Social strife in the world from January 26 to February 1. Overview.

Released by Jura Liberter 2.1.2011 ( )

Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Sudan, Albania, Algeria, and Morocco, Syria, Mali, France, Spain, Cyprus, Ontario ...

The information presented comes from a variety of media, so you should apply to it with some degree of confidence ... Fortunately, the list goes on!

January 26 - Egypt: Tahrir Square in Cairo, the whole night was occupied by protesters.In the morning the area cleared of manifest security forces. 700 people were arrested during a demonstration the day before. Telephone networks, websites including Facebook and Twitter, are blocked. Ministry of the Interior states that "no act of provocation, no protest, no procession or protest has been resolved." In Suez, Alexandria, in Gharbiyah, in Giza and Cairo (including to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), there are new demonstrations and new clashes with the police: produced 500 new arrests.Local offices of the ruling party PDP (PND, the National Democratic Party) are thrown Molotov cocktails. Is looting of shops.

January 26 - Tunisia: In Tunisia, the first breaking through the cordon, tearing up the barbed wire with their bare hands, a group of protesters trying to force the second to break the cordon, blocking access to the esplanade, where are the offices of prime minister. They are trying to break in there to join the ranks of hundreds of manifesto for the past three days and nights on duty on the esplanade.Special police trying to prevent their advance, using tear gas. In response, the protesters defended stones. In Sfax thousands of workers in all sectors have ceased to work, responding to a call for a strike union UGTT (Public Workers Union). Manifestation has collected more than 50,000 people.

January 26 - Mali: Demonstration against the eviction and migration policy with the participation of more than 200 people in front of the French Embassy in Bamako. Beating protesters with truncheons and abundant use of police tear-gas grenades.In response, protesters threw stones.

January 27 - Egypt: Stones against the tear gas in Ismailia (northeast). In Suez, protesters gathered outside the police station demanding the release of prisoners. They are expected to rubber bullets, water cannons and tear gas grenades. Protesters respond by throwing, including Molotov cocktails and setting fire to several government buildings (including the barracks fire). In Sinai, the police become the target of several rocket shots.

January 27 - Tunisia: In Tunisia - the siege of the headquarters of the Prime Minister on the esplanade Kasby continues.General strike in Sidi Bouzid and demonstration with cries of "No kidnapping of the revolution!"

January 27 - Yemen: Four anti-government protests organized at the same time in the capital Sana'a, collected more than 16,000 protesters. The main slogan: "It is time for change." Four counter-demonstrations were organized by the ruling - "No destruction of democracy and the Constitution" - can be read in one of the posters.Police specials. appointment was kept at a distance from these events, guarding the building, where the ministers are hiding.

January 27 - France: Extension of the strike at ports and docks in France. The trade union General Confederation of Labour (CGT, CGT) accuses the government and employers that they do not comply with an agreement signed in October on the severity of work and retirement. Employers' organizations of the city of Brest has accused the strikers of "seizing businesses hostage."

January 27 - Switzerland: At a time when the Davos Economic Forum is held, there is an explosion in the basement of a hotel.In a statement the group calling itself "Revolutionary Perspective" takes responsibility for the bombing: "Our struggle against the dictatorship of capital is based on a social alternative to capitalism - to communism."

January 27 - Spain: Protests in thirty cities on an appeal of minority trade unions against the proposed pension reform, which provides for retirement in 67 years.Clashes in the Basque Country and Madrid, during which 8 policemen were wounded.

January 28 - Egypt: From 1 night, internet and mobile networks is almost completely blocked. In Cairo, police and army are patrolling the city. The protest going on across the country. In Alexandria, the rebels set fire to the building of local administrations. In Cairo, burning the headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party (PND) and police stations.Area, where are the parliament and the Garden City (embassies, the headquarters of various companies ...), and partly in flames. The protesters stormed the headquarters of state television, but soon were forced out of there. Curfews were declared in Suez, Alexandria and Cairo, but the protesters did not carry it. Looting and arson continued throughout the night.

January 28 - Tunisia: The action of solidarity to the Egyptian embassy. Continued Siege Kasby until arrival at the place special forces who managed to oust the protesters with tear gas (manifesto defended only by means of stones!), While lawyers and trade unionists were trying to convince the protesters to stop the siege.The government denies that ordered the evacuation of people from the area. Manifesto capture avenue. Bourguiba - the main artery of the city of Tunis, for which the Army conducts follow-up (including a helicopter). Against them abundantly used tear gas.

Jan. 28 - Jordan: Several thousand protesters in Amman, Irbid, Karak, Ma'an and Dibane against the high cost of living and economic policy.

January 28 - Albania: 200 000 uchastvuyuyut in a demonstration in Tirana to demand the overthrow of the regime.

January 29 - Egypt: Despite the resignation of the government, demonstrations and riots continue in Cairo, especially in the Ministry of Interior.Store Carrefour, as well as many other shops looted.In Rafah (in the Sinai near the border with the Gaza Strip), the headquarters of state security is being attacked by, including grenades. During the attack there were clashes with police in which police opened fire on protesters with live ammunition. This fire is open and manifest in Alexandria, where several government buildings on fire. According to government services, 60% of the country's police stations were burned, 17 of them - in Cairo. In the city of Ismailia (in Suez Canal Zone), there are violent clashes between security forces and thousands of protesters.Mubarak appoints one of the military (former Minister of Aviation), the new prime minister and intelligence chief - vice-president.

January 29 - France: In Paris, as in many places around the world (London, Barcelona, Washington, New York, Tokyo, Athens, Rome, Helsinki, Beirut, Amman, Caracas ...), held demonstrations of solidarity with the people Egypt. French police checks individual over a hundred people.

January 29 - Tunisia: Esplanade Kasby cordoned off by soldiers.According to the media, the country seems to be returning to a quiet life ... Several rounds of tear gas to disperse the "young men who prey on stores." In a demonstration for women's rights and freedoms are attended by several hundred women. During an economic summit in Davos, representatives of Tunisia appear to appeal to return to the country of investors and tourists ...

January 28 - Cyprus: The broad participation of the population in a general strike against austerity policies, which calls into question all the labor law.

January 29 - Algeria: More than 10 000 people protested in Béjaïa (in Kabylia), demanding repeal of emergency (in force for 19 years) and a regime change.

January 30 - Egypt: The Collapse of the Arab stock exchanges. Riots and escapes over a thousand prisoners from Wadi Natroun, 100 km north of Cairo.Front of the prison at Abu Zaabal, east of Cairo, were discovered 12 bodies of prisoners, while all the other prisoners escaped after a riot. Similar scenes occurred at least four more prisons. Looting in the Cairo Museum. Channel Al-Jazeera, covering the protests ceased broadcasting after the relevant government order. The first clashes with the military, which until then had not been hostile to the protesters. The central area of Cairo (Tahrir) is again filled with people.Combat aircraft are watching the crowd. Several thousand demonstrators decide to spend the night in the square.

January 30 - Sudan: The demonstration of (mostly youth) in Khartoum against high prices and the regime of Beshir. Hail stones are flying at the police who are responsible blows of sticks and resorted to numerous arrests by those students who are close to power. Student demonstration demanding the revolution was brutally suppressed in El-Obeid (North). Gathering of protesters in Omdurman, in which one participant was injured and died the next day.

Jan. 30 - Morocco: Demonstrations in Fez and Tangiers on call "Attac" Morocco.The protesters oppose the price increase, but also in solidarity with the Egyptian and the Tunisian people, they need care the king, a decent living and housing for all. The police force disperses protesters.

January 30 - Syria: Scheduled youth gathering in front of the Egyptian embassy in Damascus, but he was hampered by the police.

January 31 - Egypt: The Return of the police on the streets.OPEC announces a potential shortage of oil. The beginning of a general strike. In Cairo, Tahrir Square again filled with people all day long, despite the curfew. Some placards condemned the "hypocrisy of the West." The new Prime Minister forms the new government: one police general was appointed to the Interior Ministry. The Army announced that it will not use force against the manifest, but will delay the "hooligans" and "saboteurs."

January 31 - Tunisia: Youth gathering violently broken up in Tunisia, where the streets are relatively quiet since the 29th of January.General strike in Kasserine, where the sub-prefecture and other government buildings looted and vandalized (youth house, office livestock industry, the Research Institute of Technology ...). UGTT union distances itself from the strike call, announced in an anonymous leaflet. New acts of sabotage in Sfax and Mahdia.

January 31 - Ontario: More than 10 000 people uchatsvuyut in a demonstration in support of workers, steelworkers of U.S. Steel, which holds in respect of their workers lockout and intends to deprive them of their pensions.

February 1 - Egypt: UN gives a figure of 300 deaths since the beginning of the uprising. Demonstration in Luxor, more than 250 000 people gathered in Suez, 100 000 - in Alexandria and more than one million people - in Cairo. Dressed in civilian police armed with sticks, being careful to avoid "excesses". Police and soldiers conducting searches and monitoring of individual people joining the protesters at Tahrir Square.The crowd surrounded on all sides by the military, who also guarded the presidential palace, protected by barbed wire. Opposition to the IMF and World Diplomacy prepare the transition to the new regime ...

February 1 - Algeria: A strike in the health sector and education requirements aimed primarily at raising wages.

To be continued ... :

Algeria: A call to the unemployed demonstrations on February 6, despite a ban on all marches in the streets of Algiers.Earlier coordination, born during the January riots, today announced the call for mobilization on Feb. 12, demanding the abolition of emergency care and treatment.

Syria: The social networking site Facebook has appeared calling for demonstrations on Friday, Feb. 4 against the "monocracy, corruption and tyranny" ...

France: union port workers strike threatens to gain if the talks planned for tomorrow at the headquarters of the Union of French ports, or lead nowhere.

The revolution will be international or not at all!

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