), yet is doomed in the long run, because participating in such "legitimate" twists and turns Working solution trusted by the public authorities of their own destiny, instead of taking it into their own hands.Note that we in this conflict is only the payment of a two-year wage arrears! And how about the fact that 500 people remained out of work? This is more than 4% 12000th Glodeni ... Workers may try to take the plant under their control, to adjust their production based on government and public owned enterprises.Yes - it is direct confrontation with the law of Moldova (like any other country in the world), but this is precisely the prospect of genuine liberation. Perspective that gives a person dignity and justice, rather than humble brow beating in the search for a new employer in a country where unemployment exceeds 9% of the working age population ... In any case, we want to win the Moldavian workers in their just struggle.Death of capital! Freedom to work!


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