This problem affects everyone – this aggressive propaganda affects your children, younger brothers and sisters. This propaganda aims to receive the highest profits for capitalists. Capitalistic system doesn’t matter whether its client is an adult or a teenager, a female or a male, of Russian or other nationality. That’s why we’ve decided to speak out on this issue as anticapitalists.
There are a lot of alcohol free or almost alcohol free sportsmen among anarchists and antifascists all over
Also by this action we would like to inform people, that anarchist and antifascist are not dirty words meaning asocial Russophobe and drug addict (as our opponents want to show). We are people who said NO to common governmentally imposed world view. Most of us represent Russian culture and we appeal to representatives of other cultures to have mutual respect to each other. That is the only way for a multicultural society to peacefully exist and go forward.
Source http://www.kurskvetka.org/249
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