France. Public sector: after the job cuts - layoffs!?

New decree on professional reorientation of public servants.
As we know, civil servants are among the most protected categories of workers in France. However, even their social situation is gradually deteriorating, and quite significantly.
In 2009 a law was passed on the mobility of public sector employees. New, adopted under the Act Decree of 16 November 2010 stipulates that in case of loss of jobs in state institutions (eg, as a result of restructuring) of their employees will be offered professional reorientation.HR department can offer the employee a temporary job or vocational training, if the institution has no free vacancies relevant qualifications of the employee.

During the period of vocational training and find a new job for an employee in his or her office, he may be offered a job in any other state institution. The proposed contracts are too short duration - up to three months, but may be invited to the workplace throughout France, without any geographical constraints. At the employee's absolutely no choice: he can not choose any institution or geographical place of work.An employee may refuse to sign the proposed (in fact imposed) him a contract - but no more than three times. If he refuses to three contracts, government agencies, it will be dismissed.

The decree allows the state to further save the cost of the public sector: it facilitates the dismissal in case of job cuts (which expected a lot - information on the amount of reductions in the public sector in France, see Taface 1).

Table 1 - Cokrascheniya jobs in the public sector and in public education since 2008 (1)






Public sector

-22 900

-30 600

-33 750

-31 638

-118 888

The public education system

-11 200

-13 500

-16 000

-16 000

-56 700

Clearly, there are few employees who agree on the whim of employers to keep changing their place of residence and establishment, so employers will use this decree to get rid of workers.As said on this subject the violator of the law Wert 1 : "if an employee refuses a new job - it means he does not want to continue working in the public sector."

Thus, by this decree in the public sector are widely implemented methods of rigid management, successfully tested in a telephone campaign to France Telecom at the time of its privatization - then these methods will quickly get rid of employees 2 who had the social status of the public sector.These methods are hard Management has experienced professionals of many French institutions and enterprises 3 :

- Removal of unwanted personnel from the important and interesting work by imposing his unattractive, are not always appropriate and professional qualifications ofytu employees work cledstviem which is a strong demotivation of staff;

- The requirement of professional and geographical mobility and flexibility of staff - a sharp change jobs or professions, crossings throughout France in connection with the workplace changes.

These management techniques will soon be distributed throughout the public sector.

"France Telecom": five new suicide two weeks (September 2010)

New legislation - this blackmail workers! In aloviyah drastic job cuts, we are forced to obey the imperatives of financial profitability.

1 Eric Woerth - Minister of Labour France until mid-November 2010 - involved in a high-profile financial crimes related to illegal campaign financing Sarkozy (the so-called "business Betancourt, on behalf of one of the defendants in the scandal - the owner of the group L'Oreal)

2 recall what the price: since the beginning of this year, 23 employees of the campaign committed suicide and 16 employees, according to the syndicate, attempted suicide (data from Le Monde, 10/09/2010).During 2008-2009, 35 workers have committed suicide.

3 These techniques are already widely used extensively by many contractors in different sectors of industry - in information, transport and energy sectors, etc., offering open-ended contracts engineers and technicians.The contract provides for contractor absolute geographic mobility and work for different clients. After the expiration of the contract, the contractor is trying to get rid of obsolete employee by offering him a job at the other end of the country. If an employee refuses to move to a new location (and sometimes even moving expenses not covered by the contractor), this qualifies as a breach of contract and the employee is dismissed (without paying any compensation.) In the "trap" of such contractors often find themselves inexperienced graduates of universities and engineering schools.Formally having the status of cadres, employees contractors practically exploited (they were never paid overtime, they are always required high professional and geographical mobility, and their salaries - often below the average for the sector, etc.). Dangerous that large French companies virtually supplement their own staff with new employees, but rather prefer to work with contractors. Eksternalization activities at many industrial enterprises takes alarming proportions, and working conditions deteriorate.

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