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Khimkinskaya hostage "and Khimki forest: lawlessness continues

March 22 at the Independent Press Center in Moscow hosted a press conference on the theme of "Khimki case in court. Results of investigation on the case of an attack on the Khimki administration. The press conference was attended by the accused Maxim Solopov and Alexei Gaskarov, leader of the movement in defense of Khimki Forest Eugene Chirikov, head of information department of the Interregional Human Rights Association "AGORA" Dmitry Kolbasin and program manager for the Right to Asylum "Human Rights Institute Elena Ryabinin. Recall the main reason for holding a press conference served as a trial began hearings on the case of an attack on the administration of Khimki July 28, 2010.Criminal case under article "Hooliganism" (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code) was filed July 29, 2010, the day after the events in Khimki, when masked men under the slogans in defense of Khimki Forest threw Fireye and empty bottles at the building of city administration, and scribbled it with cans of paint. On suspicion of involvement in the protest were detained two people who were openly declared his antifascist views: a student and journalist Maxim Solopov "ICD" Alex Gaskarov.Both were themselves in for questioning as witnesses.

Court hearing on March 14 was postponed because the court did not appear the prosecution witnesses, supposedly accidentally passing by the place of the action of anti-fascists in Khimki, 28 July 2010. The judge issued a warrant for involuntary Bringing witnesses to the meeting on March 23.

In addition, Judge Zepalova during a break in the hearing called the city administration of Khimki, then reported that officials who were in the file listed as the victims were not registered among administration officials.

As during the investigation and a court on March 14, both defendants argued that not guilty of alleged action it.The correspondent of "ICD" Gaskarov study was to "lie detector". The audit showed that Alex is not lying and not commit crimes in the action did not participate. Also in the case materials have a large number of photographs and detailed video that completely refute the prosecution's case.Maxim did not deny his involvement in the action, but pointed out that any illegal acts did not commit. His version is confirmed by a number of witnesses, and he is also absent in the photographs and video.

"No statement in the indictment is not supported by evidence," - says the accusation Maxim Solopov. Maxim also said that it Khimkinskaya hostages led Denis Ermyshkin - the same Khimki investigator to investigate the case of an attack on one of the defenders Khimki Forest Sergei Fetisov, before he was taken to the UPC of the Russian Federation.Federal investigators, in contrast to Ermyshkina almost immediately identified a suspect in the attacks on environmental activists - an official from the city administration of Khimki. However, it Khimkinskaya hostages investigator Ermyshkin, despite these gross violations of protection, referred to the court.

At the trial lawyers and Gaskarova Solopova intend to find out details of the prosecution witnesses, as they were about Khimkinskaya Administration on July 28.The defense has reason to believe that these witnesses are dependent on law enforcement officials - their testimony in the case files are identical down to the punctuation.

As we reported, in addition to Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova, currently under recognizance not to leave, arrested another suspect on the case of an attack on the Khimki administration "28 July 2010. Antifascist Denis Solopov, brother Maxim Solopova, came to Ukraine in search of refuge from persecution by the police Khimki.He appealed to the management of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Ukraine for protection. UNHCR, having studied the case of Denis, recognized its mandate refugees, as has come to the conclusion that his prosecution in the Russian Federation is a political one.

Therefore, according to the law of Ukraine "On refugees", Dennis asked the Ukrainian authorities for asylum, and gave a statement to the Department of Migration Service inKiev (CCM). However, March 2, 2011 CMR without any basis to exclude Dennis refugee status. On the same day right at the doorstep of the migration service local police took him to the detention order to consider the question of his extradition to Russia.

March 4 Solomensky Court of Kiev, in considering the appointment of a detainee provisional arrest with a view to his extradition to Russia, has decided not to take into account the documents confirming the recognition of Denis Solopova mandate refugees by UNHCR. The court also decided to simply "not notice" defense assertions that, if extradited to Russia Denis there is a real risk that he would be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment.The judge simply said that he sees no circumstances that would prevent the extradition of Denis Solopova, and authorized a temporary arrest for 40 days. 17 March a court in Kiev has refused protection in the complaint to the warrantless arrest of Denis Solopova.

Participant in the Moscow press conference, Elena Ryabinin stated that the reason to consider prosecution of Dennis Solopova political - themselves received by Ukrainian militiamen materials from Moscow Centre to combat extremism.According to Maxim Solopova, they said that Dennis, along with other suspects in the attack on the Khimki administration, musician Peter Silaev allegedly visited the camp evropeyskh anti-fascists in England and Sweden, as well as their camp. Che Guevara in the Krasnodar region, organized by the Russian left-wing organizations. Maxim said that his brother, as well as who is now in search of Peter Silaev, never crossed the border of the European Union.According to Elena Ryabinin, as grounds for extradition to Russia Denis Solopova to Ukraine sent material, showing only about the anti-fascist activity of Dennis and his communication with foreign anti-fascists.

Currently, Dennis is in Lukyanovskom detention center in Kiev, where instead of the 860 prisoners are held more than 3000 people and almost no heating. Participants of the Campaign for Khimki hostages fear for the health of Dennis Solopova: in this prison have already been cases of tuberculosis infection.

"I think the situation with Gaskarova and Solopova - this is just one facet of pressure on those who are trying to go against the corrupt system and protect the forest Khimki - said at a press conference Evgeny Chirikov. - We all have a constant pressure is.I have tried to take children. Are assaults on the family business, which can easily be an excuse to put my husband in jail. Alle Chernysheva threatened criminal case, said "we are on your ottopchemsya. I understand very well that each of us can easily be in their place, and therefore we support the guys and we demand an immediate end to persecution of the innocent! "

According to Eugene, the police (most recently became the police) have been summoned for questioning Eugene, while delicately ignored her questions about the investigation into the attack on the camp of environmentalists in the forest, Khimki July 23, 2010 unidentified men in white masks.When environmentalists called the police, who arrived outfit is not even checked the documents of the attackers, but in a very crude form ofYerzhan themselves environmentalists, and journalists were in the camp.

Chirikov said that pressure on the defenders of Khimki forest increased after 1 February 2011, when environmentalists gave President Medvedev results of public environmental review, which was recommended by another route highway Moscow - St. Petersburg, which is not in the interests of corrupt officials, but retains near Moscow forests and solves the transportation problem.

After that, Alla Chernyshova was arrested with 2 children on charges of mulezha Bringing a bomb to disrupt the action in defense of the coast Mosvodokanal from buildings, organized by herself.Now a criminal case for "hooliganism" by which you can get up to 5 years imprisonment. Alla long runs on the case as a witness, but, like Khimkinskaya hostages "at any time can go into the category of defendants.

Then the unknown wrote on Eugene Chirikov false information about her alleged abuse of children. Eugene barely made sure that in the UPC on the Moscowregion took her statement with a request to initiate criminal proceedings for lozhy denunciation, but the "verify" information contained in the accusation, scaring children Chirikov, still continue and "guardianship", and DAEC.

With regard to uchastivshhsya inspections of small family businesses Chirikova (besides conducting searches, police department of the Moscow region also calls for questioning clients Eugenia), then, according to Alexei Gaskarova, for funding the shares on July 28 family firm Chirikova checked at the stage of the investigation Khimkinskaya hostages ", and even then all suspicions have been removed.

Dmitry Kolbasin told a news conference that the Human Rights Association "AGORA" he predtavlyaet, monitors the situation of harassment (assault, murder, criminal and administrative cases), civil society activists in Russia since 2006.If in 2006 there were 118 such cases in 2010 - 603. Criminal prosecutions of activists tend to pass on "hooliganism" or "incitement to hatred of a social group" militia. "

Kolbasin also said that in his opinion, dealing with such a weak evidence base hit in court because investigators boyals admit his mistake after the defendants spent 3 months in jail.But he nadeeetsya that the prosecutor before sentencing to stop supporting the prosecution in court, and then the lawsuit will stop the return of the case for further investigation.

Also during the press conference, took the floor who appeared as a listener Valadar Koganitsky. In 2007, he received 3 years probation on charges of beating a police chief of public safety Khimki Tanasiichuk.According Valadar his case, as well as business Khimkinskaya hostages, was fabricated using dummy dependent on police witnesses. Heard the case the same judge Zepalova. The real reason for the persecution Koganitskogo was his active participation in mass actions against the demolition of Memorial Cemetery pilots - veterans in Khimki.

At the end of a press conference Khimkinskaya hostage announced that the campaign in defense of Khimki hostages plans for 4 and 9 April in Moscow holding street rallies in defense of Dennis Solopova (within mezhduarodnoy Week of Action), as well as the opening of an exhibition of his works (Denis - artist ) in Moscow and Kiev.Evgeny Chirikov urged journalists to highlight a rally against "strotelnoy mafia", which will be held in Moscow on 3 April as part of nationwide campaign against the felling of forests, parks, point construction and destruction of cultural heritage.

Recall that the development of toll motorway Moscow - St. Petersburg launched according to the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of 13 April 2004 and ordered by Prime Minister on December 29, 2004

In 2004-2005.with the participation of representatives of the customer and the designer of the project, as well as representatives of the administration of city district of Khimki all variants laying track was chosen as used for laying the territory Khimki forest park.
Beginning in 2005 the inhabitants of Khimki and environmentalists oppose the construction of trails through the forest. The project in its current form has caused concern on the part of the world's environmental and ecological organizations.However, the summer of 2010 began cutting Khimki forest. Environmentalists, residents of Khimki and just concerned people organized a camp at the site of deforestation. In July-August 2010, there was a whole series of cases of violence and violation of civil rights associated with the attempt to build the route "Moscow - Petersburg Khimki through the woods.

July 23, at 5 am, the camp was attacked by environmentalists a few dozen people with masks on their faces and Nazi symbols on their clothes. Head of OOO PO "Heat" Mr. Semchenko admitted hthat the militants were specifically hired them to provoke unrest and give rise police to arrest the activists.

July 28 some 300 people held a rally against logging and arbitrariness of local authorities Khimkinskaya near the city administration.

Chronicle of violence, human rights violations and violations of law associated with attempts to build highway Moscow - St. Petersburg Khimki through the woods:

Source: Campaign for the release of Khimkinskayatheir hostages "

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