July 22 in Moscow will host an anti-fascist action in memory of Ilya Borodaenko

The rally begins at 19-00 hours, Chistoprudny Boulevard, near the monument Griboyedov. July 21, 2010 marks three years since the assassination of an ecologist, anti-fascist, a member of the movement "independent action" by Ilya Borodaenko an environmental camp in Angarsk.

21 July 2007 at Camp environmentalists protesting against plans to build in the region of the International Uranium Enrichment Center (IUEC), attacked by a group-Nazi skinheads. One participant of the camp was killed and two were seriously injured. In hooliganism and inflicting grievous bodily harm charged a total of 20 people.All of them were released from detention from six months to a year after the attack. One of the attackers - Evgeny Panov - over the past two years has become defendants in three other criminal cases involving attacks on people on the grounds of ethnic hatred. In early July 2010 he was arrested and placed in jail.

Angarsk city court has directed the three materials of the case for further investigation in the Investigation Committee of the Prosecutor's Office Angarsk because of deficiencies in the design of the case materials and other shortcomings of the investigators.Hearings in Angarsk city court for the fourth time due to begin on August 12.

The organizers: Anarchists and anti-fascists in Moscow, "Autonomous Action-Moscow", the participants of the ecological camp in Angarsk.

More information about the attack on the camp and shares memory:
July 21, 2009 in Moscow the share of memory and protest. Because of the rally in memory of July 21, 2009 in Moscow, it was announced in open sources, who came to her of people greeted the two buses with riot police and a crowd of some men in civilian clothes.Nevertheless, the comrades Ilya Borodaenko - Anarchists and anti-fascists - have put the fence of Minatom his portrait, to lay flowers, light candles and pay tribute to the deceased minute of silence. Cops limited questioning protesters. This is the place of action is chosen because ecological camp in Angarsk, protested against the establishment of an International Uranium Enrichment Center (IUEC) - Project Rosatom, created on the basis uprazdennogo Ministry of Atomic Energy and is located in the same building.

Nazi attack on the camp in Angarsk, environmentalists July 21 at 4 am local time in Angarsk was attacked by Nazis environmental camp.The attackers were armed with knives, bats, pneumatic weapon. Wounds died several hours later party camp anarchist and antifascist, a member of the "Autonomous Action" from Nakhodka - Ilya Borodaenko. Two activists were hospitalized with head injuries and fractures of the hand. The camp was set on fire. The activists were stolen documents and personal belongings.

The investigation of the attack on ekolager in Angarsk delayed in mid-October period of the investigation was extended by two months

Marina Rihvanova talks about his son's involvement in the attack on ekolager He was among those on the night of 20 on July 21 attacked ekolager, but in the beating did not participate

In memory of our fallen comrades.In the evening on July 21 in Moscow, a mourning rally in memory of our friend, environmentalists and anti-fascists, party "Autonomous Action" Ilya Borodaenko.
In Nakhodka held funeral Borodaenko Ilya Ilya buried in the town cemetery.Tribute to him came about 150-200 people: relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers.

Statement ekolagerya in Angarsk (the arrest of Paul Rihvanova) We do not know whether Paul was involved in the attack, it was dark and people attackers, we have not seen or remembered. But we are confident in innocence Marina Rihvanovoy and other staff "Baikal Environmental Wave" for the event.

Statement of Environmental protest camps in Angarsk At 5 o'clock in the morning at dawn on July 21 on our sleeping camp was brutally attacked. Some degenerates suddenly threw our tents, burning and stealing our belongings, beat us, sleeping in tents, bats, hammers, batons, kicked.However, they angrily cursed the "antifa".

Silence kills can talk about the Nazi bastards who killed Elijah Borodaenko. But in fact he was killed by silence and indifference.

Press conference on the attack on the eco-camp in July 2007 Yesterday, 25 September, the Independent Press Center (Moscow) held a press conference "The attack on the camp of environmentalists at Angarsk. Neo-Nazis or the security forces? ".The meeting with journalists was devoted to the results of the first two months of investigation

Memorial Day Elijah Borodaenko evening of July 21 on the First of the square of Novosibirsk Picket in Memory of Ilya Borodaenko, a year ago killed in the attack neo-Bonehead on anti-nuclear camp near Angarsk. The picket participants lit candles at the portrait of Elijah and unfurled a banner "Radiation kills nature, nazism kills people.

Action memory of Ilya Borodaenko held in St. Petersburg at the entrance to the Institute "Atomenergoproject" on Suvorov prospectus have been installed by lighting candles, photos of Elijah, laid out leaflets.

July 23 in Angarsk passed information picket and in memory of Ilya Borodaenko morning, opponents of nuclear industry put another information picket in Angarsk on the main theme of the camp - Environmental. Day at the place where up until 5 am on July 21 was located campsite, later burned and destruction, have been wake.

On July 24, Tyumen took action in memory of Ilya Borodaenko was decided to hold it in solitary picket and hand out leaflets

In Samara action of solidarity with environmentalists affected in Angarsk on 23 July, pl.Glory (near the eternal flame) 15 people staged a makeshift memorial to those lost to Ilia Borodaenko and all the victims at the hands of the Nazis.

In Europe, held rally of solidarity with Russian environmentalists and anti-fascists Solidarity actions were held in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland

In Berlin, held a rally of solidarity with the Angarsk on July 31 about 50 people gathered in front of Russian Embassy

Nizhny Novgorod: share the memory of Elijah Borodaenko August 5, in Nizhny Novgorod took action in memory of Ilya Borodaenko.Ilya - member organization of the autonomous action of the city of Nakhodka (Primorsky Territory) had been killed by neo-Nazis July 21, 2007. At the rally gathered about

Action memory of the victims of neo-Nazism. Ufa 29 th August. 40 days ago in Angarsk, neo-Nazis killed our comrade Agler (Ilya Borodaenko). We, the anti-fascists in Ufa, decided to honor the memory of the deceased friend, as well as those who have died in recent years. We've put photos of the dead from eternal fire, and put them flowers, lit fireworks and had a moment of silence.We remember you, we'll continue your business, komrady ...

40 days of the murder of Elijah Borodaenko in Tyumen Tyumen on August 29 at 19.00 in memory of Elijah Borodaenko (Agler) to the Monument of Fighters Revolution laid flowers and lit candles. Ibid delivered two portraits of Agler and the plaque with the text about him and the circumstances of death.

Moscow anarchists commemorate those killed by the Nazis anti-fascists in 40 day of the murder of Elijah Borodaenko on the Moskva River embankment was made an impromptu memorial to dead guys: the photos were laid flowers and lit candles.Once put everything stood still and silent.

The action took place in the memory of Magnitogorsk Okolo 25 anarchists and anti-fascists under the red and black flags marched to the monument "Rear Front, devoted to the Second World War. At the bottom put a photo of Elijah, laid flowers and lit candles.

Action memory: Nizhny Novgorod on August 29 in Nizhny Novgorod was action in memory of an anarchist, fascist, environmentalist, member of the movement "independent action" Elijah Borodaenko murdered by the Nazis in an environmental protest camp at Angarsk.

Shares of memory Ilya Borodaenko: Irkutsk and Angarsk One solution to the Sixth Congress of AD was a funereal activities Ilya Borodaenko on the fortieth day of his death.Then, at a rally against the construction of a nuclear center in Angarsk, the same proposal made by local activists.

Action memory in Ivanovo 29.08.2007 at 8 pm anarchists and anti-fascists Ivanovo commemorated Agler.

Newsletter of friends and comrades of participants ecological camp in Angarsk, we do not raise any doubt the involvement of neo-Nazis in this brutal attack which was caused by the presence in the camp of people who hold an active anti-fascist stance.

From the camp in Angarsk Yesterday we said goodbye to Ilya, said - who could - parting words, put on a nail beside the coffin. We have done for him, that could, and still remains an enormous sense of guilt

9 days after the murder of Elijah Borodaenko: in Moscow there was action in memory of July 29 in Moscow anti-fascists gathered on the banks of the Moskva River on the ninth day after the murder of Elijah. The action took place in silence under a never-ending rain.

Neo-Nazis again attacked members of environmental protests in Angarsk group of youths armed with bats and bottles, shouting slogans of "anti-antifa", chased after by several ecologists, emerging from the apartment. After leaving the apartment the other environmental attackers retreated slowly, chanting insulting slogans.

Killed party of autonomous operation. Scum-murderers will not go unpunished! On the night of 20 to 21 July, it was an attack on the eco-camp near the city of Angarsk (Irkutsk Region).The camp protest began work on July 14 and was organized by the Baikal Environmental Wave, "" Autonomous Action "and several other organizations

Angarsk. Two more autonomy from the still in the hospital for two members of the autonomous organization of the action is today in the hospital after the attack on the eco-camp on the night of 20 to 21 July. One member - the girl was able to move independently and feels good. Other - friend of the BP-Vladivostok still in serious condition.

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