Germany: Memory anarchist Ramona "Mona" Cambra

Anarchists Hamburg reported the death of the veteran movement Party grazhdaskoy War in Spain (1936-1939gg.) Ramona "Mona" Cambra. He was born 28 March 1917. in Barcelona in the proletarian family, graduated from the College of Printing. From his youth interested in anarchism, was personally acquainted with Buenaventura Durutti and Luis Andrés Edo. Participated in the anarchist movement in Spain, France and Germany. Died on 12 December 2010. in Hamburg.

Ramon "Monet" Cambra - Let the earth will be down to you, comrade!

Photo: Ramon, 1939

Ramon ("Monet"), in his own words in his family (his older brother and younger sister are still alive) was the "black sheep".Vegetarian at age 14. His future wife, Maria Cambra-Turias (born July 8, 1923) he met in 1933, after their brother and sister got engaged.

Ramon grew up in Barcelona. He knew Durutti and Luis Andrés Edo - they were neighbors.In his youth, Ramon had long hair wrote poetry, participated in a cultural association and fought against militarism. He trained as a typographer and joined the CNT. Already one week before the military coup he and other comrades, spend the day and night at the local branch of the trade union, because it was clear that soon something will happen. And within two days, the workers succeeded in defeating the military rebels in Barcelona. When we gave him the book "La Barcelona rebelde", he flipped through it and proudly showed us a picture of the barricades July 19, 1936: "It was my barricade in the square dog-de-la Paglia."

After the fascist coup he was fighting for social revolution in the column Ortiz.It was the first column, went after July 19 for the front in Aragon. He is anti-militarist, and almost another child in his own words, viewed it and, later, as irony. War and weapons kept for him after this experience a strange fascination.

In November 1936 he wanted to fight in Madrid, to protect the city from the Nazi hordes, but this proved impossible. During combat, Ramon moved the tank, but, as he lay in the trench, then survived.After treatment, he fought in the Pillar "Rojo, Negro" ("The Red and Black") by Wesco in Aragon. He was a sergeant. In February 1939 with his entire column (300? People), he moved across the border into France.

Photo: Military records Ramona in the republican army.

In France, he was arrested in Arles (southern France) and sent to work in coal mines. Engaged in sabotage, giving the wrong figures.He fought in the Resistance and tried to blow up the viaduct, where British troops landed at Dieppe. But a group of 50 people had been betrayed by "their own" radio operator, and all except Ramon, were killed.

Prison, torture in two camps in southern France, and now appears before him dressed in a black SS officer, who asked him whether he Ramon Cambra. He replied: "Yes", and thinks that's his death came, but the person is an agent of the Resistance, and only said that he should disappear. Ramon is running.

Photo: Ramon in 1949.

From 1943 to 1963 he lived illegally in Spain in the family of Mary under the fictitious name of Mary's brother.Docker, then a handyman, from 1950 he worked as a photographer, staying connected and secret underground Lieutenant Republican Army "Agrupación de fuerzas Armadas de la Espanola" (Organization of the Spanish armed forces). Her license in the name of Jose Manen Eglesias he secretly carried with him in the belt.

Two days after the end of World War II, May 10, 1945, Maria and Ramon were married in 1947, had a daughter, Montserrat.In 1956, Ramon was a bishop who had an affair with women and so they, the yield to "believe", "clean up" documents, Ramona and he is regaining back his real name. The family then lived in France in Castres, about 70 km from Toulouse.

Photo: membership card CNT Ramona.

Then, in 1964, moved to Germany in Hamburg. Ramon is working here for many years at the post office, etc., drives a truck at night.In contrast to other work colleagues, Ramon loved it. When pogruzno and unloading, he survived a serious car accident. In 1970 he briefly joined the SPD and founded the left circle, but soon left the party. Ramon and Mary applied for German citizenship because they both felt that once they have "all the responsibilities that they want to be all right!"

By the beginning of the eighties Ramon regained contact with the CNT and again became a member of his old union Sindicato Artes Graficas (Workers Union of Graphic Arts) in Barcelona.For the newspaper "Tinta Negra" he translated from the German series of articles from Volin "Unknown Revolution" about the role of anarchists during the Russian Revolution, including chapter on Makhnovist movement and the Kronstadt uprising. Then, until the early 90's, there were several articles for "Soldaridad Obrera" (Soli). After Soli not renewed his subscription, he stops for CNT and Soli.

Photo: Ramon on the right. In the center - the secretary general CNT Jose Luis Coronado.Hamburg, 1986

In 1984 he took part in the reconstruction of the Hamburg FAU. In 1986, 11 October, he attended the opening of the Center for Libertarian Lageshtrasse and delivers a short speech. He constantly called step by step to solve problems and move on!

Ramon was a very well-read and wise, but remained at the same time very humble man and did not want to round it all rushed. Ramon and Maria were both vegetarian and loved animals, almost to the last days they were pets.On Spanish Civil War Ramon said not very willingly. Probably without realizing it, sometimes we expect from him too much. The memory of the many dead brothers and sisters to him was a nightmare.

But he emphasized the work of solidarity among the members of UGT and CNT. And that young members must give their own answers to the questions of his time. When asked how farmers reacted to the revolution, he only replied: "Of course, they rejoiced, they were ecstatic!" The conversation ended.

Photo: Ramon in May 2010 in Hamburg.

To be old Ramon was interested in the development of the anarchist movement and FAU and asked: "What are friends?".Ramon was an enthusiastic motorist, and the extension of a driver's license at age 90, he noted as an important breakthrough. Frequent illness and their wives, in any event, he met with his characteristic humor.

Ramon did not wish for the dead, only simple funeral. He probably would not like and this obituary, but we remember about him and want to remember and keep alive the memory of it! Monet, we will not get your wit, your laugh, your stubbornness, your humanity and kind nature!

We express our sympathy to Mary, Montserrat, and the whole family!

Mary often says: "Life is hard," probably because she often had to fear for its Monet, and then often asked to return if he or he or both of them will be dedicated and opened.Despite the suffering that he endured, RamMr. once said: "Life is Beautiful" and a few days before his death: "I have lived my life."

Some of your young friends and Companeros from Hamburg.


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