Civil activists ASPIRE locked up ANY PRICE

epleniyu political regime in our country long ago, nobody was surprised. Society tacitly resigns himself to the state terror. Killed not acceptable power lawyer Stanislav Markelov. Silence. On the unproven suspicion of organizing a protest against the felling of forests Khimki arrested two innocent people. Silence. Such political repression taking place in our area, we are witnessing. Ashamed to admit it, but they are accompanied by that same silence - a cultural silence in the media, courtesy the lack of protest in the streets.

Social activist Alexei Malinin law enforcement agencies do not give rest for six months! Initially accused of causing
bodily injury to one of the Irkutsk neo-Nazis, which Alex did not even see."The victim" in court declined to private prosecution but also admitted that he had given testimony under police pressure, and known for its inhuman practices of the Centre to combat extremism. Employees of the state structure, whose work, frankly, is to identify the dissent in society and combat, has repeatedly threatened to Alex and it seems to begin to implement their threats into practice.

Alex is very active personality, he seeks to change the society around them.In the village of Pine Forest, he opened a leisure center, to take the younger generation. Prior to that, the children had nothing to occupy their free time, which led to an easily predictable undesirable effects: alcohol, drugs, disorderly conduct. Any sensible person would not understand, who can condemn the initiative and start to dig under it?

All have done the same law enforcement agencies that have managed to identify the offense, even in such an innocent organization.The essence of the offense comes down to what the leaders of clubs operating in the center, there were more than officially took place on the paper. Officially there, including one worker. Thus, a criminal case
under Art. 292 Part 1 of the Penal Code. I wonder why the police spend their time and strength, investigating crimes where they do not? Why do they not engage in large-scale commercial enterprises, benefiting from the exploitation of wage labor, and sent his zeal on the innocent recreational facility? Who benefits?

The investigation is moral pressure on Alexis, his wife and now ex-employees recreation.From the outset, the prosecutor's office was important to identify the culprit, but for some reason he was not. Therefore, the investigator began to act truly barbaric methods. For example, demanded his original statutes establishing the center, part of the accounting papers and personal documents of Alexei and his wife.So far, of which returned only a part. Husband Alexei
investigator in an interview called a suspect with all the ensuing consequences. Fortunately, she refused to testify against herself and her husband of 51 article of the Constitution. After that there were several attempts to catch Alexis in fictional offenses. Why not just head and share custody of law and order! For example, they tried to push for criminal prosecution "claim" to the moral corruption of children on behalf of local residents, none of the parents did not sign under it.This is quite natural: after all, their children enjoy visiting the recreation center and finally to spend their free time.

As a result, recreation center was forced to cease its active, and half of the summer season, about a hundred boys and girls from the pine forest had been without a good holiday, sports, clubs and heaps of other interesting and educational affairs. Everything exists only on paper. Director and inspirer of the center, had already visited in the role of the accused on false charges, and his wife that and look will appear in the same role again.But they themselves have two small children.

Formally, the result is the prosecutor's office, but Alex is sure that the pressure and test themselves at him on the initiative of the Center of the notorious anti-extremism. Why, you ask? Law enforcement officers can not be put behind bars a man falsely accused of a felony, and the trial was delayed. Therefore, they have found another way to deprive Alexei freedom to pick on some little things in documents at work.Thus, they fanned the second criminal case, hoping to attract Malinin as the main accused. We, fellow Alexis, is convinced that the main motive of persecution Alexei primarily political. Its normal anti-racist beliefs and, most importantly, his civic - Social
activity does not give the authorities the rest. Surprisingly, when a person is not sitting idly by while trying to change the world for the better by working with the younger generation, are immediately available vigil police.Strange, where were they when the younger generation decomposed, using alcohol and even drugs? Our country is only allowed to look at everything through your fingers, intelligently talk about the immorality and the younger generation to turn away in embarrassment
at the sight of needles on the pavement. But as soon as you you want to do the real deal to rescue the situation, will have to save yourself. And from whom? - From the police!

You might wonder: "Is this normal?" And we asked you: what do you think?

Tovarischi Alexei Malinin

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