Restaurant day special, people's kitchen opens at 12:00. The lecture starts at 16:30.
Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.
The largest mass suicide known to history claimed the lives of 918 people. When discussing the People's Temple-movement and the events that took place in Jonestown we often mention the cult phenomenon: a strong charismatic leader, naive followers, abuse of power. However the movement was, primarily, political, and the paradise Rev. Jones dreamt of was a socialist one. So who was Jim Jones, and what actually happened in Guyana in November 1976? Doctoral student Alexis Rancken of Åbo Akademi will attempt to answer these and other related questions.
We present a documentary movie "The Life and Death of People's Temple". Documentary is in English.
After the lecture a cultparty!
Dress up as your favorite cultist, come and establish a new cult or just hang out by the suspicious punch bowl. Skilled dj's will make the cultists dance!
Lecture event in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/448183601987247/
Party event in Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/events/1527013110879009/