Spanish anarcho-syndicalist CNT-AIT: 100 years under the red-black flag

"To achieve the independence of women to work, and this work is unpleasant and will inevitably and poorly paid. We propose that the salary in line with its work to the same extent as in men. 100 years ago November 1, 1910 was proclaimed by the declaration, which could well be contained in the Manifesto on the occasion of 8 March this year. Together with the requirements that seem elementary to us today - such as the 8-hour workday, or termination of child labor - it was included in the number of resolutions of the constituent congress of the National Confederation of Labour (CNT), the trade union, which had become the latest in the most powerful organization of the working class of Spain.

Today, we still lag far behind those "glorious years" when the true visionaries such as Juan Pairaud or Federica Montseni, inspired by Ideas on the topic-communist, anti-militarist, secular and naturist ideas paved the way for the famous Social Revolution of 1936.In the past, left the era when, combining more than a half million members, CNT was able, in the midst of civil war, hundreds of collectivized agricultural enterprises and entire sectors of industry in Aragon and Catalonia.

Although it operates throughout the country, today's CNT, with its roughly 10 thousand members - a modest trade union, but with a very bright prospects for the future.According to its responsibility for contacts Miguel A.Fernandez, "after a hike through the desert, which was observed in the mid 80's, with the beginning of a new century is a significant increase in the number of members. It was consolidated and even significantly increased over the past 3 years. Thing of the past period, marked by internal strife and division, one of which led to the emergence of the current SGT.

The growth of some regional federations, such as Galician, Andalusian and Catalan, which is currently being acquired frenzied pace, and the creation of new trade unions (in Santander, Gandhi, Las Palmas, etc.) indicate the revival, the protagonist of which is youth.While the "average age of members of other unions is very high, in the CNT« a new generation of activists who are 30 and they take on important tasks, "- says Ana Sigüenza, a few years ago, former Secretary General of CNT.

According to this teacher from Madrid, the first woman in Spain, occupying ever such a responsible position in the union on a national scale, the attractiveness of the organization in the eyes of many young people, due to its special trade union model."If you play for the traditional profsoyuznichestvo, through elections, that is deregulated industries, employing many young carers as a result of behind - such as hospitality, trade, transport and communications."

Unlike most unions », CNT, receives no subsidy and not having freed workers, sharply opposed to participation in union elections, and rejects the existence of the committees in firms (firms Committees - statutory bodies of social" partnership "working with entrepreneurs, elected representatives from unions - approx.translation.). Alternatively, it defends the general assembly of workers and the establishment of trade union sections in enterprises and institutions. As noted by Miguel A.Fernandez, with such membership is not surprising that the "center of gravity of our organization - to medium-sized enterprises, where there is great interest, and where unions get their way by signing vnestatusnyh agreements in such new fields as archeology, forestry, and, of course, field of temporary and insecure employment, who abandoned most of the trade unions because there is no trade union elections. "

In this context, and against the tidal wave of crises facing the world today, the Confederation has two priorities: combating unemployment, promoting self-unemployed, and the opposition "Labour reforms.Suso Garcia of CNT Betanzos, trade union, which over the past 2 years has a significant effect in this village in La Coruna, believes that the current economic downturn offers some opportunities: «CNT must seize the moment to strengthen trade union work, to work for workers and provide a measure of control.

To do this, he continues, "we must be generous, non-sectarian and open mind."In this way, the trade union from another small town, under the Lebrija Sevilla, less than a year has made that more than 90% of establishments and enterprises town stopped work during a general strike against unemployment and for "a more equitable distribution of labor." In the eyes of many, Lebrija symbolizes the way the organization, which in December, after 8 years of waiting, finally, is holding its 10 th confederal congress.

Ideas on the topic movement

Do not be surprised at the sight of CNT participation in such social interventions, as the fight against high-speed railway in the Basque Country or against an oil refinery in Tierra de Barros, in Extremadura, to mention the most recent examples.Yet in the libertarian movement CNT always put in the center of their activities of trade union work, leaving free women gender issues, and Anarchist Federation of Iberia and Leebertarnoy Youth (now - Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth) work bearing an increasingly ideological and political nature.

In addition to these three organizations, there Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, which conducts research and collects documents, trying to preserve the memory of movement.

Lebrija points the way

Victoriano Vela, who in 2003, together with other workers who had come from trade union SOC, organized in Lebrija CNT, insisted that, after February 18, 2009, he often encountered at the headquarters of the union with people who ask: "This is a place where help working people? ".The day after "four months of study, training and a lot of work," recalls Vela, the union has a peak: 90% of industrial activity areas (26,500 inhabitants) was paralyzed by a general strike against the policy of "cronyism" practiced by the mayor's office (a coalition of the Socialist Party and United Left), and for "equitable distribution of labor."

Thus, despite the boycott of the TSA and the Workers' Commissions (the official trade unions - prim.perevod.), And with 30,000 leaflets distributed during the previous days, the union has managed to participate in the 2500 demonstrations, which he spent alone.As a result of the strike the number of union members in Lebrija has grown from 70 to 120. But, above all, stresses Vela, "we have won the respect of people. Everyone understood that the CNT - a place of honesty, a place aid to the poor.


CNT held a demonstration in Madrid against labor reforms and reductions in public sector

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