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50 demonstrated against Spanish extradiction court of Petr Silaev in Helsinki, Finland

Demonstration started from senate square 6 PM, and visited Finnish ministry of foreign affairs and Spanish embassy at Katajanokka. Demonstrators shouted "Freedom to Pit" and "Refugee status is not meaningless" in Finnish.

Demonstration was organised by Free Pit -network, Freedom of Movement -network, Into publishing house, Free Pussy Riot Helsinki and PAND - artists for peace.

21st of November it will be full 3 months since arrest of Russian author Petr Silaev in Spain. Spanish anti-terrorist police force arrested Silaev, who has a political asylum in Finland, following Russian arrest warrant against Silaev which was issued two years ago. In end of August, Silaev was released pending the extradiction decision, but he is still not allowed to leave Spain. Now Audiencia National will start legal procedure of extradiction, and at no point have they taken account that Silaev has an asylum in Finland.

Besides organisers of the demonstration, a petition for Silaev has been signed by PEN association of writers for free speech in Finland, chairman of Finnish Peace Committee Teemu Matinpuro, writers association Kiila and Union of Consciencious Objectors in Finland, Association of women for peace, Oma Maa-cooperative of Tuusula and Linda Johansson, EVS Coordinator, The Åland Islands Peace Institute


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