Stalinists = right and another right

"Naturally, I was not a Communist, and nothing to do with communism have not, but if I was a Russian patriot, might well be on a par with the Russian Communists, of course, if they are fighting for the Russian future for Russia"

Alain de Benoist , founder and theoretician of the movement "New Right"

There are a variety of materials, equating Stalinism and fascism, in theory, arguing it from different points of view of theoretical concepts (liberal esdekovskoy, Trotskyist, anarchist, and levokommunisticheskoy pravostalinistskoy).And these concepts are under a serious foundation.

Stalinist pravizna CIS covers a lot of people - from chuhonskogo Natsik sovpatriota kommari, weep for the slain man Bon , to hamsters Resource type Tupich0k, site Berkema Al atoms, etc. In fact, now is the political mainstream, elements of which are implanted as above (the authorities) and the bottom of thepolitical activists and ordinary people who dream of a strong dick master.

Yes, earlier in the 90's Stalinism was:

"Just as the French poor youth response to the hypocrisy of the regime of the Restoration were Bonapartist myth and the myth of the Jacobin, the answer to the hypocrisy of the Russian Stalinist Restoration became a myth and, as Stalin as a great Russian patriot rises on board the Putin regime, will become a myth Bolshevik "

The reasons for passivity of the proletariat </ A>, MI

Now Stalinism - the above sad shit.

A brief tour of the Stalinist movement, not pretending to a complete description of stalinoidov - purely for the sake of harassment of these.

Let's start with the most legitimate parliamentary party the Communist Party.

Does not require too much repetition of the essence of Communist Party ideology, an ardent clericalism, membership in her ultra-right propaganda and support for fascist ideas like "Russian socialism". From the latter can remember supporting the "revolt of Spartacus."This topic has long been revealed and grind her senseless, leaving her left Stalinists.

Therefore, below.

There is such a party - the EIF , the party with large claims on the role of the revolutionary Marxist party. Okay, let as they want, so myself and position.

Regarding them - one on the far site Slavic community "was a post which read:

"On February 28, 2010 in St. Petersburg in one of the premises of the Central Committee held a constituent assembly EIF Stalinists of the city and the Leningrad region.The initiators of this event were the Stalinists of the Russian-Slavic movement "Russian March - Slavic Veche" in the Northwest Federal District of Russia, "Fondazione Generalissimo IV Stalin's "St. Petersburg ...

Also in the Trustees and the Supervisory Board of the Movement have agreed to enter such well-known political, social, scientific and cultural figures, convinced of the Stalinists and supporters in the fight for the right thing as Russian: VATyulkin (sic), OI Koryakin, BI Protasov, Y. Voronov, OM Gusev, AR Kontarev, LB Kashinova-Butovskaya, V. Kashin, YU.K, Runners, AM Slavsky, JK Kovalchuk, N. Petrov, OV Petrov, JG Popov, NA Tretyakov, RT Housekeeper, A. Reshetnikov, II Narozhnyi and others, as well as the great-nephew IV Comrade Stalin. DG Nikuradse and chairman of the Foundation. Generalissimo IV Stalin's "Comrade.LI Scary.

The meeting unanimously agreed to the establishment of 28 th February 2010 the Movement Stalinists "For the Motherland! For Stalin! "In the Northwest Federal District of Russia."

And then another one :

"On April 21, 2010 in St. Petersburg in the premises of the Central Committee EIF was a joint meeting of representatives of the Movement of the Stalinists' For the Motherland! Stalin and the Russian-Slavic movement "Russian March - Slavic Veche.

At the meeting, was reviewed and discussed a number of issues concerning the further joint activity of these movements, including the issue of their participation and interaction in the already traditional for the citySt Petersburg Slavonic March 1 st May 2010.

Our cause is right, we win!

Glory to Russia! "

Fussikli questions - what the Stalinist movement "For the Motherland! Stalin and the Russian-Slavic movement "Russian March - Slavic Veche and as they entered the premises of the Central Committee EIF, which calls itself Marxist-Leninists, internationalist and anti-fascists?

And why is the head of the Marxist EIF and fighter for the rights Russian Case Viktor Tyulkin entered in the Board of Trustees and the Supervisory Board of the muddy Movement?

Distinct definitions of "For the Motherland! With Stalin in the network there, but it is clear that they are wild Étatist love to go to Russian marches and swing there imperkami and portraits of Stalin.

A motion of "Russian March - Slavic veche" explicit movement "professional Russian" national-socialists, fascists, Imperials and natspatov.

I think that start right in his office improperly.Especially if you position yourself as a revolutionary communists, Marxists and internationalists.

But for the EIF, apparently fashizoidy its people, which in turn also consider RKRPshnikov own.
How so?

Here you can suggest two options:

  1. EIF is not who or what for they are.
  2. Realpolitik is so deeply consumed the brain RKRPshnikam that they for the sake of some private benefits of a fully prepared zapomoit.

But more or less knowing what EIF - and that is another option they peacefully coexist.

Take at least that the premises of the Moscow organization EIF (and RKSMb) is in the building of socio-political movement "Union", which is a conglomerate of various patriotic, nationalistic and fascist organization.On, continuouslyereign data, a member of the PLO "UNION" is the Congress of Russian Communities, works with the Movement Against Illegal Immigration .

EIF also a member of the Union.

I doubt that rkrpshniki fiercely divided opinions soyuzovtsev, then soon all the same principle of Realpolitik - for khalyavnykh room in central Moscow, you can in fact even before pozigovat benefactors of the principles of Marxism-Leninism shove deeper.

Isolated cases of pravizny EIF moved into the statistics in the early 90's.

Knowingly Oleg torbasses created a whole e-book (and even making a second edition) , describing the EIF, with her friendship with right-wing , nationalistic , anti-Semitism , traditionalism , etc.

You can also read a collection of anti-Nazi pamphlets and articles 90's "In the struggle against bourgeois nationalism.ArticleAtiyah and letters in different years, detailing the theory and practice of the then social-fascists.

For three years (since the publication of the second edition of "Monster-centric"), little has changed in fact - just something retouched, trying to put evrostalinistsky gloss (under the Greek KKE).

Of the last right-wing gestures EIF can note the participation of fascist APD in their mouth the front, and the odious Yuri Mukhin as one of the leaders of this association.

The most recent - the detention in the case Kvachkov Petersburg activist NOMP and EIF Alexander Kiselyov.According to the media, he organized the Russian marches and force support. In the context of the above information, it is quite plausible.

And yet recently in Chita Red Front + EIF + RKSM (b) held a march "anti-Stalinism = Fascism. They would have to "Ministry of Truth" to work.

Next - VKPb Nina Andreeva, Communist Party, etc.
Old as shit mammoth, time of creation and to the age composition of the party.same Étatist, Imperials, and anti-Semites, conspiracy, sought out the Committee of 300 , kriptoevreev etc.

Motion on March 17 Movement on May 9, AKM-TR, the same movement Stalinists "For the Motherland! With Stalin, the Army will of the people kvachkovtsy and all that - Ebanny shame!

Pile national communists, national socialists, leftists, Nazis shtrasserovtsev, gitlerastov,RAAS SB Imperials, monarchists, clericals and other brown bench.

Red-brown friends with Nazi-gitlerastami (though sometimes shit on historical themes and minor political differences), support the Nazi activism, not Navid "come in large numbers, left-wing and anti-fascists, and of other far-right patterns.

With these Stalinists seem strange sympathy for the anti-fascist Stalinists individual - certainly "dedyvoevali", well, the Stalinists do with it?

They have no relation to Red Army soldiers, they are only representatives of the contemporary political currents of (ultra) the right of the spectrum and everything.

At its core Stalinists who are opposed to AFA.It is possible that those guy (see photo) on the white sneakers with imperkami and portraits of Stalin, in his free school / uni time jumping on the Tajik janitors or AGF:

By stalinoidam can apply a classification that divides them into passive and active right-wing right-wing.

Passive right - those stalinoidy that passively apply to reactionary ideas, not against them, or act purely nominal (as EIF), while in reality pursuing a passive course.They do not go to the Russian marches, but are friends with those who walk. They usually do not propagate in their own resource-right ideas, but behind the scenes can support them, etc.

EIF - the most obvious example of passive right.

Active rules is carried out directly reactionary policy, promoting the reactionary ideas and implement them in practice - propaganda, Russian marches and attacks on foreigners and leftists, the cooperation with the cops etc.

In principle it is possible to complete this review - other groups and organizations, or no longer exist (such as "Red Blitzkrieg") or of little interest.

And do not rub about the fact that right-wing Stalinists - not kosher, but the real Stalinist labor communist internationalists.Known representatives of the leftist Stalinists are a minority in Stalinism and more often, not being a thoroughbred Stalinists, are crossbred with leftist themes, such as gevarizma, social democracy, Trotskyism, etc.Examples can be considered the Komsomol (b), CSC, a group of "Breakthrough" of individuals. Well, that's all.


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