Disturbances lecture series 18th of October: Movement against austerity — which way forward?
In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on September 12th.
Doors open 6 PM, Lecture 6:30 PM.A historical movement has emerged against austerity policy of Sipilä government, and demonstrations during summer of 2015 have been biggest in Finland for decades. However, change of politics demands change of the government, how could this be reached?
Discussion will be introduced by Ina Juva from A-ryhmä and collective of precarious workers of Siltavuorenpenkere-campus, Kaija Kiesling, chairman of Turku committee of work with senior citizens and from Joukkovoima-movement and Päivi Uljas, PhD, activist and author of seminal works on the history of Finnish welfare state "Hyvinvointivaltion läpimurto" and "Kun Suomi punastui - Talonpoikaisesta yhteiskunnasta hyvinvointivaltioksi».
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/427159667478666/Disturbances is an open series of lectures and discussions at the crossroads of society, philosophy, history, economy and resistance.
We are already aware that we can not live as before, but we do not know what the future holds. Others are stuck in the past, but we only want to understand it. Even a small disturbance of an initial condition can lead a system into a completely different state.
Our speakers are Finnish and international anti-authoritarian researchers and activists. Events are organized in cooperation with A-ryhmä and AutOp, two student groups of the University of Helsinki. You may also follow lecture online (both real-time and recording) at http://bambuser.com/channel/A-ryhma.
Our program is created by the participants themselves, if you want to join or simply get in contact, write a-ryhma@riseup.net.
Children are welcome to any events of A-ryhmä by default! We have now also a separate room from 4:30 to 7 PM in case children get tired of lecture.
Follow our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/aryhma) or group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472074276345164) in case you want to keep updated on future activities!
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