«Autonomous Action»: support and take part

2024 was not easy for anyone: wars around the world, right-wing governments coming to power, tightening repression and screws were on the agenda in various countries.

The «Autonomous Action» Media Group is a community of Russian-speaking anarchists located in Russia, forced to leave it temporarily or living in other countries. «The most important war for us» is the Ukrainian one. The future of Russia directly depends on its outcome.

The war against Ukraine is far from over – and a result of it are increasingly insane and brutal bans and harassments in Russia. Nevertheless, our agitation is spreading in many Russian cities. In 2024, our agitation appeared on the streets of Maikop, Ufa, Odintsovo, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Yakutsk, the Nizhny Novgorod region, Veliky Novgorod and Volzhsky. Also, we supported informationally or participated in the organization of many events of relocants from Russia – in Germany, Poland, Finland, Georgia, Armenia, Israel and other countries.

Our campaign materials can be downloaded, printed and distributed (with safety precautions). We are constantly expanding the range of materials available for download.

We publish daily news and texts, announce events with the participation of Russian-speaking anarchists. We maintain social networks and produce a weekly podcast. In 2024 we published almost 800 news items on our website. Despite being blocked in Russia, the site had more than one and a half million visits during the year, not counting robots. Our Telegram channel has more 4,300 subscribers, and we are also rapidly gaining an audience in the decentralized social network Mastodon. In 2024, we released the board game «Revolutionary Memory» and have a number of other publishing plans.

We are interested in working with people who share our values, and we also need financial support to do bigger and better things.

You can help us directly via PayPal adm@avtonom.org or via Crypto Wallet:

Monero: 48ryaNbfGpQhRfQBR79R2xSSZsSKMzCbne4xx6eBWEmfF81fWnoi9cCUyzHTCqJFgNK4qX9aigpsCgwVQpDELS6gKGGR7xT

Bitcoin: bc1qvcu99hgck2d7dfn8a0nql72525spaazajjzrky

Ethereum: 0x1214Bc9dF90ff0C96b057594cB77431abfb7EB2a

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