The action of civil resistance in Sochi Olympic outrage at Cape prominent

At 8:15 in Sochi in the long-suffering Cape prominent (p Hosta), the unique nature of which was destroyed as a result of Olympic construction has begun a radical campaign of civil resistance against the Olympic mayhem. The action involved 15 citizens of the Russian Federation in Sochi, Maikop and Krasnodar Tuapse, the vast majority of whom are activists Environmental Watch on North Caucasus. Activists blocked the illegal; Work on the construction of Olympic facilities, "one-way bypass to the west side of Cape prominent, and a second rail tunnel on this cape.

These works are almost a year are performed within the protected areas' resort of Sochi and the natural monument "grove of pine Pitsunda" without mandatory state ecological expertise and led to the perpetration of numerous environmental crimes. The cup of patience of the public crowded the recent crimes committed DKRS-Sochi RZD and its contractor Ltd. Transyuzhstroy, which resulted in the destruction of the last natural habitat in the Russian Red Data species lozhnodrok monpeliysky.In this case, all public authorities have shown crime of omission andfulfilled its public debt to ensure the rule of law, ignoring the numerous requests from the public and covering up crimes. In the state-sanctioned Olympic outrage among citizens,
concerned about preserving the unique nature of Sochi, had no choice but to move to direct protection of nature and of their constitutional rights and freedoms.
Notice of the action set out its requirements directed the Minister of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev, the president "Olimpstroi" Sergei Gaplikova, head of the city of Sochi, Anatoly Pakhomov, head of the district Hostinsky Turkova Valeri, president of the Organizing Committee of the Sochi 2014, Dmitry Chernyshenko, as well as the police, Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee.These notices on behalf of all participants signed by members of the Environment
Watch for the North Caucasus, Andrei Rudomakha, Dmitriterion and Vladimir Shevchenko Kimaevym. The main requirements of the participants are:
1) Complete cessation of illegal construction on a prominent headland to the positive conclusion of state ecological examination of projects of "one-way bypass to the west side of Cape prominent, and a second rail tunnel.
2) Carrying out an objective investigation into perfect Cape prominent environmental crimes and criminal cases against the perpetrators.
Today's action is timed to start working in Sochi, the mission of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which is responsible for compliance with environmental requirements in preparation for the 2014 Olympic Games.Meeting members of the public with representatives of UNEP is to be held today from 16 to 19 hours. Activists involved in the action plan to go to & nbsp; this meeting immediately after the conference. They invited
Representatives of UNEP to attend today a prominent headland before this meeting so they could witness the Olympic perpetrated lawlessness.
UNEP representatives at a public meeting held in January 2011, promised to assist in solving the problems of preserving the unique natural complexes Cape prominent and called this issue a priority of all Olympic environmental problems.Unfortunately, however, UNEP has not done anything to save nature cape can be seen that significantly undermines public confidence in this international institution.
With the protesters can be contacted at:
(928) 4015818, Andrew Rudomakha
(918) 2112544, Dmitry Shevchenko
Also information on the stocks available in the office of Environmental Watch on North Caucasus by phone (8772) 540607.

Info.Environmental Watch on North Caucasus

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Chapter Administration
resort city of Sochi
Pakhomov, AN

Action to implement the constitutional duty

Dear Anatoly!
On the territory of the district Hostinsky Sochi on a unique & nbsp; part of his nature - Cape prominent - since May 2010., lawlessness and committed environmental crimes. At Cape
Prominent, which is part of a federal protected area (PA) resort of Sochi, as well as a natural monument of regional importance "grove of pine Pitsunda" the project "one-way bypass to the west side of Cape prominent" (object № 32 Program of Olympic objects) and is building a second rail tunnel.The customers of these projects is DKRS-Sochi RZD. The project "one-way bypass with the west side of Cape prominent" has not yet passed mandatory for him the state ecological expertise. This is evidenced by the information posted on March 17 2011. site Rosprirodnadzor in the section "Objects, subject to state ecological expertise at the federal level."According to this information, the examination of this project is still not even started: 10.03.2011 this project has been granted in
Rosprirodnadzor to the environmental review and 03/14/2011 draft was returned to the customer in connection with the shortage. With regard to environmental review draft of the second tunnel, there was no information. According to it, not even held public hearings, which Liabilitiesflax procedure should be preceded by environmental impact assessment. In this case, federal laws implementation of projects subject to state ecological expertise, without her conduct is strictly prohibited.
While implementing the project committed numerous acts that qualify Criminal Code as a crime, according to the following items:
Article 259. Destruction   critical habitat for organisms in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (Russia destroyed recently in a natural habitat
protected plant species lozhnodrok monpeliysky, which is included in the Red Book of Russia);
Article 260. Illegal cutting of forest stands (cut down and damaged to the extent the termination of growth forest stands of pine Pitsunda and other species of trees, shrubs and lozhnodroka monpliyskogo without the necessary permits, and
This damage occurs in the large size);
Article 262. Violation of protected areas and natural sites (as a result of works carried out without the state environmental assessment violated the PAs' resort of Sochi, at the same damage on a large scale).
In this case, the public repeatedly appealed to the various state regulatory authorities with the requirement to take action and stop the illegal work and thus committed criminal acts. However, adequate measures in violation of the mandatory principles of operation of these government agencies had been taken. None of the government has not fulfilled its duty to ensure the rule of law.Camel public overflowed illegal destruction of the Cape are visible from 16 th to March 22, 2011. largest and most important part of the last habitats of rare species lozhnodrok monpeliysky, with tail cutting groves of pine Pitsunda which habitat lozhnodroka was one natural complex.This crime is camouflaged by so-called works of transplant lozhnodroka that were not properly aligned, are without scientific basis and kvalitsifitsirovannogo certainly lead to death of all "transplanted" plants. This is evidenced by examples of previously committed a similar "transfer".A large number of plants lozhnodroka did not even attempt to transplant and they were simply destroyed by construction equipment. Materials "project," according to which the transplant was carried out, rigged, as evidenced by such facts as the failure to conduct a special dendrological survey of the number and location of habitat lozhnodroka and an indication of the number of false Red plants.
The blame for these crimes are personal:
- Sun - CEO DKRS-Sochi RZD on whose order is carried out criminal acts;
- Ivannikov - branch manager Ltd. Transyuzhstroy "- the contractor directly carries out criminal acts;
- Korkeshko - Officer NIIgorlesekol - author sfalsifirovannogo "project" under which it was carried Battlecrof habitat lozhnodroka.
In this case, by the builders initiated prosecution of civil activists Antonova, GS, to which they put forward false accusations of allegedly committing its acts of hooliganism and the assistance of the police initiated an administrative case. The police, instead of protecting the law and investigate committed a crime on the Cape Vidnoye, persecutes those who the law protects.
Facilitates the commission of crimes that have not yet approved the boundaries of the monument of nature "grove of pine Pitsunda, the territory of which engaged in illegal work.
In this regard, today, 23 March terms of criminal omissions by public authorities with regard to the systematic violation of the rule of law in the Cape can see, we have,
fulfilling their constitutional duty to protect nature (Article 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), on the basis of Article 45 of the Constitution, which ensures our right to defend their rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law, to prevent the commission of illegal acts and to bring to the issue of public attention take measures of civil effects to the blockade and stop illegal construction on a prominent headland.
In this case, we will strictly comply with all applicable laws, be excluded from any violence and bullying.All of our current actions on a prominent headland will be directed solely at preventing the continuation of illegal activities.The activities of the existing railway in no way affected by our actions will not be.
We require:
1) complete cessation of illegal construction on a prominent headland to the positive conclusion of state ecological examination of projects of "single-track bypass to the west side of Cape prominent" and the secondof the railway tunnel.
2) conducting an objective investigation of the facts are on the Cape prominent environmental crimes and criminal cases against those criminals.
3) early approval of the monument boundaries of nature "grove of pine Pitsunda" with a mandatory part of the monument to all the securities in respect of the environmental areas on the Cape prominent and agreeing boundaries of the monument with the interested public.
4) termination based on false accusations of administrative prosecution of environmental activists Antonova, GS
5) Development of the project and provide funding for the restoration of a natural condition of natural complexes Cape prominent.
We ask you within the purview of the Administration of the resort city of Sochi to take steps aimed at fulfilling these requirements.
In particular, we ask you to visit the territory of Cape prominent, so that you can personally attest that this was a unique place after the commission in its territory a number of environmental crimes.

On behalf of all participants in a civil action on March 23 2011. to execute their constitutional duty to protect nature and the rule of law at the Cape prominent
Citizens of the Russian Federation:
Rudomakha Andrei Vladimirovich
Dmitry Shevchenko
Kim, Vladimir V.

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