Izhevsk: action and happening against the fiscal reform

October 2, Izhevsk Picket for free education and healthcare. The rally was organized by members of the movement "Autonomous Action - Izhevsk. It was attended by about 40 people, mainly in proximity of autonomy, anti-fascists, as well as pupils and students of the city.

At the beginning of the action an unpleasant incident. The center's employees "E", as usually carried out the video of the event, persistently tried to deliver two activists of the agenda the draft board. However, the boys refused to sign them, and recommended that employees center "E" to send all of the agenda in the community.At this incident was over.

During the picket, were deployed to four banners: "Capitalism kills!", "Stop the chaos of the authorities," "The knowledge - not a commodity", "Autonomous Action - Izhevsk. Also, the guys were holding several painted posters and black and red flags.

By all accounts the central character shares became big green monster of capitalism, which is devoured with gusto nehily free education and healthcare.Activists with the help of his primetime performance by showing this example is that the current political and economic elite of the country is not much different from lizards drevshih past.

During the picket traditionally conducted leafleting, and eventually was handed out about 500 pieces.Most passers-by expressed their approval and support of the action. Some of them stayed and had long conversations with activists. Youth alive to and interested in the problem of the actual destruction of free education.


You know what did the Russian president May 8, 2010? On this day all over the country were last-minute preparations for the celebration of the anniversary of the victory over the Nazis, the people rejoiced at the output day and cheerfully hurried to their gardens and villas.But President Medvedev was not to rest. On this day he signed the most horrible FEDERAL LAW with another unknown name "On amendments to some legislative acts in connection with the improvement of the legal status of government (municipal) institutions."

Well, actually, this federal law № 83 set bold cross on a free secondary and higher education, to free medicine, free at the nursery, to free admission to museums, theaters and libraries! Now everything will be just for the money! Well, of course, but the police, army barracks, prisons and mental hospitals!

Now almost all budgetary organizations will move to full or partial self-financing. But think about where they will take money, for example, the same public schools? That's right, for it will pay parents of students, the state also will pay only the basic discipline.And there will be only three: mathematics, Russian language and introduced in April this year, the religion. Everything! Let us think! Only three classes per day will now be free of charge, others will have to shell out. Nobody wants from his children grew dumb redneck.

However, not all parents can afford it will be, one must also tutorials on their money to buy, and uniforms, and for repairs to pass the class.Well, what if the son or daughter got sick ... again pay?? The question is, why we pay taxes to the state? Is not it so that it provides us with all the necessary social conditions? "Then do we need all the state?

Well, imagine what will happen in small towns, villages and towns. Ibid general, all public institutions will be closed once and for all! Schools, hospitals, libraries - they simply will not survive in the competitive market, they will become uneconomic! This reform also directly touches and school teachers.Schools are forced to cut teachers' part. One teacher will account for the possibility of increasing the number of students. So cost less.

Well, about medicine even do not want to write. A lot of people every day go to the hospitals and need daily checkups. What happened to them, will that be? In general, the emerging impression that the government deliberately keep such anti-people and anti-social policies. JUST SICK HERD blunt and easier to manage, that's all!

"Yes, this can not be!" - You cry - "It is contrary to the Constitution.Putin will not tolerate this! "Ha-ha! The law has been signed, but so far there are no regulations and documents! That they then will everything is: what, where and how much. The law will come into force in July 2012 and until the authorities decided to make a sort of experiment - to see what would happen to ask the price.

We still have time to try anything to change! There is a time to prove that the people - no cattle, and is not going to tolerate over a edvatelstva a handful of bureaucrats and politicians! And if you at least something still interested in this life, besides your grub, booze, fashion, cars and stupid serials on TV, then join us!

WHEN we are united, we are invincible! FREEDOM! EQUALITY! GOVERNMENT!

Autonomous Action - Izhevsk

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