ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for March-April 2014

We continue to publish news about repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists and about the obstacles we face from the side of police state. In February, March and April issue you can read about Maidan ghost, letters from the prisons and senseless trials. If you recognize that we've missed anything or you are informed about other cases of repressions, let us know by writing to address abc-msk <>

For costs of all the listed cases, besides indicated internet purses, you may donate money via ABC-Moscow. Check for guidelines. 

Arrest of the Belorussian activist

Dmitry Rezanovich was detained at the Russian-Ukrainian border with the passport to the name of his sibling in the middle of March. He didn't have any papers that could prove his identity. After detaining the anarchist clarified that he went from Ukraine to Kursk region to visit his relatives.

He has been sentenced to administrative deportation out of the Russian Federation according to the violation of the regime of residence. We hope that there won't be the initiation of criminal proceeding. Russian authorities claimed earlier he was suspected in participation in EuroMaidan and preparing a terrorist attack againstt the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Solidarity actions tookn place in Kyiv, Moscow and Lviv.

Solidarity group in VK: -

You may via Yandex Money  – 41001188576819, WEB MONEY -R272103511250

To write a letter use the address: abc-msk <>, in subject field “For Rezanovich”, we'll send all your letters to Dmitry.

The trial of anarchists in Irkutsk

On the 13 th of March, antifascists had been sentenced to a fine of 20 000 rubles (approximately 400 euros) from each for hanging a banner in the memory of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasiya Baburova from the roof of the building.

In the role of witnesses were 2 cops and 1 nazi. It is being planned to appeal the decision in the higher court. On the 18 th of March at the pro-Putin event anarchists handed out the leaflets about the Crimean situation. They were detained, searched and released after a written explanation. .

Arrest of Alexey Sutuga

On the 5 th of April Moscow anarchist and antifascist Alexey Sutuga was detained. He was going back with friends from the show in the club Rock House, when several plain clothes police officers approached to them near “Izmaylovskaya” metro station, they said they are the criminal investigators from Petrovka, 38. At least 10 antifascist were detained with Sutuga together.

All of detainees except Sutuga were searched and released from the Izmaylovo police station without filing a report .

In the police record had been written that Sutuga, from their words, used foul language in the public place. In relation to Sutuga the report was made according to the article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Crimes (minor hooliganism).

Sutuga managed to tell his friends that on the way to DIA he was asked in details about his recent visits to Ukraine, there are similar cases with other political activists.

On the 7 th of April it became known that Sutuga is charged in the criminal offense (“hooliganism with a group of people”), to be exact, the fight with Nazis on the 2nd of January 2014. Alexey himself says that in the evening of the 2 nd of January he tried to intervene streetfighting between two groups of people he did not know in prior. Earlier Sutuga was accused of the fight in the club “Vozdukh” however was granted the amnesty.

Sutuga is currently held in Butyrka prison of Moscow, his prison address is

Alexey Sutuga

 FKU SIZO-2 UFSIN Rossii po g. Moskve,

ul. Novoslodskaya d. 45 127055 Moscow Russia

But please note that Butyrka prison does not allow letters in English, so you may send just a card or translate your letter with google translation.

Beating of the activists in Petrozavodsk

On the 8 th of March another picket against the war in Ukraine picket was planned to be organised in Petrozavodsk. The day before, the organizers were attacked by the over a dozen people in masks while they were getting off the bus. At the day of the picket the activists cooked the food for “Food not Bombs”. When they were going out of the house, they were attacked by strangers. Anarchists were violently put in the cars without registration numbers and brought to the rural area. They were beaten up with whips and the power saw chain; as the result anarchists have broken teeth and one person has the trauma of the spine. Victims appealed to the prosecutor's office (

In the forest the anarchists were demanded to assume that they are in the organization and name their allies. According to the victims, they were interrogated by the Center of counteraction against extremism (E-Center).

Counteraction to «extremism»

 On the 15 th of March, people from Federal Security Services interrogated the dweller of Ivanovo Elizaveta Lisitsina. Before she made the repost from Anarho-News page in (Russian equivalent of the Facebook). The criminal process was initiated according to the article 280 “public inciting to extremist activity“. It's known that she was forced to self-incrimination however Elizaveta used the article 51 of the RF Constitution “Everyone has the right not to incriminate oneself”.

The modem, tablet, MP3 player and laptops were taken away from Lisitsina, her boyfriend and the neighbor. Now the technical expertise is being held. All of these people are in the status of witnesses. The day before the linguistic analysis took place and the marks of extremism had been found. Lisitsina is an active participant of the local scene, she helped to organize movie screenings and pickets dedicated to “Bolotnoe case”

Solidarity group in “Vkontakte”:

To transfer the money for lawyers : Yandex Money – 410011189766242

Several issues of “Avtonom” have been put to the Federal list of extremist materials - № 29, 32 and 33. These issues were recognized as extremist in December of the last year but for several months they were not put in the list. It is recommended to have only one copy of this magazine and to distribute very carefully in Russia because otherwise you may be charged with misdemeanor of “distribution of extremist materials”. Prohibition of these 3 issues don't have any affect to other issues of “Avtonom” , all of them are absolutely legal and available in book shops and local distros.

Criminal prosecution

Several of our comrades are still under investigation according to fake charges and part of them are imprisoned in pretrial detention center. Alexey Gaskarov is charged in “Bolotnaya Square case”, he has been accused in participation in “mass riots” and violation against public authority. Alexey is accused in pulling the arm of a conscripted soldier and the leg of the riot policemen.

According to Alexey's words, he actually tried to pull out that riot policemen but pull him out of the lying on the ground protester who was being beaten by the riot policemen with the baton. And that's all.

In February Alexey wrote two articles for “Svoboda” radio, they are: about criminal responsibility for mass riots in different countries and about relations between Ukraine and Russia due to the annexation of the Crimea.

On the 14th of April in the Zamoskvoretsky district trial the preliminary hearing on “The case of four” are assigned; except Alexey, Ilya Gushchin, Elena Kokhtareva and Alexandr Margolin are charged. Hearing will be held behind the closed doors at 14.00. They are the last accused in “The Bolotnaya Square Case”, whose cases have still not been started considering by the court. Natalia Susina will be the judge, previously she amnestied Dmitry Altaychinov who was charged in “The Bolotnaya Square Case”.


To transfer the money for the lawyers for Alexey and other political prisoners: Yandex Money – 410011867897149

To write the letter to Alexey:

Alexey Vladimirovich Gaskarov FKU SIZO-2 UFSIN Rossii po g. Moskve, ul. Novoslodskaya d. 45 127055 Moscow Russia

FKU SIZO-2 UFSIN Rossii po g. Moskve ul. Novoslobodskaya d. 45 127055 Moskva Russia

The website of support:


Alexey Raskhodchikov

Alexey was convicted for violation towards public authority that was dangerous for life and the health (part 2 of the article 318 of the Criminal Codex). This anarchist from Murmansk started the public correspondence, despite the delay of the letters, for instance, the letter signed as of February 28 but the date on the departure stamp was March 24 . In particular, Alexey asked not to call him “the prisoner of conscience” and here is his opinion about parole .

On the February 11, 2014 Raskhodchikov was sentenced to a year in penal colony. On the April 2, Murmansk region court considered the appeal however the sentence hadn't been changed. As the result of the investigation, Regional youth council on human rights of Murmansk region found out the evidence that the man was brought to the police with the trauma of the head. Earlier the inquire officer refused the initiation of a criminal case towards duty officers, explaining that they are not responsible for the harm caused during the arrest.

From February 20 till March 10, in Arkhangelsk, Apatity, Vologda, Saint Petersburg, Petrozavodsk and Prague there were actions during a week of solidarity for Kraskhodchikov. More information about Alexey and his case you can read on the supportive group website

Yandex Money for lawyers and other needs – 410011959939084

Address to write a letter to Alexey: 184355, Murmansk region, Kolsky district, village Murmashi, Zelenaya str., 14 “a”, IK №16 for Raskhodchikov Alexey Valerievich

Note that we do not know yet if letters in English are accepted in this prison colony, so it is better to translate your letters with a google translator or pass them for support group to be translated: <> gmail <> com 


«The case of 12»


Convicted in the first wave of “Bolotnaya Square process” Stepan Zimin and Alexey Polikhovich are sentenced to 3,5 years of prison. In his letters Polikhovich says that the prison is a great place for self-education. When trials finished there are much time left for reading – Eric Berne, Slavoj Zizek and Logos magazine.

Zimin writes in his letter about prisoner's dilemma: “If nobody talks, the police will accuse both with a minor crime only. Both people will be in the best position if they keep silence, however each will benefit more in case he is the only one who talks. Decency protects you from unnecessary troubles. Thirst of revenge prevents the opposing side from betrayal. Forgiveness helps to restore mutual cooperation. And clarity makes it possible for the opponent to understand, which provides the long term cooperation.”

Addresses for Zimin and Polikhovich_


Alexey Alexeevich Polikhovich, 1990 g.r. FKU SIZO-2 UFSIN Rossii po g. Moskve ul. Novoslobodskaya d. 45 127055 Moskva Russia

Stepan Yurevich Zimin 1992 g.r., FKU SIZO-5 (Vodnik) UFSIN Rossii po g. Moskve, Vyborskaya 20, 125130 Moskva Russia

Note that as prisoners are waiting for appeal and transfer in a remand prison where correspondence in English is not allowed, please just send postcards or translate your letters with google translation.


Iliya Romanov


Recently Iliya, who was earlier sentenced in Ukraine, has written his opinion about Maidan consequences: “The only right tactic is an active interference in any events. Instead of it, the tactic was “we won't do anything, just will be staying at home, reading Marx and will believe in our unavoidable victory.” 

Yandex Money for Iliya's lawyer – 410012031648898

Address to write a letter to Iliya: Russia 603098, N.Novgorod, Gagarina Av., 26 “A”, СИЗО-1, Romanov Iliya Eduardovich, year of birth 1967

Note that as Ilya is in a remand prison where correspondence in English is not allowed, please just send postcards or translate your letters with google translation.

Prepared by ABC-Moscow collective

P.S. To find out about prosecutions in Belorussia read website of ABC-Belorussia (

(might be blocked by some providers in Russia and Belarus, use Proxy and Tor). The collective has recently prepared the news review from prisons (






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