Egypt: an interview with the anarcho-communist in Liberty Square in Cairo

"The most difficult obstacle faced by the Egyptian revolutionaries, was a precipice of communications. Western revolutionaries should exert pressure on their governments to not give the regime in Egypt to do so. It is now, but nobody can say what will happen in the long run. If the revolution is successful, the revolutionaries of the West must unite with the Egyptian comrades against anticipated aggression from the U.S. and Israel. If the revolution is defeated, it will slaughter all Egyptian revolutionaries. "

Please introduce yourself and tell me to what movement are you?

My name is Nidal Tahrir, I'm from the Black Flag, a small group of anarchist-communists in Egypt.

The whole world is watching Egypt, and even worried a token of solidarity.However, due to shutdown the Internet, information was difficult to find. Can you tell me about what happened in Egypt last week? How it looks from your perspective?

Right now the situation is crucial. Everything began with an invitation for a day of anger against the regime of Mubarek January 25.Nobody expected that the invitation to the day of wrath from an unrelated group, with pages on Facebook, nobody is really not an organized, called "We're Khalid Saeed (Khalid Saeed - a young Egyptian, who was killed by police Mubarak in Alexandria last summer), at the Thursday all began, it was the spark from which kindled the flame.

On Tuesday, held large demonstrations in the streets of all cities of Egypt, on Wednesday began a massacre. It began with an attempt to stop the sit-in protest at Tahrir Square on Tuesday night, and continued in the next few days, especially in the Suez.Suez holds a special place in the heart of every Egyptian. He was a center of resistance against the Zionists in 1956 and 1967, in the same area. He gave rebuffed Sharon's troops in Egypt during the war with Israel. Police Mubarak arranged for the slaughter of at least 4 people were killed, 100 wounded, used gas grenades, rubber bullets, flamethrowers, over men sprayed a strange yellow substance that looks like mustard gas.

Friday was named Juma Wrath - Juma in Arabic on Friday, an official holiday in Egypt, as in many Muslim countries.This is a holy day in Islam, because this day is making a big prayer, called Jumu'ah prayer. Planned to continue the demonstration after prayers at noon, but the police tried to stop the march by all means and with all the cruelty. In Cairo, there was a lot of collisions (in a business district in Mattareye, in the East of Cairo), throughout Egypt, especially in the Suez Alexandria, Mahalla (located in the delta, one of the centers of the working class).

From noon until sunset demonstrators marched through Cairo in the business center to participate in the sit-in at Tahrir Square, as long as Mubarak's regime will not be removed, singing only the slogan: "People need power shift."At sunset in Cairo on 17-00 of the time, Mubarak announced a curfew and sent troops to the Egyptian city. This curfew was accompanied by a planned break from the police, issued the criminals and thugs, called Baltagayyah.

Police planned a massive escape of criminals in many prisons of Egypt, to intimidate the people of Egypt.Not that the police, many military units could not control the streets, people were scared. This was followed by com news on TV of Egypt, radio and newspapers about the destruction of machinery in many cities, the thieves shoot people. People organized a "people's committees" to protect every street. This was welcomed by the regime, in order to scare people more instability in the country, but it is also the point at which we can begin to build a workers' councils.

According to the information on the environment know about clashes between the people that are configured for and against Mubarak.Is it true in general, this interpretation of events? Who are the supporters of Mubarak? "How do these relationships affect the collision of ordinary Egyptians working class?

Absolutely wrong to call it clashes between opponents and supporters of Mubarak. Demonstration in support of Mubarak consisted mostly of Baltagayyah and the secret police and was held with the purpose of attacking protesters at Tahrir Square. It started just after yesterday's speech, Mubarak, and after Obama's speech.Personally, I think that Mubarak feels like a bull in a slaughterhouse, which is trying to fill his murderers with their blood.

It feels like the Emperor Nero, and wants to set fire to Egypt before his shift, trying to get people to believe in what he is synonymous with stability, security and reliability. In this direction, he really made some progress - now formed an alliance against the people's sacred Tahriritov (protesters at Tahrir Square) and "Tahrirskoy Commune."Many people, especially the middle class, saying that the demonstrations should stop, because Egypt is burned famine, but it's true - this is just an exaggeration. Every revolution has its own difficulties, and Mubarak uses fear and terror to last longer.

Personally, I would argue that even if the protesters and LIABLE for this situation, even if so, Mubarak should leave, he must leave because of his inability to deal with what is happening right now.

What do you think will happen next week? How strong is the position taken by the U.S. government to influence what is happening here?

Nobody can predict what will happen tomorrow, or next week.Mubarak - stubborn idiot, and the Egyptian media carry the largest media campaign in its history to hold protests, planned for Friday, February 4. Held calls to another millionth march on Tahrir, called "Juma salvation." The position taken by the U.S. government affects us more than a demonstration. Mubarak is a traitor who is capable of killing all the people, but can not say no to their masters.

What was the participation of anarchists, supporters of the class struggle? Who were their allies?

Anarchism in Egypt is not a major focus.You can find a few anarchists, but for now this area is negligible. Anarchists Egypt joined the protests and people's committees, formed to protect the streets from bullies. Anarchists Egypt nourish some hopes for this advice. Allies of the anarchists in Egypt are, of course, the Marxists.Now we have no time for ideological debates - all the left call for unity, and only then argue about anything. Anarchists in Egypt are part of the Egyptian left.

What forms of solidarity can be built between the revolutionaries and revolutionaries of Egypt of the West? What can be done immediately and what should we do in the long run?

The most difficult obstacle faced by the Egyptian revolutionaries, was a precipice of communications. Western revolutionaries should exert pressure on their governments to not give the regime in Egypt to do so.It is now, but nobody can say what will happen in the long run. If the revolution is successful, the revolutionaries of the West must unite with the Egyptian comrades against anticipated aggression from the U.S. and Israel. If the revolution is defeated, it will slaughter all Egyptian revolutionaries

What will be the main problem immediately after the departure of Mubarak? Were there many such planning at street level? Suggested that the revolutionaries anticapitalists?

The main task for today, if we talk about street requirements, a new constitution and an interim government and then new elections.On this issue there are a lot of planning from different political orientations, especially from the Muslim Brotherhood. Revolutionaries anticapitalists in Cairo are few - the Communists and the democratic left and the Trotskyists call for the same requirements as the constitution and new elections, but what concerns us as anarchists, anti-capitalist, as well as anti-statists - we will try to guaranteeated that the committees that were formed for the protection and preservation of streets, amplified and tried to turn into a real plane.

What would you say to foreign revolutionaries?

Dear comrades around the world, we need solidarity, a large campaign of solidarity, and the Egyptian revolution will triumph!


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