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Moscow: for Khimki Khimki hostages and forest

April 9 in Moscow parties campaigning for Khimki hostages, held a rally near the monument Griboyedov, then went to picket the Embassy of Ukraine. At the meeting gathered about 200 people. "Khimki hostage Maxim Solopov brother is in the Kiev prison Solopova Dennis, told the audience about the circumstances of the conclusion of Dennis, and then expressed his hope that Ukraine is still there adequate officials, who will contribute the exit Dennis freedom. Those found even in Russia: he and Alexei Gaskarov after 3 months in prison in November 2010 despite the objections of the investigation were released on bail.

Alex Gaskarov said that the history of the attempt to cut down forests Khimki - only one episode of pervasive corruption in the suburbs.Tables massive sell-natural areas for construction was made possible after the actual destruction of environmental legislation in recent years. Gaskarov told how operatives were seized near Moscow, a published edition of a book on corruptionLetting the Moscow region in a large metropolitan publisher.

A spokeswoman for Defence for Khimki Forest Eugene Chirikov told the audience about begun selling sites along the proposed toll highway Moscow - Saint - "under construction, and encouraged more to join in the fight for the environment and against the repression:" Our worst enemy - is not the bureaucrats and the indifference of society! "

Her comrades in the struggle Jaroslav Nikitenko ckazaleas, that the construction of toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg through the forests around Moscow officials need to fill their offshore accounts and urged protesters to attend the international week of united action to protect forests Khimki 24-30 April, as well as to sign a petition in support of Khimki forests and for the resignation of Russian Transport Minister Igor Levitin.

Semen Zahn-Zam is also an active participant shares in favor of Khimki Forest, said that the defender Khimki Forest Constantine Fetisov has only recently recovered from injuries inflicted on him in November 2010, and in the organization suspected of beating his official Khimkinskaya city administration named Chernyshov .

The representative of the Moscow Soviet Vasily Kuzmin, reminded the audience about his comrade Gregory Torbeeve political prisoner, who recently celebrated his 25 years in prison, the ButyrskyMoscow. Gregory was arrested for taking part in the action of social movements in Moscow 'Day of Wrath "in December 2010 and charged with violence to demonstrate how a police officer.Vasily Kuzmin also encouraged to take part in a regular "day of anger" on April 10.

In addition to the speeches in defense of the hostages and Khimki Khimki forest heard the song. Before the rally participants were musical rap group xCHEx, The Chryme Scene and rapper from Ryazan by nickname "ditch digger and a half."

After the meeting gathered a large group sat in the subway and went to the metro station "Pushkinskaya", organized from the column marched to the building of the Ukrainian Embassy.There's a picket had been agreed on just 30 participants, so the rest had come to stand with the side. When the protesters with banners and posters jokingly shouted to them "What are you doing there?", "Superfluous people" responded "We protest!". Also, the protesters chanted "Freedom Denis Solopova," No to political repression, "Yanukovych also sat," I Strelcheko on Solopova "," Arrest Solopova - the shame of Ukraine "," Christ tree - to jail "," Ukraina pidmanula and other slogans.After graduating from the picket both groups of protesters proceeded to the subway station of the same slender columns, as they came to the embassy.

More photos rally and picket:

Recall is currently undergoing a trial of the famous Russian anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova, who faces up to 7 years imprisonment on charges of organizing an attack on the administration building near Moscow Khimki 28 July 2010 in protest against plans to cut down forests to build Khimki toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg and repression against defenders of the forest.Although, according to security investigation falsified evidence against the defendants to bring the case to court.

The next meeting of the Khimki court, which is planned to question the remaining witnesses and to begin questioning witnesses, is scheduled for April 14 to 10 hours. Address: Moscow region, Khimki, Leningrad Highway 16, traveling from Moscow pm "River Station" bus.851 meters from the "Glider" aut. 817, 905 to the stop. "St. Mayakovsky.

A third suspect in the case, a Russian anti-fascist Dennis Solopov, March 2, 2011, was arrested in Kiev and is currently being held in custody. April 4 in the Shevchenko district court of Kiev held a closed hearing, where it was decided by the court on application to Denis Solopova extradition arrest. This means that Dennis will remain in custody until the Prosecutor General of Ukraine decision on his extradition. According to the lawyer Solopova, thereDr. did not accept his defense that Denis before his arrest, received a mandate refugee status in the Kiev office of UNHCR, as well as what is currently being appealed to the Kiev Migration Service to refuse him refugee status in Ukraine.

Shares on April 9 in Moscow provoshli within the international week of joint action in defense of "Khimki hostages."

Source: (Campaign for the release of Khimkinskaya hostages ")

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