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Statements by the anarcho-syndicalists opposed the war in Libya!

Publish a statement of anarcho-syndicalist organizations against the war in Libya.

"Humanitarian" intervention by NATO powers in Libya, called, in essence, provide military assistance to one party in a local civil war, has once again proved: in North Africa and the Middle East is not going no "revolutions". There turns stubborn and bitter struggle for power, profit, influence, control over oil resources and strategic areas. Deep discontent and socio-economic protests of the working masses in the region generated by the global economic crisis (the attack on the living conditions of workers, increasing unemployment and poverty, the spread of precarious employment) are used by opposition political groups to a coup, overthrowing the tyranny of the corrupt, senile dictator and by the rise in their place.

Mobilising the unemployed workers, the poor as cannon fodder, disgruntled factions of the ruling class distract them from their social and economic demands, promising them "democracy" and "change."In fact, the coming to power of this motley bloc "backbenchers" of the ruling elite, liberals and religious fundamentalists will not bring the workers any changes for the better. We know well the consequences of the victory of the liberals: a new privatization, strengthening of market chaos, the emergence of the next billionaires and further aggravate poverty, suffering and misery of the oppressed and the poor.

Triumph of the religious fundamentalists would mean growth of clerical reaction, the ruthless suppression of women and minorities, and the inevitable slide towards a new Arab-Israeli war, the hardships which would again lay on the shoulders of the toiling masses.But even in "ideal" if found in North African and Middle Eastern countries, regimes of representative democracy, the working people will not win anything. Operating, ready to risk their lives for the sake of "democracy" - is like a slave, who vows to die for their "right" to choose a host. Representative democracy is not worth a drop of human blood.

In unfolding in the region struggle for power European nations of NATO and the United States more openly side with the opposition political groups in the hope that the victory of these forces and the "democratization" model of political domination to bring them new benefits and privileges.Supporting "democracy" in Tunisia and Egypt, they hope to strengthen its influence, so that their capitalist "investors" of corruption, dictators and take part in the upcoming privatization of the ruling clans.

Helping the liberal monarchist and religious-fundamentalist opposition in Libya, which acts in conjunction with a number of former senior officials of the regime Gaddafi, they expect to take control of rich oil reserves. Along with them, the struggle for influence and to take some Arab states, which have their own ambitions in the region.

Once again, with bombs and attacks on the powers that be are going to "save" lives and "liberate" them from dictatorships, killing them.Government of Western European countries and the U.S. are false and hypocritical: yesterday they helped dictators, hugged them and sold them weapons. Today they are demanding dictators go, "listening to the demands of the people", but do not hesitate to suppress the protests of countries dependent on them and completely ignore his demands.

When the vast majority of France or Britain, Greece or Spain, Portugal and Ireland say they do not want to pay out of pocket state aid to banks and businesses, and demanded to cancel the austerity measures, pension reform, anti-social and labor legislation, the authorities responsible to them that democracy "is not ruled by street."

"Humanitarian" intervention gives the rulers of Western Europe and the United States a great opportunity to distract the population dependent on them from the consequences of the crisis. The short victorious war "for the sake of" saving people and democracy "designed to make the European and North American workers to forget about anti-social policies of governments and the capitalists and again to experience pride in their" humane "and" fair "rulers in the next edition of" holy alliance "between the oppressors and the oppressed .

We call on workers of the world not to be "democratic" and "humanitarian" deception and strongly oppose a new escalation of capitalist barbarism in North Africa and the Middle East.If we could bring our voice to the oppressed and exploitedemyh poor region over tysyachekilometrovyh distances and language barriers, we would encourage them to return to the initial socio-economic motives and themes of their protest, rebel, to go on strike and demonstrations against low wages, high prices and unemployment, for social emancipation - but not to draw themselves in the political game, in a power struggle between different factions of the ruling classes.

We call on the workers of Europe and America to the streets to protest against the new "humanitarian" war in the interests of states and capitalists.We appeal to sections of the International Association of workers to increase their internationalist and anti-militarist agitation and initiated anti-war demonstrations and strikes.

Down with war!


Single drop of blood for the dictatorship and for democracy!

No government and "opposition"!

For their solidarity with working people's struggle for social liberation!


Confederation of Revolutionary Anarcho-syndicalists - Section of the International Association of Workers in the Russian region.

Statement by the Italian anarcho-syndicalists opposed the war in Libya


Now we have a concrete fact of military intervention in Libya.Operation began Odissey Dawn, another military mission of the Western powers in order to preserve the economic interests and geopolitical alignment of forces, which are believed to be threatened by instability, local conflicts and ambitions of the leaders and dictators. List, reading that reminds of a state of permanent war, already long.Over the years, changing only the field of battle: from the Balkans (Bosnia and Kosovo) to the Middle East (Iraq), then in Asia (Afghanistan) and the present, in the Maghreb.

Changing the names of military operations: from the international police operations to counter-terrorism operations, the deployment of peacekeeping forces, and deterrence, the most encouraging peace missions and humanitarian missions.Do not change money: air and missile bombardment. Does not change and content: it is a real war.

From the outset it was clear that the uprising in Libya, a scion of the popular uprisings which shook and rocked many countries of the Maghreb region and the Middle East (from Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco to Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain) are the special features of the battle for power between rival factions having territorial roots and tribal basis (Tripolitianiya, Cyrenaica and Fezzan).

In addition, it became clear that the role played by Libya in the Mediterranean area (a major producer of oil and gas, an important economic partner of the West, a regional policeman, controller migration routes), turn the crisis Gaddafi regime in an international crisis broader scale.So what happened with the bombing of Tripoli.

The war began, the real war, a dirty and shameful, like any war that has nothing to do with the announced her goals: either to overthrow Qaddafi, nor with the establishment of "democracy", nor the protection of civilians.A war whose true goal is clear: recolonization by the balkanization of the country, it is extremely important in terms of its energy resources, strategic and geopolitical position, but also the maintenance of the continuous global militancy, which, as a shroud covers the real disasters (famine and poverty, devastation , ecological and nuclear catastrophe, the mass exodus of desperate people, unfettered dominance of profit over human needs and demands) and allows you to suppress (even pre-emptively) fighting, riots and uprisings.

War, finally, in which Italy will participate, as usual, despicable and hypocritical, do not even have the courage to openly admit their responsibility.Right and left, united in patriotic rhetoric of obscene words (President - translation.) Napolitano to blur and darken consciousness. The war in which our "beautiful country" will pick up the crumbs as the last vulture.

We are against this war, as they were, are and will oppose any capitalist and imperialist wars.We recognize only one front - the front of the war against social hosts and those who serve them. Front, which are historically and inevitably brings all the exploited of any nationality, ethnic origin, language and culture and their implacable opposition to the capitalist barbarity.

Front, which opposes the course of events and therefore can not be mere scraps of peace or the protection of existing amenities, but also represents a concrete alternative to the surrounding and ever more suction us to poverty and barbarism. We can not be satisfied and colorful processions in the world, need to act and begin to build a different society.

WAR AGAINST CAPITAL - SOCIAL WAR FOR ANOTHER WORLD, without the state, army and owners!

National Secretariat of the Italian trade union alliance, the section of the International Association of Workers (USI-AIT)


Links on the subject material: / "> Libya: Myths and Legends Jamahiriya

Libya: burzhuznaya civil war or revolution?

Libya: an analysis of developments in the country

Today, Egypt - tomorrow the world!

Egypt: The rebellion continues, the center of Cairo captured protesters (photo / video)

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