Belarus: Statement on vovodu unlawful retention in custody of Nicholas Dedkov

According to the portal friends and relatives who were detained in Minsk and other cities of Belarus in September anarchists have distributed a new application. "Today, September 24, expires next, the seventh, the detention of our friend Nicholas Dedkov. 21 days it is in the detention center on Akrestin, but no charges were brought against him. Every three days he is detained again, each time for new cases, has nothing to do with the anarchists. The last time he was again detained by Article 339.(Conduct), but this time do not matter, ie simply because that is a blatant case of lawlessness, even for Belarus.

We know that they wanted to be accused of organizing an illegal action against the joint Russian-Belarusian military exercise "West 2009" in September last year, during which someone threw a smoke bomb on the territory of Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus.

Over the last 2 weeks, according to our findings, the interrogations in GUBOP and KGB in this case was caused by more than 30 people. They were asked to give testimony that it was Nicholas Dedok organized this action, inviting her people, gave participants a mask, led the column.

Some proved to moral pressure.Employees GUBOPa argued that if the necessary evidence will not, then he will be questioned by an accomplice to the crime, threats of sexual violence by other prisoners on the lists of restricted to travel abroad and problems at work with him and his parents. In recent days, the case began to arrest people involved in informationsupport of prisoners, such as Alexander Yarashevich, Helen Dubovik and Anna Chernyshev.

Thus, we see that the authorities have no evidence of guilt Dedkov, and they try to get them by any means, but at the same time still try to intimidate other activists for their community work.

We demand to stop the pressure on social activists and to release Nicholas Dedkov. "

Also reported , both in the morning on Sept. 23 in his apartment were arrested Alexander Yaroshevich Officer (Information and Publishing Agency PostMedia ") and Alain Dubovik, his girlfriend.After a search, they were taken to GUBOP. It should be noted that in recent years, Alexander has been active in Minsk detained by the anarchists, in contact with their parents and the press.

A. Dubovik, and A. Jaroszewicz released without charge.

We believe that the new searches and detention is yet another attempt by the authorities put pressure on activists and those who are trying to keep the incidents without attention, who speaks with the media and disseminating information.

Friends and relatives of detainees, minsksolidarity [at]


Akrestsina Street


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