On the "third position" pogroms in Moscow

In recent years, among the so-called "anti-fascists" spread the view of the possibility of a "third position" that goes beyond the "national opposition" associated with the union on the grounds of "corruption and crime" and, thus, expressing the position of "normal people .

However, I believe, corruption is no relation to what is happening, in principle, it does not - was immediately arrested the gunman, as He was charged with murder. Detained on hooliganism - released under the subscription.

This is quite adequate police actions, regardless of ethnicity, participants of the fight.

Moreover, whether this fight between two groups of ethnic Russian - no disturbance would not exist.

So all these meetings are purely nationalistic and, indeed, about any perturbation of corruption are not talking, talking about "those chock.

On the other hand, it seems that the conversion of rallies in the unrest was deliberately inspired by the authorities to tighten laws on extremism and support for power politics - talking about it, and the presence of various nashistskih provocateurs and that the rally began at the official announcement of Medvedev - president for a 2012 and that scenario is exactly the same - so the first law on extremism was adopted after the match, "Russia-Japan" and the subsequent massacre of fans at the Manege.

Actions "normal people", including the so-called"Anti-fascists" to something to distinguish themselves from ethnic minorities (in this case, the "Caucasians") at a time whenagainst them are motivated polupogromu vague excuses about the "war on ethnic identities, but in reality no more than an elementary xenophobia (" Mr. Cho, hachi no sugar, we're with you understand ") and talk about corruption and power system, in fact, repeating the slogans of ethnic nationalists, criminal gangs and so forth.

No pogroms ever organized against the minority of "normal", "well integrated", "in no way responsible."

Were not such a pleasant and well-integrated lessdignity of European Jews before the Holocaust, one-half of the unpleasant inokulturnye immigrants, on the other - members of radical terrorist groups that killed the night before Kristallnacht, not just a fan in a strange fight, but a diplomat, as an act of individual terror.

Were not and are not such a pleasant and an integrated European Roma minority.

Were not and were not so pleasant and integrated minority and African-Americans, and all the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups are often onravdyvali operates a high crime rate among African-American population.

Pogroms are taking place against those, and if there is a band that "unpleasant to protect" - whether it's "get all" Caucasians "or appearing on the gay pride parade lgbt activists.

And identity at this point with "normal people" are, in fact, with those who, of course, the riots did not like, but here, you know, and those here, too, is not very pleasant, "is an act directed not at the end of the war nationals identity, but the hidden support of the pogroms, the act of acceptance and understanding of the pogrom.

On the pogrom, there can be no third party, except by a (perhaps hidden) behind a half-smile mayhem observing and, thus, supporting the rioters.

For the anti-fascist can be only one party - the party of those who thunder.

Heart of anti-fascist in this struggle can only fight in the Caucasus Mountains.

And if something in this side of the conflict with the usual values of "tolerance" and "internationalizationformalism "- so that is what exists entristskie practices of all kinds.

When thoughts and actions of the workers do not quite correspond to communist ideals, because for some reason normal left does not begin to support the capitalists against the workers, but if you suddenly start - it is not whether it is "left" the movement of any left really is not?

Does not that these thoughts begin to arise with respect to Caucasians - that, and left anti-fascist and liberal anti-Fascist movements are not inherently any anti-fascist, but they are essentially "nationalist" movements of self-defense "street culture" and a "culture of urban intellectuals "respectively?

author Seroe Fioletovoe, written on Dec. 17, 2010at 15:10

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