In St. Petersburg anti-fascist rally held (photos)

November 4, in St. Petersburg hosted the anti-fascist rally, organized public action "to protect the city from the Nazis!". Recall the previous day, November 3, police had made an attempt to disrupt the rally , despite the fact that he was agreed. In the morning at the apartment of the Initiative on duty staff of the Centre to combat extremism. Under the pretext of checking documents, they tried to detain two activists. However, after lengthy discussion and identification, they were released.Nov. 4 rally was held and attracted 150 people.

After some time, representatives of law enforcement agencies have attempted to penetrate into the apartment of activists. They turned off the light, trying to pick the pick the lock. After several hours of fruitless attempts had been called up the fire department, who removed the front metal door. Without presenting search warrants and documents, they burst into the room, where they began beating people were there.

Arriving home the landlord cut down the door and found a group of employees of criminal investigation.Searches are carried out with the procedural violations: to arrive to the site of human rights defenders has been used physical force, and the lawyer was not allowed to participate in the investigation.

During the search, were confiscated documents, computers, clothes, telephones, banners and promotional materials to share. In total, the search continued for 6 hours. In addition, were arrested two activists who participated in the preparation of the action. As it turned out, against one of them prosecuted under the Criminal Code st.111 (Deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm ").

Organizers of the rally regard the incident as an attempt to prevent anti-fascists in the event.All actions of law enforcement agencies will be challenged in the courts.

Despite the actions of the police, anti-fascist rally held on November 4. It was attended by about 100 people. The rally was positioned as a nonpartisan, so there was no symbolism of any political organization.

Prior to the event ultra attempted provocation.Several young people began chanting Nazi slogans. However, anti-fascists did not succumb to provocation, and the Nazis at the request of the police withdrew. Next meeting took place without incident. At the event were representatives of various public organizations, expressed the need for a joint struggle against fascism. The rally also includes the cultural component.

There were poems as modern poets in St. Petersburg (Roman Osminkin, Pavel Arseniev, Artyom Suslov), and already recognized classics: Federico Garcia Lorca and Mussa Jalil. Was read, and one of the poems of Anastasia Baburova murdered by the Nazis. Was also a photo exhibition depicting the problem of fascism and the fight against it.

After the meeting members of organized left the venue. In general, the event passed without major incidents.


Photo report:

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