Support the fundraising for the opening of the Shūzō Hatta Publishing Cooperative from Russia!
Comrades! We are opening a new publishing cooperative. Today, the name of the great revolutionary Shūzō Hatta is undeservedly forgotten. However, his works could have been of great importance for the international anarchist movement. Japanese socialist Ota Ryu said of him: "Shūzō Hatta was the only person not only in Japan but in the whole world who developed the theory of anarchist communism further than Peter Kropotkin." We have studied the changes in anarchist (anarcho-communist) theory from the 1930s to the present day and realized that no one has developed it further than Shūzō. Therefore, our cooperative will bear his name. In the future, we will translate and publish the complete works of Shūzō Hatta, which were printed in Tokyo in the 1980s. We also see that anarchist imaginative literature, anarchist literature for children, and in general all anarchist art are rather poorly developed (especially in Russia). Finally, we can notice the fact that for some reason the development of some sciences has been interrupted (the physiology of society and the kinetic understanding of the world, which Kropotkin wrote about). The goal of our cooperative is to fill all these gaps.
To open a cooperative, we need to raise a large sum – 900 thousand rubles (9,000 dollars). But since we plan to open a cooperative in early 2026, we will definitely have time to raise this amount. We ask those who read this to help us. We are also looking for a translator from English. For all questions, write to us at: sudzohattacoop1@protonmail.com.
Here is a list of books that we plan to publish in addition to the works of Shūzō Hatta:
CrimethInc.: The Secret World of Duvbo
CrimethInc.: The Secret World of Terijian
Brian Morris: "A Defense of Anarchist Communism"
Alfredo M. Bonanno: "Let's Destroy Work, Let's Destroy the Economy"
Steve Cullen: "The Last Capitalist"
Jean Grave: "Free Land"
Octave Mirbeau: "In the Sky"
Pino Cacucci: "Without a Glimmer of Remorse"
An Anarchist Christmas Story. An Anthology
Pierre Ramus: "The Erroneous Doctrine and Unscientific Marxism in the Field of Socialism …
And many other wonderful books.
It is also planned to publish several new works by Russian-language authors:
Bryachislav Revolt: "Synthetic Philosophy of Anarchist Communism"
"Manifesto of the Anarcho-Pre-Raphaelites Brotherhood" (collective of authors)
And several poetry collections.
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