Poland: trade farce in Warsaw

Association of Polish syndicalist ZSP participated in a working demonstration organized by the semi-official trade unions in Warsaw on September 29. In recent days, he issued several statements criticizing the planned farce and he gave a television interview criticizing the mainstream trade union. The Union called on a number of small independent trade unions and workers come to demonstrate and build on it a radical bloc.

Unfortunately, a last-minute guests, and people were expected did not come. One prevented the bad weather. But we heard that, at least in one case, a local profbyurokraty stated that only invited members of the "Solidarity" and OPZZ, and only they can form blocks.ZSP was officially invited to participate, but did not respond to the invitation.

Ultimately, the syndicalist union was the only independent trade union in Poland (from 5000), who participated in the demonstration. So the radical bloc was modest in size, but it later joined by miners and ZSP. Some of these miners ignored the union leadership in 2005and together with the anarchists staged a riot in front of the Sejm, forcing politicians to abandon the sharp reduction in their pensions. They and this time sought to give the complaint more energetic in nature, but in the end, we prevented profbyurokraty.

The meeting is seen 400-500 policemen, mostly defending the building of the Council of Ministers. In the direction of government office flew firecrackers and other items. Profbossy and protesting police "constantly screaming that the workers do not have anything to throw at police, because it is" our brothers-workers, who last week protested themselves. "Nevertheless, when we are together with the miners walked past the office, it looked as the zone of hostilities, and the air was filled with smoke.

It was expected that the flash fire, radical workers bring a stick and immediately break out the collision. But the radicals on this protest was very small - only a few miners and shipyard workers from Gdynia. Apparently, the "Solidarity" has decided this time not to bring such workers, but there were many of those whom we had never met - social insurance of workers, forest rangers ...

Later we learned that people ne6 allowed to take some protest material - for example, tires that shipyard workers usually burned in the streets.It seems that bureaucrats set out to organize the quietest protest in Europe!

The miners were about to enter into the collision, but the demonstration did not stand still, and we had to pass the office. We thought it would be possible, as happened in past demonstrations, make a circle, return, and then, perhaps, will be a collision.But when we are making a circle back, the demonstration was over. Bureaucrats quickly turned the event and began to call workers back on the bus, although the demonstration lasted about an hour or less.

We can assume that this was done is going, and as soon as the official organizers told police to stop the demonstration, she was working to push the buses to make way street. Some people wanted to go to the presidential palace, but profbossy began shouting that the bus was about to otedut, and they will not wait for latecomers.Most of the workers were confused, and so nothing happened.

So, we have witnessed the biggest trade union demonstration in the capital for many, many years. People for several hours traveled to Warsaw, only to walk past the office just once the government in less than an hour, and listen to some sluggish speech. This farce has revealed the depth of the fall of semiofficial trade unions.

The event was attended by about 10,000 people, nearly all of them - not from Warsaw.Fortunately, there were more ordinary workers than we expected, and it was a number of the unemployed. Leaflets ZSP dispersed within minutes, many workers have expressed support for the strike and expressed disappointment with the union leadership. Despite the miserable performance of the demonstration, we tried to establish new contacts and hope that these people will go to our website and read our publications.

Some of our comrades were in Brussels, at the (central), the trade union demonstration.One of my friends called us and told us how the delegates of "Solidarity" called the police to get rid of our comrades who have joined the "black bloc". In the end, many of the people that were friends, were arrested. About their fate until we know nothing.


Related links:

Poland: an important victory for the movement of residents in Warsaw

Call of Polish anti-fascist

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