March and rally in support of the environment in Irkutsk

Today in Irkutsk, a march and rally in the nationwide campaign of protest "over Lake Baikal, for Utrish for Khimki forest for native nature!". It was originally planned march route from a trade complex in the pedestrian street Uritskogo, then down the street to the building of the Proletarian circus. But the administration has agreed only to march on the Proletarian and rally on the square next to the circus.
Participants of the rally gathered at the corner of the street. Karl Marx and the proletarian, next to the panel "The Internationale". Organizers of the rally handed out blue ribbons gathered, as well as blue and green balloons (blue - the color of Lake Baikal, the green of nature protection).About three hundred people marched with placards and banners to the area from the circus, where the meeting took place.

On the rostrum were the Irkutsk environmentalists, journalists, poets and artists. Many talked about the ongoing saga with the closing of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mills and called for solidarity with the defenders of the forest and Himkiskogo Utrish. For Irkutsk now very urgent problem similar to Khimki.Citizens protest against construction of roads through a unique Kayskuyu grove. Irkutsk anarchists brought the banner "Stop the Khimki business" in support of those arrested after the attack on the building of Khimki administration of the Moscow anti-fascists and the poster "The state and capital murder Baikal!" And gave passers-by about two hundred leaflets.
After the meeting took place on a mini-concert. Our comrade has performed several radical songs, including the anthem ekoanarhistov «No Pasaran»:

After all,not pass
We will be on the way
Protests happy time!
After all, they do not pass
We will be on the way
All together: "NO PASARAN"

Radical ways to go:
Zashipuem wood with nails,
All roads poperekryvaem,
Tractor and saw povzryvaem!

Gryanem volley of radical actions
Transnational corporations,
Against the power of the dollar and oil,
Against the impending death

Against all nuclear power plants and chemical plant,
Against the CPC pipeline
We - for man and nature,
We - for the everyday freedom!

The text of the leaflet:

Living in Irkutsk! Today in our city held a march and rally in the All-Russian action "For Lake Baikal, for Utrish for Khimki woods! - For our native nature!".
Baikal.Based on the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1 from 13.01.2010 to re-run the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill - the main polluter of Lake Baikal. We are trying to confuse, referring to the interests of residents and workers Baikalsk BPPM. But for the capital and nature, and workers - no more than tools for profit. In this case, the bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy of modern Russia act according to aphorism of Louis XV: «When we - the deluge!".Most Russian refineries running at an extremely worn-out equipment, which threatens both life and health of workers and nature. The owners of the plant are unwilling to invest profits in the modernization of production, they want money now, and more. In order to achieve decent working conditions and defend their right to clean air and clean water, you need to work together to fight back to the owners of the plant and the power that their covers!
Utrish - juniper, pistachio lesnoyy array on the Black Sea.According to the Order of the Government № 1436-r dated September 2, 2010 to establish a reserve Utrish, the most valuable coastal areas of relic forest can be withdrawn from the territory of the reserve and have no status of a regional nature reserve. This will give the opportunity to implement plans to build a luxury sports and fitness complex, with the primeval forest itself penetrate the network of roads needed for the construction. The death of the unique landscape at the same time inevitable.
Khimki. Toll highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg trying to hold it through the center is unique for a forest near Moscow, cutting it to pieces, despite the fact that there are several other options for the road.Construction of the road actually destroy Khimki forest - the lungs of Moscow. To stop the defenders of nature management of the construction company has prepared an attack on the eco-camp youths in clothes with Nazi symbols. Violence begets violence - July 28, 2010 the Moscow anti-fascists attacked the building of city administration of Khimki.Not one person in the course of action was not injured. A day later were arrested anti-fascists Gaskarov Alexey and Maxim Solopov. Alexey and Maxim arrested because they were "in sight", performed in the press and on television on behalf of the anti-fascists. In late October 2010 they were released from custody. No trial date has not yet appointed, meanwhile, requires the investigation to return them under arrest. The action in Khimki was a response to lawlessness and violence against local residents, journalists, activists. The authorities should cease the repression against all the protesters and defenders of the forest.With Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova and other activists should be cleared of all charges.

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