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The self-organization in the fight!

This transmission of the text, which was partly read at the French national radio on October 27 by several people who came into the studio to cancel Life shou.Esli boss requires his employees to agree to the victims and the reduction in salary for the sake of "saving the company, it already means that he had decided to close it. If the right, left, and the media tell us that we must work longer to "save our pension system", they proclaim that it is already scheduled konets.Nam say that we should work for 2 more years. But the operation is always already too long.Stolen, we'll never get back. (Official) trade unions are trying to control the movement, to appear the only reasonable negotiating partner with the government. They are hoping to snatch crumbs from confrontation to maintain visibility. Trade unions have been negotiating on the length of our chains, we want to break them.
TV, press and radio - all of them repeat the same thing and show the same picture. Concentrating on the Refinery or Marseilles scavenger media silent on various initiatives and tactics that have blossomed since the beginning of September: slowing down the speed truck drivers, blockades supermarkets by their employees, renewable strike of teachers, railway workers, factory workers AUTO PSA and the staff of the French national radio, alternating strikes , defeat offices UMP (Sarkozy's party), MEDEF (an association of entrepreneurs) and the municipalities ... We do not expect SMI.Vlast haves tend to divide and conquer.Trade unions, political parties and the masters divide us into separate categories.They oppose consumer strike, the strikers - to those who organized the blockade running - the unemployed, "thugs" - protesters. They resorted to arrests, searches and seizures, to break solidarity. Over the past 3 weeks have arrested 2500 people, the most decisive were sentenced to 5 months tyurmy.My should refuse to participate in the process, which aims to divide us. We need to decide how to act and organize themselves independently of those in power.Thursday will be the next day nationwide protests. Let's go together, organize and move, not paying attention to their instructions. Volatile pickets yulokady, sabotage ... Let's choose what seems to be the most effective and correct tactics against the state and capital, and take responsibility for it.

We do not need them. It's time to sort out between them and us.

Against exploitation - are blocking the economy

Strikes, blockades, sabotage


On Thursday there will be 7 th day of protest against pension reform.Trade unions are hoping for broad public support, despite the adoption of environment impact zakonoproekta.V protests were felt in some regions of France. For example, gasoline and provides 4 of the five stations. Of the 12 refineries in half returned to work. /

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