Council action teams Tyumen issued a statement in connection with the case of Andrei Kutuzov

We publish a statement of the Tyumen Council action teams (the union of grassroots protest initiatives) in support of the party of "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov. Text of the statement is unchanged.

14 April 2010 on suspicion of distributing extremist material was detained and interrogated TSU professor Andrei Kutuzov. On the same day in his apartment was searched. Today Andrey Kutuzov was formally charged under Art. 280 of the Penal Code, "Public calls for extremist activities."

In Russia today, every socio-political activity, not directed, directly or indirectly "from above", presents a serious risk to its sponsors and participants.Hardly any critical with respect to the existing political order statement is often viewed by law enforcement authorities as "extremism." Grassroots civic initiatives (even on resettlement yard) - this "conspiracy", a public speech (picket, rally, demonstration), including those agreed under the law - "an attempt to revolt."Civil society activists are administrative and judicial harassment.

Civil society activists - is at risk. But an even greater risk are those citizens who resign themselves to their situation "subjects", with virtually no resistance to abandon the struggle for their socio-economic and political rights, do not support those who are still resolved to defend their interests. It is foolish to hope that the authoritarian, indeed, oligarchic government will implement policies for the people.His policy is much simpler: "pay taxes, grind away at several jobs and solve their social problems as something for yourself, and do not whine - to attend meetings only fools, but in the courts - the hell-raiser."

Activists, and speakers from different ideological positions (often in contention with each other) for the democratization of Russian society, say: "If you refuse to control yourself for yourself, you will control the other, and never in your best interest. Look around! Authoritarianism - is the path of socio-economic, political and moral degradation. "The problem of civic activism for today - to help themselves and fellow citizens to realize their real, everyday, social and economic interests, and learn to defend their civilized, lawful methods of solidarity action.

The problem is that even such a repressive system, is actually a moderate, civilian call extremely dangerous. Currently deployed in Tyumen, this pressure campaign against civil society activists.Under attack were independent journalists, Vladimir Yefimov, Rustam Fakhretdinov and Victor Egorov. Against the first criminal case for publishing allegedly "extremist materials" , Victor Yegorov just attacked with a baseball bat and shot at the windows . The apogee of the repressive company began fabrication of a criminal case against Andrei Kutuzov. With the filing of the Tyumen Center to combat extremism and the FSB is accused of producing and distributing "extremist" leaflets at a rally on Oct. 30, 2009.The rally is just focused on the problem of lawlessness, which takes place in different cities of Russia as a result of activities of the "E". And now - for a rally gave an asymmetrical response, compiling a manifestly "extremist" flyer illiterate texts which supposedly handed Andrew. Details of the case reported in the media: # video

Who is Andrey Kutuzov Kutuzov? This is a young scientist, Ph.D., professor of Tyumen State University.He teaches translation and other related disciplines, he worked as a translator. Developed several courses on their own the copyright to his scientific interests. In science, he is engaged in Corpus Linguistics, Applied Theory of Translation, online discourse, a regular speaker at conferences in different cities, each year publishes several scholarly articles. Believes that science - the best thing in the world. Here is his complete research and teaching resume - .

In addition, Andrew - member of the movement , "Autonomous Action" .This left the movement, promoting the national government and direct democracy, do not accept the hierarchy and authoritarian forms of organization. In Tyumen, "Autonomous Action" has repeatedly supported the grass-roots initiatives of city residents, who fought against the sealing buildings , the abolition of transportation benefits , and other violations of their rights. Active AD-Tyumen and participated in the creation of the Council of the initiative groups of citizens and Tyumen .

Andrew was not only a teacher and civic activist, he is also a traveler, Hitch, visited various parts of the former Soviet Union - from the Crimea to Lake Baikal.Two years ago, the company has five of his comrades walked plateau tableland : one of the most remote and beautiful places in the Krasnoyarsk region, the Arctic Circle, near Norilsk. In summer 2010, already being in the status of the suspect drove Hitchhiker's Guide to Central Asia and the Pamirs (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) and back.

Campaign law enforcement agencies against Andrei aims to discredit and neutralize known Tyumen civic activist, to intimidate others, to suppress the independent civic initiative.We fully understand that this application for the court is unlikely to have significant value, but it will be a weighty moral support for Andrew and the open statement of the principles of citizenship, governance and social justice for everyone else.

Generally, it is surprising attitude of some law enforcement officers who pursue civil activists, despite the fact that even President Dmitry Medvedev said recently: "in Russian political life, there were signs of stagnation and stagnation, and these symptoms must be overcome."In practice, it goes hunting for critical comments regarding the actions of the authorities, thus is attempting to destroy the opposition in the bud. And this applies not only to Andrew Kutuzov as an anarchist, but also other opposition movements.

The case against Andrei Kutuzov has political overtones.We believe that in order to comply with the rule of law should discontinue the prosecution or to acquit. We can not put pressure on the court, but we have a right to express their opinions, and therefore can not remain silent. Furthermore, we demand an internal investigation in Uzbekistan FSB Tyumen Region and the Centre to combat extremism in the police department of the Tyumen region for falsification of the criminalate.

We urge all those who in solidarity with us, sign a petition in support of Andrei Kutuzov .

Council initiative groups and citizens in Tyumen


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