Bob Black. Feminism as Fascism

As noted in the title of the famous children's book, Pigs is pigs - no matter what form their genitals. Ilse Koch, not "sister" and the Nazi. Love is not hate, war is not peace, freedom is not slavery, burning of books no one can be released. Before anyone who decides to fight the power by the revolution, there will a lot of complex issues. For a start, however, one must correctly answer simple.

Throw out the metaphors and hyperbole - what is called "radical feminism" is fascism.Praised chauvinism, censorship, maternalizm, quasi-scientific anthropology, the search for the enemy, the mystical oneness with nature, fake pseudo-pagan religious enforceable standards of thought and even appearance (in certain circles, Hera forbid feminist who looks nesootvestvenno or "feminine") . That's all that theory, and most of the practices that we should have to learn to recognize. Uncanny resemblance to the classic tactic of fascism can be seen in the combination of private and public activism, repressive means.So, the magazine Open Road - Anarchist Rolling Stone - has supported the recent demonstrations against pornography in Vancouver, not as a direct action - an unpopular, even if not addressed there - but just the opposite, because the activists have forced prosecutors to open a lethargic affair. In Italy after the First World War (and in America, when Prohibition IWW (Industrial Workers of the World (Industrial Workers of the World) - the most powerful American union beginning of the 20th century, almost completely overclocked to 1920m years) fascist gangs attacked the socialist and trade union organizations of tacit approval of the police - who intervened only when it was necessary to press the Left.As I asked in astonishment at one time, "How is it that these women do not will fall into bed with a man, if he is not the District Attorney?

Not that I was somehow worried about the problem of the commercial porn industry or there, its "right" to freedom of expression and protection of property. It's all completely not the case, which is this: why is allocated to attack this kind of business? Targeted attacks on the pornography issue plan and a system of priorities - not just a spontaneous anti-capitalism.Those who pursues sound policies, not a person to complain when we are interested in their motives and subjects them to questioning.

Any fascist ideology in a contradictory manner assures its target group, a chosen people, that it is both better than others and the oppressed. Of course, the Germans were not actually lost the first world war - how is this possible? they are assumed to excel - therefore, had betrayed them.(How, I wonder superior race, has admitted this?) Feminists and the Movement Against Pornography (DPP) has told us foaming at the mouth in the Canadian magazine "Kick it Over", that men (alone) have created a civilization that destroys nature and nizvodyaschuyu women. " If so, or women in general have not made any contribution to civilization, or that civilization is still something else, together with or instead of destroying nature and relegated women.

In their own purposes (which are sometimes more exalted than a trivial sexual competition with men for heterosexual objects, desirable for both groups), self-styled radical feminists actually reduce women to a state of helpless, trembling with fear poluovoscha, passive victims of male violence and contempt.This is a profound insult to women, what you find in the worst examples of traditional patriarchal culture - not the Jewish view of women as a source of dirt, nor in the Christian nightmarish image of a woman-temptress, women as uncontrollable natural forces.Here, a woman, though branded as a source of evil, but at least do not attribute it to weakness. The modern stereotype of the female victim did not just goes straight to the Victorian patriarchal attitudes of the nineteenth century, when (the bourgeoisie), weak-willed women played the role of decoration, but, worse, deny women the creative potential inherent in everyone - and thus poses problems of women in the same board, and the problems that African monkeys or whales, exterminated by whalers.

Let us assume the contrary, that deny only the most insane feminists and misogynists - predplozhim that is not so bad, and that women in history were not only objects but also subjects.Then how can women - and other subordinated groups of people, workers, blacks, Native American - completely cleared of charges of complicity in the fact that they helped create a system that condemns them to oppression? Just as this system is built, have their own reasons. Deny their existence there is no right for anybody.

I have in this debate have no personal motives. I have never been embarrassed by the fact that some women do not like men, to the extent they do not want to have with them nothing.I myself do not like most men - especially the archetypal "courageous." Can not help but notice, however, that most women think differently. Radical feminists have also noticed this, and it is their exasperate. Of course, I will immediately agree that the vast majority is wrong. Otherwise all we would have been just crazy fringe - those impotent fools, for which nearly all of us and so accept it. But when I criticize the majority, I do not pretend to speak on his behalf.Radical feminists, by contrast, see themselves as the vanguard. As such, they have to come up with rational explanations of his own dislike, and they successfully do it - from creating their own prejudices fallodeterministskuyu demonology. Men hate, they have to hate and women.

The identification of pornography with rape - and that, for all foaming at the mouth, and there is a key idea of ​​the DPP - has, apparently, to get people to perceive pornography more seriously.But at the same time, if all run by men, and if (as we say) the system by its nature smooths and prevents essentially all the oppositional ideas and feminism, as the most radical of them - it is natural to expect that as a result of rape, on the contrary will be perceived as something trivial. It's the same old tale about a woman who is too often cried "Wolf!" (Similarly, a standard maxim of the mass media about the fact that "anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism" wonderful whitewash Israel - as long as its expansionism and eksterminizm naplodili not sufficiently anti-Zionist, who is about to take this B'nai britovskuyu theory for a guide to action.)

In accordance with the epistemology of feminism, a man does not understand the true nature of women or anything.It is logical to assume that the barrier between the sexes, creates a division of roles and discrimination, will work both ways - and many of us based on our own experience, it reluctantly and start thinking. But no: the men do not understand women, but women (at least, their radical feminist avant-garde) is well aware of men.Women - in any case, experts feminists - understand pornography and its meaning for men better than themselves men who produce and consume it. And best of all is to understand lesbian separatist, that men are generally avoided and denied them in sexual intercourse. The longer your life experience is separated from the real lives of real men, the better you understand it. Inverting the signs - does not it mean that the pope, as he asserts, is the chief expert on women and sex?

Postulated relationship of pornography and rape - is an allegory, not fact.This is the same type of correlation, which recently pulled back from the trunk "kosyachnoe madness" (Reefer Madness - famous for its delusional propaganda film against marijuana, filmed in 30s), inexorably pulling the rake ("Rapist"?) From maruhuany to heroin - that same type of delirium, and usefulness for government agencies. If feminism did not exist, conservative politicians should have to invent it.(Why, pray tell, exclusively-male legislatures generally banned "indecent" and why exclusive-male courts so hard to exclude them from the list of things to protect the constitutional freedom of speech?) Maenads of the DPP, if they ever want to deal with people rather than with his own feverish representations about them, was surprised to find that pornography is hardly interested in the majority of men over the age of adolescence - and not because they are politically correct, but because pornography is often Tupa and untidy, and most importantly does not go to any comparison with reality.

Feminists, destroying books - cowardly prisposoblenki.If they really object to the imposition of women's subconscious behavior, subordinated to men (though, funny way, the same role with respect to the active lesbians are so innocent entertainment), the main and almost the sole target of attacks should be Cosmopolitan, women's novels Barbara Kartlend, all of these tons kriptopornograficheskoy pop literature produced by women, and women happily consumed.In the end, violence and bloody lumps were merely a consequence - only the victim can be treated as a victim. Fifteen years ago, the first supporters of women's liberation (now miraculously transformed into svyaschennits, advokatess and byurokratok top echelon) of at least attacked by influential people - like Hugh Hefner and Andy Warhol. Segonde they terrorize the young punks, anarchists, who (this example taken from the fanzine "The Match!") Published a collage, where the show Margaret Thatcher as a regent, as "the matriarch of thousands of dead" and not as a "sister".Here it is, the logic of this bizarre biological determinism - each animal has a vagina, it is "We", while every creature to be awarded a penis, this "They". You can only remember a sketch Fayrsayn Theater - "Who is this" we ", exactly?"

By the way - male leftists are often easily and enthusiastically assents feminist self-aggrandizement. There is mixed feeling of guilt for past transgressions (the one who feels guilt - to women, blacks, foreigners, anyone - usually to blame) and the desire to get into this left-wing feminist under her blouse.And Berkeley, California (next door to where I live) overflows male "feminists" who are referred to the new religion, to make their sex life. Same scam, like, happening in Toronto, and many other places. By themselves, these hidden desires, of course, does not discredit the accepted ideology - people can come to correct conclusions from the most inappropriate ways.But insofar as discussed, opinions seem to be obviously stupid to everyone who has no extraneous reasons for taking them, the paroxysms intellektuallov-men, not otherwise inexplicable, we must acknowledge dishonest rationalization.

Perhaps idelogiya I blew to pieces - it's just something that one has to go through to make themselves sufficiently for meaningful revolutionary projects. Graduate school of feminism now gradually moving to seek freedom for all, and many have experienced only benefit.All of us have a thing to be ashamed of in his youth (Marxism, libertarianism, syndicalism, objectivism, etc.) - if we had not thought at some time in terms of ready-made ideology, it would not come to the point where we can think for themselves. Be a Trotskyist or a Jesuit - all this in itself means to be a believer, in other words, dummy. Nevertheless, vigorous jogging on any system from start to finish can show you how to go from a system with a capital letter.

But not when critics declared renegatkami and women are obstructed, and the critics-men of principle are ignored or sling mud.(Exactly parallel mechanism to ensure silent running of the Zionists - non-Jewish critics of this "anti-Semites", and the critics-Jews, of course, snedaemy "self-hatred.") Of course, separatism as a social program is absurd and full of contradictions (virtually none of the separatistok not separate itself from the patriarchal society as much as it is done syurvayvalisty - and no one else separatistok does not climb into other people's affairs).But even with partial isolation easier to indoctrinate converts to conceal the adverse facts and arguments - but radical feminists, it is noticed the Hare Krishnas, Moonies, and other totalitarian sects. Very lucky that their doctrines and subculture so unappetizing at first glance. In fact, as I noted, radical feminism sedeet - the more the light off and eroding the political culture of the sixties, the fewer young women get enough of pre-soaking for a successful feminist brainwashing.Radical (so to speak) 25ti years younger feminists are rare, and more and less.

Thus, radical feminism (and no reason to try otsporit term in his present owners of) - it's ridiculous, full of hatred, totalitarian, sexist dogmatic construction, which the revolutionaries wrongly legitimize taking it seriously. Enough of sisterly patronize these terrorists banality, it's time to call them to account for voiced calls for genocide and atrocities practiced for (all sorts - even, frankly, rape! "), Which, they claim, have fallen to their innocent head (but more often as it turns out on closer examination, the head of some hypothetical "sister" as a typical radical feminist lives at all bad).How to stop feminofashizm? Nothing could be easier - take their words at face value and treat him as an equal ... and enjoy their plaintive howling. The Queen is naked! - And that's really obscene.

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