"Witnesses" and "public": Tyumen was the first trial of Andrew Kutuzov

The first meeting for consideration of the merits of the case participant "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, who is accused of calling for extremist activity that took place in the world court in Tyumen on December 14. Recall that Andrew is accused of distributing "extremist" leaflets at a rally for the disbanding of the centers "E" which was held in Tyumen, October 30, 2009.

The trial lasted all day. It considered the defense motion, questioned witnesses for the prosecution. There was also a questioning of witnesses who were present during the search of the apartment Kutuzova 14 April 2010.

By the beginning of the hearing in the corridor, gathered nearly two dozen people.Among wishing to attend the course were both journalists, and ordinary citizens. However, in the courtroom even if only a few of the men, citing the lack of a solution space. Photo and video in the courtroom was prohibited, an exception made only for the operator of one of the Tyumen online media, allowing the protocol to record the first minutes of the meeting.

Process began with a statement by defense motions brought forward from the prior meeting.Application for refund of Kutuzov computer (due to the fact that it does not provide any evidence in the case), the judge dismissed, saying that it can be examined after the study on this computer. On the other hand, the defense motion for the admission of the cause of sociological research specialists from Nizhny Novgorod State University Garipova judge was granted. In this study, the researchers conclude that m Ilica and the staff of the centers "E" are not and can not be a social group towards which can burn with hatred.

In addition, the defense was told the application for summons by experts whose expertise is the evidence for the prosecution, in connection with the fact that to them and their expertise have some questions. The court granted the petition, but put all the responsibility to ensure their appearance at the defense side.All four experts live in Ekaterinburg, for 300 kilometers from the city of Tyumen. Many nablyudatedli consider such actions of the judge is clearly biased and inconsistent with the law.

Most of the time took the examination of witnesses for the prosecution. Some of them said he did not remember to Andrey Kutuzov at the rally spread extremist material or insulting spoken out about police officers. It is interesting that such testimony was given just a regular police officers (but not the center of "E"). Thus, S.V. Samodurov (Senior Inspector of the Special Assignments Department ODUUM and PDN MOB Internal Affairs Directorate in Tyumen region), E. Kobza (precinct police OPPEN in OC Internal Affairs Directorate in Tyumen) and N. Alexandrov (Deputy Head of Department to ensure public ATC order for the city of Tyumen) formally seemingly being witnesses for the prosecution, in fact defended the accused.

However, other witnesses gave different testimony. Employee of the center of Tyumen "E" EN Kuznetsova and citizens EM Gilev andB. Ageikin, AE Tesalovsky and SA urls said at the rally, they were the very "extremist leaflet.

The defense pointed out many inconsistencies in the testimony of those witnesses. So, attending the rally, law enforcement officials say they have not noticed in the speeches of the protesters no insult in his address. However, AV Ageikin is not interested, in general, public equity, stood at the rally about an hour. It turns out that he was wondering, "Is there a fight between the guards and law enforcement participants in the rally: so, in his view, were offensive language speakers.Completely incomprehensible, how can so differently to evaluate these speeches.

In addition, as it turned out to Ageikin during the rally came some "employees with a crust," and took his data. It is for these data six months later they found him to question and to withdraw received leaflets. The question arises: "employees" have the shamanic gift and know in advance who will hand over at a rally extremist leaflets?

Interesting also appear and testify E.Kuznetsova and SA URLs. Employee of the Centre to combat extremism, according to her, was at the rally by Andrew Kutuzova leaflet with the words "elements to the wall, but nothing illegal in these words did not see. and peacefully away from the rally after his graduation. On the other hand, SA urls, who had sat three times for theft and robbery and has not, in his words, "practically no education" received the same leaflet, immediately understood that it is something wrong.Directly from the central square, he went to the police department - writing a statement of the crime. Thus, a citizen of URLs in the issue of detection of extremism in the texts of leaflets was sighted employee of the Center "E". At the same time at a given during the trial the question of how he personally relates to the police, URLs replied that "before a negative attitude, but now am not in any way." Clarify that then prompted him to write the statement, he could not.

In this regard, indifferent citizens sent a statement to the prosecutor to initiate criminal proceedings against Kuznetsova on the grounds of criminal negligence.It is clear: either justify Kutuzova and acknowledge that there is no "extremist" leaflet does not apply, then either try and Kuznetsov, which is not stopped the crime in the bud.

Andrey Kutuzov himself so he sets out his impressions of the meeting:

"Someone very, very afraid of a public court.Bailiffs just went out of their trying to avoid the courthouse people with cameras. Was officially invited to the operator 72.ru, took a few private conversations with the judge and a lot of running around here and there in their offices, because police officers were determined to "keep and do not let go." In this case, police operators in plainclothes stood quietly in the hall and shot everything we wanted. They bailiffs pointedly ignored.
Nevertheless, the room still filled with the audience, even without cameras. And apparently, this made conclusions.After lunch, most people in the hall could no longer walk. Why? Yes, because for two hours (the end of lunch) room was already almost completely filled by another "public". Ahead were the same short-cropped guys, and behind - wide stretches of the things my aunt. Needless to say, nobody from the defense, they were not familiar with. "All the seats are full," - said the police officers and missed the gym after much wrangling only three of those who came before lunch.
During the meeting, in the eyes of his aunts was read boredom, some of solving crossword puzzles.But the task they performed - a real audience in the hall was not allowed. Even when it was over, we asked them who they are and what their process is interesting. Home aunt alarmed and began to play partisan: "I will not say anything!" Only the court, "" You are violating my rights, "" I refuse to answer questions! ". Apparently, it was the center of the fan club of "E". Excellent practice, regenerating the best traditions of scoop. My congratulations to the System. "

The court session ended only at five o'clock in the evening.The next meeting will be held January 12, 2011, it will be questioned by other organizers of the rally, and some experts say.

On materials http://golosa.info/node/4573 and http://www.nashgorod.ru/news/news38986.html

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