The accident at the nuclear power plant in Japan: radionuclides could reach Russia in the seafood

Will lay or not lay a Russian territory radioactive clouds from nuclear power plants in Japan? Is there a danger for Russia? This issue is constantly raised by the authorities and the press. For the fifth day, develops the most terrible in the last quarter century, radiation accident, radiation is emitted to the atmosphere and spreads to larger areas ... We are still lucky - wind blows in the direction of Sakhalin and Kamchatka, but dangerous radionuclides may well fall on the table, the Russians - with Pacific Seafood.

At the government meeting on the situation around the nuclear power plant in Japan, held on March 15 came to the conclusion that even the worst-case scenario for nuclear power plants in Japan poses no threat to the Russian Far East.

It's not that accidental releases in Japan have ended, just wind in the smoky rectors are not blowing in the direction of Russia.In the early days of radiation drifting into the Pacific Ocean, that are released with the steam from the reactors of radioactive cesium and iodine is entrained with the troubled territory of Japan.

But radionuclides do not disappear - are falling into the ocean, seafood, fish, seaweed is now to be carefully radioactive control, along with blueberries from the Chernobyl Zone.

This applies to the products of Russian enterprises in the Far East. Perhaps, after the seizures had become commonplace in Moscow markets radioactive blueberries and cranberries come all seaweed.

A cloud will cover North America The further course of the clouds is difficult to predict.Australian Radiation Service issued a forecast of precipitation after the first massive release of radiation on March 12.

Forecast is as follows: on the sixth day of a cloud could reach Alaska, and on the tenth day, ie by 22 March increase background radiation can be expected over most of the Pacific Coast of North America - from Alaska to Mexico.

Radioactive fallout can be expected in British Columbia (Canada) and the United States, in Washington state, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, California and elsewhere.Hopefully, the radiation monitoring stations in Canada, U.S. and Mexico will be able to timely detect the danger and warn the population.

What emissions? One thing is clear, ejected from the reactor dangerous radionuclides will not disappear. Some of them fall into the food chain and on our table. An example of a complete misunderstanding of the situation has become a dialogue, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Russian nuclear industry chief Sergei Kiriyenko at the meeting on March 15.

These gentlemen, as we see, do not realize the difference between the less dangerous radiation from external sources, such as the granite promenade or in the cabin, and destructive to the health of internal irradiation, when the radionuclides with water, air, food ingested and the radioactive decay occurs inside.

Kiriyenko: This is basically short-lived isotopes ...

Vladimir Putin: The half-life from them a few hours, huh?

Kiriyenko: There's a few hours, Mr Putin.The main point here - is iodine-131: he has eight days. But it is still eight days. Given the fact that basically it is blowin 'in the ocean, it's pretty bystroprohodyaschy seq. Cloud after the explosions at the first, third and second went in the direction of Tokyo. To Tokyo came at the most quiet - in Tokyo, there were 400 micro-roentgen per hour - that's about as in the cabin.

A few hours after the passage of this peak in Tokyo was 40 micro-roentgen - it is only 2 times higher than natural background, as on any granite embankment.About this level.

Vladimir Putin: It does not threaten life and health?

Kiriyenko: No, no. If it is 400 micro-roentgen short - is not in any way threatened, and only 40 - it is generally a normal situation. People live in areas where above that, all my life.

That's right, a little manipulation of concepts - and as if there is no threat of getting escaped from the reactors of radionuclides in the body ...

Yet - on the granite embankmentnd natural thorium and uranium are kept firmly in granite, and in Japan, artificial radionuclides - iodine, cesium and others are in the air, water, soil, on clothing, skin and hair people ...

Just a few comments. Yes, relatively short-lived iodine-131 half-life of 8 days, but it will be completely safe, according to current regulations, only after ten half-lives - that is, after 80 days, after 2.5 months.

The chances that our table will get seaweed from the Pacific Ocean, containing dangerous iodine-131 there and the Prime Minister would expect guidance on strengthening control of radioactive marine products, and not unsubstantiated assurances that we are not in danger.Of course, the seafood tasted radioactive one, may not die, but in poor health and get thyroid problems is quite real.

It is also important to note that the adversary Kiriyenko "forgot" to mention about is contained in the emissions and had already registered with fallout cesium-137, whose half-life of 30 years.This radionuclide is long enough for 300 years.

Today there were reports that authorities in a number of Asian countries impose enhanced radiation monitoring of fish and food from the Pacific. At a meeting with Putin, this simple and logical measure was not discussed.

Russian nuclear advocates are going to Japan Putin also drew attention to a strange situation - the Japanese, taking care of the MOE, somehow do not want to let his staff of Rosenergoatom, which is particularly zealous in trying to prove the unprovable - that nuclear power is safe and radiation is not harmful ...

VLADIMIR PUTIN: I have a question in this regard.Our experts are ready to go to Japan, admitted to working at the station?

Kiriyenko: No, Vladimir Putin. A bad situation. Our specialists have more than 10 hours sitting in Khabarovsk, because the Japanese did not take the plane. ... Delegation is headed by first deputy general director of Rosenergoatom (our operating organization), Ph.D., professor, a man who went through the entire Chernobyl disaster, one of the leading specialists in the world.

Its ready to take on the Tokyo Center of the World Association - an organization operates nuclear power plants. But here they are already 10 o'clock in Khabarovsk, together with the technique, with rescuers on board. They do not take into Tokyo. They could have a serious, at least the advice and assistance.

Site Rosenergoatom said that March 14 "to advise the Japanese nuclear industry and rapid data acquisition on the developments in nuclear power plants in Tokyo, flew the first deputy general director of OJSC" Concern Rosenergoatom Asmolov and deputy director of the Institute of Safe Development of Nuclear Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Nuclear Safety Institute) Valery Swifts ".

Actually, it was Mr. Asmolov said on March 11: "In principle, the nuclear power plant - is the most secure facility in terms of any external influences.... All of Japan's nuclear power plants are designed for maximum design earthquake in 9 - 10 on the Richter scale.March 11 earthquake, the epicenter of power (which was far out at sea) was 8.9 points.

The yield of activity even if the earthquake reaches a maximum current level is impossible. " Yesterday, March 14, in an interview with Izvestia , Mr. Asmolov convince readers that observed in Japan, the background level of 100 micro-roentgen per hour is not dangerous, that the Japanese government announced evacuation in vain: "On" Fukushima "pollution at the border station - 100 milliroentgen.

Standards IAEA is not a serious health threat.In addition, background radiation, in contrast to Chernobyl, give a short-lived radioactive isotopes of noble gases xenon and krypton. Panic and radiation phobia - the worst for human factors. Sure to "Fukushima" could not touch people, not otselyat tens of thousands of people. But the decision of the Government of Japan. "

Clearly, Japan needs real help sober-minded professionals, and bureaucrat-nuclear scientists, who say constantly tale about the fact that radiation is not dangerous, and the questioning of actions to protect the public, they might seem inadequate.

Tokyo under threat? According to the latest wind changed direction and began to drive the new releases in the direction of Tokyo, where the radiation level has risen.Will it be necessary to evacuate the thirteen millionth metropolis, it will become clear shortly.

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